I Think I Will Scream


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
. . . . if I turn on the TV one more time and hear another minute of wall-to-wall nonstop 24/7 discussion of the most HEINOUS event of the 21st Century! DAYS after the fact . . . .

That President Trump blamed all sides in the violence in Charlottesville.

DAYS LATER, this is still the Number 1 News Story of the World? That Trump didn't denounce Nazism as the FIRST thing he said? Oh wait, he DID. But in doing so, he tried to include ALL forms of hatred and violence and made a call for more peace and unity in the country.



It just amazes me the number of people even on Fox News calling this a moral outrage, complaining about the incessant coverage all the while never stopping talking about it, that all of his people on his manufacturing council for jobs walked out, and that he is now ruined with both his base and the voters. Because he had to SPELL OUT by name in one massive Pavlovian Catharsis that Nazi's aren't the nicest people, and blame them as the only and SOLE reason why a city turned into a mob.

But the city turned into a mob because once again, the police backed off and LET IT HAPPEN. They stood by and WATCHED.

People left and right all across the country and around the world can't trip over their own feet fast enough now in one big ME TOO to make sure they all barf out in genuflection how much they hate Nazis.

Me too!!! Hack! Spit! Ptooey!

Snifff. You can smell the Political Correction in the air, and the FEAR of being DENOUNCED as NOT being politically correct!


But wait: isn't hatred what the Nazis are about? So you HATE the Nazis for HATING?

There is something seriously wrong with the world.

The Nazi's are FULLY ENTITLED to their opinions and views no matter what they are. There are no "conditions" of morality in the Constitution! If you don't agree with them, CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL YOU GOD DAMNED SNOWFLAKE! There is more outrage over this small group of stupid zealot demonstrators than there is for Imams preaching Death to America in mosques all across our country!

The sad fact is that in all of this, Donald Trump is the only one who got it right. The Nazi's HAD A PERMIT to demonstrate and hold a rally there in Charlottesville, the Antifas did not. What did Charlottesville expect they would do--- ---maybe hand out flowers and Bibles? The problem with BOTH they AND the Antifas is that they both use hatred and violence as the tools to their own ends.

The irony is that the Antifas are protesting against fascism, in doing so in the way they do, they actually use the same methods as the very people they are protesting! Fascism!

Why not think of the Nazis and the Antifas both as groups of Love:

The Nazis would love a nation devoid of Blacks, Jews and Christians where only Whites dominate. They are just pissed because that world doesn't exist HERE. Maybe they need to go find an island somewhere.

And the Antifas would love a world free of other people telling you how to live your life and who can be here, by going around telling others how THEY should live and whether they can be here. And beat you with a bat if you don't comply.

And the world looks on and laughs at the madness as America spins and implodes.
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. . . . if I turn on the TV one more time and hear another minute of wall-to-wall nonstop 24/7 discussion of the most HEINOUS event of the 21st Century! DAYS after the fact . . . .

That President Trump blamed all sides in the violence in Charlottesville.

DAYS LATER, this is still the Number 1 News Story of the World? That Trump didn't denounce Nazism as the FIRST thing he said? Oh wait, he DID. But in doing so, he tried to include ALL forms of hatred and violence and made a call for more peace and unity in the country.



It just amazes me the number of people even on Fox News calling this a moral outrage, complaining about the incessant coverage all the while never stopping talking about it, that all of his people on his manufacturing council for jobs walked out, and that he is now ruined with both his base and the voters. Because he had to SPELL OUT by name in one massive Pavlovian Catharsis that Nazi's aren't the nicest people, and blame them as the only and SOLE reason why a city turned into a mob.

But the city turned into a mob because once again, the police backed off and LET IT HAPPEN. They stood by and WATCHED.

People left and right all across the country and around the world can't trip over their own feet fast enough now in one big ME TOO to make sure they all barf out in genuflection how much they hate Nazis.

Me too!!! Hack! Spit! Ptooey!

Snifff. You can smell the Political Correction in the air, and the FEAR of being DENOUNCED as NOT being politically correct!


But wait: isn't hatred what the Nazis are about? So you HATE the Nazis for HATING?

There is something seriously wrong with the world.

The Nazi's are FULLY ENTITLED to their opinions and views no matter what they are. There are no "conditions" of morality in the Constitution! If you don't agree with them, CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL YOU GOD DAMNED SNOWFLAKE! There is more outrage over this small group of stupid zealot demonstrators than there is for Imams preaching Death to America in mosques all across our country!

The sad fact is that in all of this, Donald Trump is the only one who got it right. The Nazi's HAD A PERMIT to demonstrate and hold a rally there in Charlottesville, the Antifas did not. What did Charlottesville expect they would do--- ---maybe hand out flowers and Bibles? The problem with BOTH they AND the Antifas is that they both use hatred and violence as the tools to their own ends.

The irony is that the Antifas are protesting against fascism, in doing so in the way they do, they actually use the same methods as the very people they are protesting! Fascism!

