I Told You So


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Go back and read some of my threads on the growing robotics industry in the fast food industry.
The cows are coming home to roost and the chickens are being processed and prepared and served by robots.
There are thousands of small manufacturing businesses throughout Asia which are building robots to sell to the 'West'. These robots are the future of every FF franchise on earth.
The future in the US looks like every fucking doper being 'streamed' through high school then goes on to get a free education and a fucking degree in 'Transgender Studies' and then in desperation, b/c the parents are too fucking broke to house and feed the dopers anymore, end up applying for 'McJobs' only to be shown the latest robot which can unpackage the frozen fries, which another robot has packaged into specific portions and put the fries into a fryer which is programmed to leave the fries in the hot stinking canola oil, then remove the portion and put the fries into the cardboard container, which another robot has put the napkin, salt pack and ketchup and vinegar packs, which anthor robot in China has manufactured, then set the fries in the paper bag which another robot made. then the bag is positioned on a rack where the lone human employee hands the bag to the person waiting at the drive by window.
The doper is told not to bother applying again in person but they are welcome to apply online.
The doper goes home to mommy and mommy sneaks the doper a twenty when daddy isn't looking. The doper walks to the corner store and buys a bottle of 'red' and a pack of red licorice which were produced mainly by robots. She then goes to her room and watches a couple of Bob Ross episodes. Just another fucking day in paradise.
Go back and read some of my threads on the growing robotics industry in the fast food industry.
The cows are coming home to roost and the chickens are being processed and prepared and served by robots.
There are thousands of small manufacturing businesses throughout Asia which are building robots to sell to the 'West'. These robots are the future of every FF franchise on earth.
The future in the US looks like every fucking doper being 'streamed' through high school then goes on to get a free education and a fucking degree in 'Transgender Studies' and then in desperation, b/c the parents are too fucking broke to house and feed the dopers anymore, end up applying for 'McJobs' only to be shown the latest robot which can unpackage the frozen fries, which another robot has packaged into specific portions and put the fries into a fryer which is programmed to leave the fries in the hot stinking canola oil, then remove the portion and put the fries into the cardboard container, which another robot has put the napkin, salt pack and ketchup and vinegar packs, which anthor robot in China has manufactured, then set the fries in the paper bag which another robot made. then the bag is positioned on a rack where the lone human employee hands the bag to the person waiting at the drive by window.
The doper is told not to bother applying again in person but they are welcome to apply online.
The doper goes home to mommy and mommy sneaks the doper a twenty when daddy isn't looking. The doper walks to the corner store and buys a bottle of 'red' and a pack of red licorice which were produced mainly by robots. She then goes to her room and watches a couple of Bob Ross episodes. Just another fucking day in paradise.

You sound happy.

And your point was what exactly? That had the "doper" not been doing dope the robots would never have taken the jobs?
Go back and read some of my threads on the growing robotics industry in the fast food industry.
The cows are coming home to roost and the chickens are being processed and prepared and served by robots.
There are thousands of small manufacturing businesses throughout Asia which are building robots to sell to the 'West'. These robots are the future of every FF franchise on earth.
The future in the US looks like every fucking doper being 'streamed' through high school then goes on to get a free education and a fucking degree in 'Transgender Studies' and then in desperation, b/c the parents are too fucking broke to house and feed the dopers anymore, end up applying for 'McJobs' only to be shown the latest robot which can unpackage the frozen fries, which another robot has packaged into specific portions and put the fries into a fryer which is programmed to leave the fries in the hot stinking canola oil, then remove the portion and put the fries into the cardboard container, which another robot has put the napkin, salt pack and ketchup and vinegar packs, which anthor robot in China has manufactured, then set the fries in the paper bag which another robot made. then the bag is positioned on a rack where the lone human employee hands the bag to the person waiting at the drive by window.
The doper is told not to bother applying again in person but they are welcome to apply online.
The doper goes home to mommy and mommy sneaks the doper a twenty when daddy isn't looking. The doper walks to the corner store and buys a bottle of 'red' and a pack of red licorice which were produced mainly by robots. She then goes to her room and watches a couple of Bob Ross episodes. Just another fucking day in paradise.
So this is why China alledgedly released "by accident" (of course), the corona population thinning virus on the world maybe ? Hmmmmmm.

Does globalism have Hitler tendencies within it's charter maybe, otherwise a "final solution" to a population problem growing in the wrong directions as is according to the global elite ???

I mean the whole world has it's population undesirables, and the way we see it here in America in the ways that the undesirables are being talked about, and are being hated upon, I ask don't it all make sense somehow ???
Better than $0
so is 2 cents. What is the point? Oh, yeah because raising minimum wage to relfect real inflation makes what all the allegedy 'highly educated and skilled' currently make look like far bigger utter morons for working so cheap and sucking ass for their imaginary 'advanced status' look like craven toadying.
Make all the jobs robotic. I'm kind of jealous that I won't live through the time where people don't have to work but get a wage anyway.

So many people throw fits over the number of jobs we have lost to outsourcing overseas. But more people have lost their jobs in the US to automation than to outsourcing.
Yep. I started work in a steel mill in 1972 when they employed 3,200. I retired 35 years later when the workforce was down to 1,100. They didn`t drop any products or move to China. Mills that failed to modernize are closed.
So many people throw fits over the number of jobs we have lost to outsourcing overseas. But more people have lost their jobs in the US to automation than to outsourcing.

We had automation long before there was a minimum wage. So what? Elon Musk's major selling point to WAll Street gamblers was his bragging about his new factories for his cars would be 'completely automated n stuff', he even bought out a German engineering firm that specialized in automating machinery for auto plants and ferried them over here. Guess what? He ended up having hire far more people per car in his plants than the Japanese have in theirs, like several times more workers. lol

Automate all the jobs, then we will see how many robots buy your crap.
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Don't go to robotics FF. Who am I gonna complain to about my soggy fries and cold coffee to?

sold 500,000.

Sold 10,7 million in 2019, down to around 7.6 million since up to March of this year, down 14%, over 5x the number of Tesla employees, while selling 21 times the number of cars in 2019.
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Don't go to robotics FF. Who am I gonna complain to about my soggy fries and cold coffee to?
They already automated much of it now; not much left to automate. I noted some stores bought those automated floor cleaners a while back; now they seem to have gone back to hiring a guy to tool around on the old ones again.
I`m guessing that he thinks $7.25 an hour is too much money for unskilled labor
It’s definitely too much for the individuals who can’t, won’t, or don’t understand and comply with such simple requests as “no pickles”.

Almost 30 years ago I worked in a McDonalds restaurant for about 90 days. I truly saw the lowest common denominator of the American work force…

these people needed a visual aid to assemble a hamburger. Milkshake mix had to be labeled by color rather than flavor. Cashiers had to have the register count coins for them.

I personally invite and embrace the robots if they can speed things up and get my order right.
Pay people a fair wage or a minimum wage you cheap scumbag.
They will just run around claiming 'people are just lazy n stuff', same as they did thousands of years ago about their slaves. IF people worked for free they would still be complaining. They snivle about '$10 hamburgers', but guess what? cheap hamburger meal now is nearly $10, over a time when minimum wage didn't increase for over a decade. These people really have no clue what labor costs are per order, which isn't much. That's how i can tell most of them never ran a business, much less a fast food business; maybe hired a few criminal illegal aliens to do something or other, mow their yards or something.
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