I venture to guess Rep. Ilhan Omar was right

My views have changed one way or the other on Israel over the years. The fact is there are still several million people living there. I believe there is corruption in the Israeli government. But so are we. When Trump met Neti the first time to improve relations with Israel, Neti looked relieved in a humble way. He did not look arrogant and like he was owed or controlling. In future years with the Progs relations with Israel will be affected even though the globalists consider Israel and that region the most important part of the world with its history and three religions merging there.

what you never heard by the lobbyists corporate controlled media here in the western world is citizens in Isreal who try and fight the corruption of their government and want it reformed,are either being murdered or sent off to jail.You never hear any of those facts of course other than the alternative news not controlled by them. thank god for alternative media,the truth would never get out if not for them.
Yes just like adolph hitler and the muslims you think jews control everything what a delusional moron
Tramp loves anyone who is loyal to him and has money. It doesn't matter if one is the devil and most are.

Birds of a feather flock together!!!!!
My views have changed one way or the other on Israel over the years. The fact is there are still several million people living there. I believe there is corruption in the Israeli government. But so are we. When Trump met Neti the first time to improve relations with Israel, Neti looked relieved in a humble way. He did not look arrogant and like he was owed or controlling. In future years with the Progs relations with Israel will be affected even though the globalists consider Israel and that region the most important part of the world with its history and three religions merging there.

what you never heard by the lobbyists corporate controlled media here in the western world is citizens in Isreal who try and fight the corruption of their government and want it reformed,are either being murdered or sent off to jail.You never hear any of those facts of course other than the alternative news not controlled by them. thank god for alternative media,the truth would never get out if not for them.
Yes just like adolph hitler and the muslims you think jews control everything what a delusional moron

only a moron would deny that reality that zionist jews control our fucking corrupt government,the majority of our politicians are corrupt son,that is because the ones with a conscience who speak out against the corruption of Israel,get kicked out of office sonny boy.:rolleyes:

carter while out of office,has told it like it is,saying those words himself..LOL
AIPAC among other jewish groups in the US have Trump in their pocket. Trump is bought and always has been. Money is his motivation.

Let me guess: You have a picture of Hitler hanging in your house, yes? It is sad to see the vile depths to which the far left is sinking.

WHY are you afraid of the truth and cant accept it that you have been brainwashed your while life by our corrupt school system? i have. dude even the good jewish people juduism folks have spoke out against the atrocities of the ZIONISTS jewish government of Israel, are you going to say THEY hold a pic of hitler in their homes?:rolleyes-41::rofl::laughing0301::lmao:
My views have changed one way or the other on Israel over the years. The fact is there are still several million people living there. I believe there is corruption in the Israeli government. But so are we. When Trump met Neti the first time to improve relations with Israel, Neti looked relieved in a humble way. He did not look arrogant and like he was owed or controlling. In future years with the Progs relations with Israel will be affected even though the globalists consider Israel and that region the most important part of the world with its history and three religions merging there.

what you never heard by the lobbyists corporate controlled media here in the western world is citizens in Isreal who try and fight the corruption of their government and want it reformed,are either being murdered or sent off to jail.You never hear any of those facts of course other than the alternative news not controlled by them. thank god for alternative media,the truth would never get out if not for them.
Yes just like adolph hitler and the muslims you think jews control everything what a delusional moron

only a moron would deny that reality that zionist jews control our fucking corrupt government,the majority of our politicians are corrupt son,that is because the ones with a conscience who speak out against the corruption of Israel,get kicked out of office sonny boy.:rolleyes:

carter while out of office,has told it like it is,saying those words himself..LOL
Carter's a moron, too. Not really somebody you should be holding up as a role model -- but then, you really don't have anyone admirable who supports your delusional bullshit.
AIPAC among other jewish groups in the US have Trump in their pocket. Trump is bought and always has been. Money is his motivation.

Let me guess: You have a picture of Hitler hanging in your house, yes? It is sad to see the vile depths to which the far left is sinking.

