I wish someone would end welfare


Reagan even dead is stronger than real live Progressives!!!!
Clinton Pelosi Reid, and of course your Messiah Obama

all irrelevant in the wake of Reagan 30 years ago??

that's what you're saying

Its been corporate rule since the Reagan attack on Unions.....that is why the weekend is done and the 40 hour work week too...
he says it is what a follower of Christ would want
why would a follower of Christ want something Jesus didn't say to do?? Christians live by the word

too many people here are silly petty types who cant admit they are wrong
This is taken as an admission that the post was misread and that you, thus, are not one of those 'petty types'.

YAWN; you are trying to draw a distinction between somebody saying what a follower of Christ would do and what Christ said to do., a follower of Christ isn't going to do something he thinks Jesus wouldn't approve of
you are a child; awkwardly making a fool of your self

You are showing a lack of capacity or unwillingness to read.
You claim the poster says Jesus says government should do something. The poster does not say Jesus says the government should do something. The poster mentions what Christians would do.
A child could understand that.
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so Reagan was dead even when alive and he's STILL getting the best of Progressives??

am I reading you right moron???
They have a Pathological psychotic hatred for the poor...they want the poor to piss in a cup to get food stamps they want the poor limited in what they can eat...these are savage and ugly Americans who salute the wealthy and dump on the poor..
under left-wing politics the richest are richer

the very poorest are poorer
That would be under GOP policies that have favored the wealthy , cut their taxes allowed Tax dodging and attacked labor unions ...the GOP hates labor unions in the US odd because they loved labor unions in Poland.........
you are saying that "republican policies" are in effect no matter what the Left tries

Government handouts is the right thing to do. Helping people and getting the help they need is what a real follower of Christ would want.

I think we should focus more on the education and helping people along the path to recovery!

It is heartless to want to kick everyone off of it.

why is it the Left-wing idiots that need constant reminding of the separation of church and state? When did Jesus ever say it was the government's responsibility to any of this?
WHEN DID JESUS say it was not?
and by admitting left-wing Progressive ineptitude you are also admitting things have gotten worse on Democrat's watch

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