I will never forget or forgive


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
How about you?

Lol, isnt it amazing that some people think killing three thousand people is funny?

Fuck you 'Tax Man', hiding in your Mommies basement.
I am sorry but i do not hide like a republican. My mom died 18 or more years ago, and I do not think it is funny just sad that Boooooosh dismissed the PDB.

What current event are you referring to?
Memorial day weekend that we just had?

Yeah, sure. Put stuff where it belongs, please

OK I was wanting to post a 9/11 thread since last week but I work 10 hours a day and I cant do it through the week.

I have pnumonia and only today got back online.

Sorry for not being better at posting a thread in the appropriate forum.
Yeah, and as of 2015 we've lost 7,000 Americans in the Middle East. Oh, and then there's the over 200 thousand innocent civilians that got killed. Was it worth it? What did we accomplish?
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No I won't forget the conspiracy done to the US citizens, read my posts in the conspiracy forums. Sorry about your congestion in the lungs.
Yeah, and as of 2015 we've lost 7,000 Americans in the Middle East. Was it worth it? What did we accomplish?

I am fairly sure that Ossama Bin Laden and Sadam Hussein had faces.

Both of those men were dead years before 2015. We are fighting extremism, an idea. It's not hard to convince a desperate population of people that the foreigners occupying their country are the bad guys. It's a fight that was never possible to win without killing everybody in the Middle East. You want to talk about not funny? A quarter of a million people are dead now. When does it end?
Yeah, and as of 2015 we've lost 7,000 Americans in the Middle East. Was it worth it? What did we accomplish?

I am fairly sure that Ossama Bin Laden and Sadam Hussein had faces.

Both of those men were dead years before 2015. We are fighting extremism, an idea. It's not hard to convince a desperate population of people that the foreigners occupying their country are the bad guys. It's a fight that was never possible to win without killing everybody in the Middle East. You want to talk about not funny? A quarter of a million people are dead now. When does it end?

As Leo McGarry put it..."is the only way this ends is the US flag over Mecca?"
Both of those men were dead years before 2015.

This is about 9/11 which was in 2001.

We are fighting extremism, an idea.

No, we are fighting people who are at war with us and everything we stand for.

It's not hard to convince a desperate population of people that the foreigners occupying their country are the bad guys.

We do not occupy Egypt, Sudan nor did we occupy Saudi Arabia on 9-11-2001.

As much as you libtrards would like to blame the West, the Jihadists ha ve been at war with us for centuries. And we did not start it.

It's a fight that was never possible to win without killing everybody in the Middle East.

But we are winning it as Trumps conference with moderates in Saudi Arabia confirmed.

You want to talk about not funny? A quarter of a million people are dead now. When does it end?

A quarter of a million dead is peanuts to these terrorists. They throw their own lives away assaulting armed troops.

So give them a free trip to see their virgins.
No I won't forget the conspiracy done to the US citizens, read my posts in the conspiracy forums. Sorry about your congestion in the lungs.
If you are forgetting anything, it looks to be your anti psychotic medication.

It can't work if you don't take it.

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