I Wonder if the dems are Getting Tired of LOSING yet?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
I mean wow. It ain't lookin' good for the dems. Since 2010 they've been LOSING on an EPIC scale. They've lost more seats of power than one can fathom. The odd thing is though, instead of backing off and regrouping, they've been doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on their madness. Instead they've just been getting more shrill, militant and radical, which is exactly why they started losing in the first place.

I can't say that I don't like it though. They seem to be blind to what their problem is and are just charging full steam ahead with all their America hating trash, riots, protests... what part about all that can't they see that the vast majority of Americans are FED UP WITH?

Well, so be it. Guess by the time they're done they won't have power to do SQUAT. They won't be able to even get one of themselves elected DOG CATCHER.

Good for America.
They seem pretty confident and energized after that health care vote yesterday.
Give the conservatives a few years with Trump in the white house. I think many more BIG changes are coming. The radical obama years are over.
They seem pretty confident and energized after that health care vote yesterday.
Give the conservatives a few years with Trump in the white house. I think many more BIG changes are coming. The radical obama years are over.
He gets one more judge even in the next four years abortion is in big trouble!
Kennedy is ready to retire and Ginsburg is about ready to die, so yeah, SCOTUS is prime to be stacked with conservative judges for a long, LONG time.

They weren't counting on ever having to worry about elections again. 4 years of Hillary would have sealed the deal on their radical agenda to end our republic with SC appointments of activist justices, millions more illegals voting, and a million or more muslims being brought in (to vote Dem). Then Trump came along and rained on their parade. No wonder they're so mad. Oh well. Still LMAO.
They weren't counting on ever having to worry about elections again. 4 years of Hillary would have sealed the deal on their radical agenda to end our republic with SC appointments of activist justices, millions more illegals voting, and a million or more muslims being brought in (to vote Dem). Then Trump came along and rained on their parade. No wonder they're so mad. Oh well. Still LMAO.
You'll nailed it, but don't look for any prog to EVER admit it.
They seem pretty confident and energized after that health care vote yesterday.
Give the conservatives a few years with Trump in the white house. I think many more BIG changes are coming. The radical obama years are over.
He gets one more judge even in the next four years abortion is in big trouble!
Kennedy is ready to retire and Ginsburg is about ready to die, so yeah, SCOTUS is prime to be stacked with conservative judges for a long, LONG time.


And so what, are they going to get rid of the first amendment? Force people into church, force prayers in schools, what are they going to do? What? Quoting Comey, Lordy what are they going to do?
They seem pretty confident and energized after that health care vote yesterday.
Give the conservatives a few years with Trump in the white house. I think many more BIG changes are coming. The radical obama years are over.
He gets one more judge even in the next four years abortion is in big trouble!
Kennedy is ready to retire and Ginsburg is about ready to die, so yeah, SCOTUS is prime to be stacked with conservative judges for a long, LONG time.


And so what, are they going to get rid of the first amendment? Force people into church, force prays in schools, what are they going to do? What?

Wouldn't surprise me...They're a bunch of religious fascist that hate the first amendment with a passion and freedom even more.
They seem pretty confident and energized after that health care vote yesterday.
Give the conservatives a few years with Trump in the white house. I think many more BIG changes are coming. The radical obama years are over.

Like what, play for pay on steroids, nepotism, we already have that. Polluted water and air will increase yes, tax cuts for the elites yes,

slave labor perhaps.
I mean wow. It ain't lookin' good for the dems. Since 2010 they've been LOSING on an EPIC scale. They've lost more seats of power than one can fathom. The odd thing is though, instead of backing off and regrouping, they've been doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on their madness. Instead they've just been getting more shrill, militant and radical, which is exactly why they started losing in the first place.

I can't say that I don't like it though. They seem to be blind to what their problem is and are just charging full steam ahead with all their America hating trash, riots, protests... what part about all that can't they see that the vast majority of Americans are FED UP WITH?

Well, so be it. Guess by the time they're done they won't have power to do SQUAT. They won't be able to even get one of themselves elected DOG CATCHER.

Good for America.

Is it a surprise that those who support sore loser policies, are sore losers themselves... keep losing?

On the other hand, the winner who supports winning policies... is almost tired of winning.

Seems like the natural order of things to me.
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They seem pretty confident and energized after that health care vote yesterday.
Give the conservatives a few years with Trump in the white house. I think many more BIG changes are coming. The radical obama years are over.
He gets one more judge even in the next four years abortion is in big trouble!
Kennedy is ready to retire and Ginsburg is about ready to die, so yeah, SCOTUS is prime to be stacked with conservative judges for a long, LONG time.


And so what, are they going to get rid of the first amendment? Force people into church, force prayers in schools, what are they going to do? What? Quoting Comey, Lordy what are they going to do?
They may see fit to overturn abortion on demand.
They could see fit to make the second stronger.
Are they tired of losing? Judging from the never ending lies and half truths from them around here, I'd have to say no, they are not.
They seem pretty confident and energized after that health care vote yesterday.
Give the conservatives a few years with Trump in the white house. I think many more BIG changes are coming. The radical obama years are over.
He gets one more judge even in the next four years abortion is in big trouble!
Kennedy is ready to retire and Ginsburg is about ready to die, so yeah, SCOTUS is prime to be stacked with conservative judges for a long, LONG time.


And so what, are they going to get rid of the first amendment? Force people into church, force prayers in schools, what are they going to do? What? Quoting Comey, Lordy what are they going to do?

You do know prayers were in public schools right up until 1960-ish, correct?

We even had prayer in public school when I was a kid, and I'm younger than that.

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