WHY are you afraid of the truth and cant accept it that you have been brainwashed your while life by our corrupt school system? i have. dude even the good jewish people juduism folks have spoke out against the atrocities of the ZIONISTS jewish government of Israel, are you going to say THEY hold a pic of hitler in their homes?:rolleyes-41::rofl::laughing0301::lmao:
Juduism? Are they like martial artists?
My views have changed one way or the other on Israel over the years. The fact is there are still several million people living there. I believe there is corruption in the Israeli government. But so are we. When Trump met Neti the first time to improve relations with Israel, Neti looked relieved in a humble way. He did not look arrogant and like he was owed or controlling. In future years with the Progs relations with Israel will be affected even though the globalists consider Israel and that region the most important part of the world with its history and three religions merging there.

what you never heard by the lobbyists corporate controlled media here in the western world is citizens in Isreal who try and fight the corruption of their government and want it reformed,are either being murdered or sent off to jail.You never hear any of those facts of course other than the alternative news not controlled by them. thank god for alternative media,the truth would never get out if not for them.
Yes just like adolph hitler and the muslims you think jews control everything what a delusional moron

only a moron would deny that reality that zionist jews control our fucking corrupt government,the majority of our politicians are corrupt son,that is because the ones with a conscience who speak out against the corruption of Israel,get kicked out of office sonny boy.:rolleyes:

carter while out of office,has told it like it is,saying those words himself..LOL
Carter's a moron, too. Not really somebody you should be holding up as a role model -- but then, you really don't have anyone admirable who supports your delusional bullshit.

thanks for showing what a fucking liar you are as always DUNCEman.:asshole:

these juduism jewish folks are far more admirable than you can ever wish you will ever be in your sad pathetic life.:abgg2q.jpg: Unlike you,they dont ignore FACTS.

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AIPAC among other jewish groups in the US have Trump in their pocket. Trump is bought and always has been. Money is his motivation.

Let me guess: You have a picture of Hitler hanging in your house, yes? It is sad to see the vile depths to which the far left is sinking.

WHY are you afraid of the truth and cant accept it that you have been brainwashed your while life by our corrupt school system? i have. dude even the good jewish people juduism folks have spoke out against the atrocities of the ZIONISTS jewish government of Israel, are you going to say THEY hold a pic of hitler in their homes?:rolleyes-41::rofl::laughing0301::lmao:
Juduism? Are they like martial artists?

you zionist warmongers i notice always jump for a typo error while evading facts dismissing them and harping on typo errors.
Pres.Trump isn't unique in fawning over the terrorist state of Israel and its zionist psychopath rulers.

Every American president for the last several decades has kowtowed to AIPAC demands and adjusted U.S. foreign policy to whatever is best for Israel, regardless of how damaging it is to America. ... :cool:
--------------------------------------------- damaging to America , where and how Sunni ??
Anyone who doubts there is a "shadow government" controlling the American political process. Just needs to do a little research into the AIPAC cabal and its agenda, and you will quickly figure out why our country is in such a mess both overseas and domestically. ... :cool:
-------------------- Trump loves Israel and i see no messed up USA . USA quietly rules the world in an unofficial way Sunni .
They should be made to pay Syria big bucks for the land of which they have been using since the 6 day war.

Sorry, but there are unpleasant consequences for starting a war you can’t win. Losing soldiers, equipment and territory are all on that list.

Well in that case Germany should now be part of the US, and Rome should still own Israel. We should control Iraq.

It has never been a law internationally that you get the land you fight a war on wins the land.
I could have typed this anywhere. When the two boats were taken by Iran with a dozen military people during the Obama administration, that is when I had enough. It is incredible even with a military depleted by Obama that we had to go through that shame. In a war setting that broad would have been raped and had her body eviscerated.
My views have changed one way or the other on Israel over the years. The fact is there are still several million people living there. I believe there is corruption in the Israeli government. But so are we. When Trump met Neti the first time to improve relations with Israel, Neti looked relieved in a humble way. He did not look arrogant and like he was owed or controlling. In future years with the Progs relations with Israel will be affected even though the globalists consider Israel and that region the most important part of the world with its history and three religions merging there.

what you never heard by the lobbyists corporate controlled media here in the western world is citizens in Isreal who try and fight the corruption of their government and want it reformed,are either being murdered or sent off to jail.You never hear any of those facts of course other than the alternative news not controlled by them. thank god for alternative media,the truth would never get out if not for them.
Yes just like adolph hitler and the muslims you think jews control everything what a delusional moron

only a moron would deny that reality that zionist jews control our fucking corrupt government,the majority of our politicians are corrupt son,that is because the ones with a conscience who speak out against the corruption of Israel,get kicked out of office sonny boy.:rolleyes:

carter while out of office,has told it like it is,saying those words himself..LOL
Carter's a moron, too. Not really somebody you should be holding up as a role model -- but then, you really don't have anyone admirable who supports your delusional bullshit.

thanks for showing what a fucking liar you are as always DUNCEman.:asshole:

these juduism jewish folks are far more admirable than you can ever wish you will ever be in your sad pathetic life.:abgg2q.jpg: Unlike you,they dont ignore FACTS.


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