I think the Dems are desperately looking for new VP before they force Biden out

Lightfoot just looks like a walking corpse, she's still popular with Democrats as she is a lesbian and a woman as well as black. That checks off a lot of boxes for Democrat voters. Remember she won with over 2/3 of the vote in 2019, if she can win reelection, I'd say she stands a good chance.
Lightfoot is a female version of Beetlejuice.
Wrong. Both Houses have to approve the new VP. Read your Constitution.

True, but that wouldn't be a problem in the current dem-controlled House. For the Dems, the problem is in the Senate if Biden resigns and Harris becomes the prez. Because at that point Harris is no longer the VP and does not have the tie-breaking 51st vote. So, if at least one of the GOPers (not McConnell) won't vote to confirm the new VP under Harris then the office remains vacant.

That same problem remains if the Dems force Harris to resign, whoever they nominate to be the new VP still has to be confirmed in both Houses but the Dems again would no longer have the tie-breaking 51st vote in the Senate.
True, but that wouldn't be a problem in the current dem-controlled House. For the Dems, the problem is in the Senate if Biden resigns and Harris becomes the prez. Because at that point Harris is no longer the VP and does not have the tie-breaking 51st vote. So, if at least one of the GOPers (not McConnell) won't vote to confirm the new VP under Harris then the office remains vacant.

That same problem remains if the Dems force Harris to resign, whoever they nominate to be the new VP still has to be confirmed in both Houses but the Dems again would no longer have the tie-breaking 51st vote in the Senate.
You think after January 3, 2023 that the Dems will still have a majority in either house? What kind of drugs are you abusing?
You think after January 3, 2023 that the Dems will still have a majority in either house? What kind of drugs are you abusing?

Naw man, I thought we were talking about before the election. I've said many times that I think Biden will resign sometime early next year and Harris will become the prez. She will nominate somebody to be the VP but at that point it becomes a political calculation by the GOP whether they want to fight that nominee or not. Not sure it'll matter cuz that tie-breaking vote won't matter much when the GOP controls the Senate. Maybe the repubs will have some justification for not supporting the new VP nominee, but that's really an argument for next year.
Naw man, I thought we were talking about before the election. I've said many times that I think Biden will resign sometime early next year and Harris will become the prez. She will nominate somebody to be the VP but at that point it becomes a political calculation by the GOP whether they want to fight that nominee or not. Not sure it'll matter cuz that tie-breaking vote won't matter much when the GOP controls the Senate. Maybe the repubs will have some justification for not supporting the new VP nominee, but that's really an argument for next year.

The Republicans aren't going to give up control again in the Senate, if the D's surrender it by having Harris ascend the throne.

After the election, possibly.

But even then, if the R's capture the House of Representatives, not freaking likely.

Why surrender the position of "next in line" to the Presidency that the Speaker holds.

The price that the R's would demand for their votes for VP will be too high unless the D's recapture the House
Tell us how totally not racist you are, Lisa, that never gets old.

If Biden choses not to run for a second term due to his age, then Harris will be a contender... but more likely the Democrats will go with a proven governor like Newsom or Pritzker.
Not racism to point out what an actual disaster this twit has been. Your pathetic playing of the race card gets really old really quickly. Biden will not be allowed to run again and the Dem nominee will just be a sacrificial lamb to get slaughtered in 2024.
Not racism to point out what an actual disaster this twit has been. Your pathetic playing of the race card gets really old really quickly. Biden will not be allowed to run again and the Dem nominee will just be a sacrificial lamb to get slaughtered in 2024.
Thank you! I am not allowed to point out the obvious - that Harris is completely inept and was chosen for her color and gender (Biden told us that) - without a leftist screeching racist. The accusation of racism has been so overused, inaccurately, that it is completely meaningless.

And P.S. That liberal who called me a racist said that the Jewish religion was ”disgusting.” Don‘t these liberal antisemites see their own hypocrisy?
Most liberals love our country, they just don’t like what the cons are trying to turn it into.
They want to return this Country to what it was when Eisenhauer was POTUS.

They think Leave It To Beaver was real.
I accept your surrender.

But hey, I will give you one more chance....prove that 90% of the world's population even knows who Obama and Soros are
prove that they don't. Neither can be proven and we both know it. What we all do know is that the USA is weaker and poorer since senile joey has taken over, or maybe you are happy with $5 gas and 8% inflation. Are you?
Hard to have a VP more retarded than the current 'elected' resident. Democrats managed to do it tough.
prove that they don't. Neither can be proven and we both know it. What we all do know is that the USA is weaker and poorer since senile joey has taken over, or maybe you are happy with $5 gas and 8% inflation. Are you?

You are the one making claims, all I am asking is that you back them up.

If you cannot do that, then they are dismissed as lies
prove that they don't. Neither can be proven and we both know it. What we all do know is that the USA is weaker and poorer since senile joey has taken over, or maybe you are happy with $5 gas and 8% inflation. Are you?
answer the question, gator. Try to be honest for once
You are the one making claims, all I am asking is that you back them up.

If you cannot do that, then they are dismissed as lies
"if you like your plan you can keep it" lie or truth?
"I never had sexual relations with that woman, MIss Lewinsky" lie or truth?
"I never had any dealings with my son's businesses" lie or truth?

I could go on for several pages, but maybe you get it. Dems lie constantly and you just roll over and smile as they rob your foolish ass.
Thank you! I am not allowed to point out the obvious - that Harris is completely inept and was chosen for her color and gender (Biden told us that) - without a leftist screeching racist. The accusation of racism has been so overused, inaccurately, that it is completely meaningless.

And P.S. That liberal who called me a racist said that the Jewish religion was ”disgusting.” Don‘t these liberal antisemites see their own hypocrisy?

All religion is disgusting to me... try to keep up.

Uh, the Republicans don't really get to complain about Harris being Inept after you've run Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin for Vice-President. And Bush and Trump for president, for that matter.

"if you like your plan you can keep it" lie or truth?
"I never had sexual relations with that woman, MIss Lewinsky" lie or truth?
"I never had any dealings with my son's businesses" lie or truth?

I could go on for several pages, but maybe you get it. Dems lie constantly and you just roll over and smile as they rob your foolish ass.

The first one is largely true... most plans were untouched by ACA.
The other two are really not any effect on your life.

Now, compare that to Republican whoppers like 'There are WMD's in Iraq" and "Covid will go away by Easter", now THOSE are whoppers. Whoppers that put Americans into boxes.
They know that if Harris, who is totally inept and only in that position due to affirmative action, were to become president, her total incompetence would be on display daily, and she would run the risk of being 25th once the Republicans have Congress, thus ensuring #3 - who would then be a Republican SOH - would become president.

So I believe they will offer some high-level post to Harris, who can save face by saying she thinks she can play a more substantial role there, and then replace her with the person they think can beat Trump in 2024. Look for this to happen after the midterms.

No link - just my opinion.

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