Why not think of the Nazis and the Antifas both as groups of Love:

The Nazis would love a nation devoid of Blacks, Jews and Christians where only Whites dominate. They are just pissed because that world doesn't exist HERE. Maybe they need to go find an island somewhere.

And the Antifas would love a world free of other people telling you how to live your life and who can be here, by going around telling others how THEY should live and whether they can be here.

And the world looks on and laughs at the madness as America spins and implodes.
Instead of basking in your confusion and misunderstanding of this situation, how about to take a second to look at it objectively and realize there are some deep seeded and serious issues with what happened.

TODAY I saw 2 anchors and 2 pundits cry on Fox News. This is not just a MSM leftie overreaction
Couple more days and viewers will tune out....you can only beat a dead horse so long....
Couple more days and viewers will tune out....you can only beat a dead horse so long....
Especially a dead horse that was DOA and already rotting when you started beating. Reasonable people without an agenda know exactly what Trump meant. I find Mitt Romney's response and all the other useless lose GOP idiots SHOCKING. They really were ass hurt when Trump beat them.

Even hard-core dems have to secretly love what Trump did to the useless GOP idiots.
What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection
I am keeping track now. Last week I watched a total of 8 minutes of cable news, about 5 minutes of Fox and about 3 minutes of random samples of the other networks. It's all turning to pig swill. Even Fox is going downhill, forced into the position to defend Trump constantly rather than report news. We deserve better.
What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection

Ok I self reflected. I conclude that KKK guys who dust off their bedsheet/pillow case outfit to protest are not a threat to America. The Liberal leadership of this country, The Media that does their bidding and the brainless masses that do their bidding are a threat to America.
What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection

As long as they aren't hurting anyone let them protest what ever the hell they want. All they are doing is making themselves look stupid.

There was no reason to counter protest since no one but themselves take them seriously.
What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection

That's the problem Slade, there was no watering. But I don't see you too worried about communists in the White House, schools and universities, or traitors in our intelligence agencies undermining our national security? At least with the Supremacists, they are only marching and yelling. Unlike Obama and Hillary and others in the DNC who've done REAL HARM to our country and led to the death of millions of lives in the Middle East, the Nazi and KKK groups mostly just make noise and stand little chance of ever actually banishing all the blacks and Jews or much of anything else other than to get a spot on the evening news.
. . . . if I turn on the TV one more time and hear another minute of wall-to-wall nonstop 24/7 discussion of the most HEINOUS event of the 21st Century! DAYS after the fact . . . .

That President Trump blamed all sides in the violence in Charlottesville.

DAYS LATER, this is still the Number 1 News Story of the World? That Trump didn't denounce Nazism as the FIRST thing he said? Oh wait, he DID. But in doing so, he tried to include ALL forms of hatred and violence and made a call for more peace and unity in the country.



It just amazes me the number of people even on Fox News calling this a moral outrage, complaining about the incessant coverage all the while never stopping talking about it, that all of his people on his manufacturing council for jobs walked out, and that he is now ruined with both his base and the voters. Because he had to SPELL OUT by name in one massive Pavlovian Catharsis that Nazi's aren't the nicest people, and blame them as the only and SOLE reason why a city turned into a mob.

But the city turned into a mob because once again, the police backed off and LET IT HAPPEN. They stood by and WATCHED.

People left and right all across the country and around the world can't trip over their own feet fast enough now in one big ME TOO to make sure they all barf out in genuflection how much they hate Nazis.

Me too!!! Hack! Spit! Ptooey!

Snifff. You can smell the Political Correction in the air, and the FEAR of being DENOUNCED as NOT being politically correct!


But wait: isn't hatred what the Nazis are about? So you HATE the Nazis for HATING?

There is something seriously wrong with the world.

The Nazi's are FULLY ENTITLED to their opinions and views no matter what they are. There are no "conditions" of morality in the Constitution! If you don't agree with them, CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL YOU GOD DAMNED SNOWFLAKE! There is more outrage over this small group of stupid zealot demonstrators than there is for Imams preaching Death to America in mosques all across our country!

The sad fact is that in all of this, Donald Trump is the only one who got it right. The Nazi's HAD A PERMIT to demonstrate and hold a rally there in Charlottesville, the Antifas did not. What did Charlottesville expect they would do--- ---maybe hand out flowers and Bibles? The problem with BOTH they AND the Antifas is that they both use hatred and violence as the tools to their own ends.

The irony is that the Antifas are protesting against fascism, in doing so in the way they do, they actually use the same methods as the very people they are protesting! Fascism!

Why not think of the Nazis and the Antifas both as groups of Love:

The Nazis would love a nation devoid of Blacks, Jews and Christians where only Whites dominate. They are just pissed because that world doesn't exist HERE. Maybe they need to go find an island somewhere.

And the Antifas would love a world free of other people telling you how to live your life and who can be here, by going around telling others how THEY should live and whether they can be here. And beat you with a bat if you don't comply.

And the world looks on and laughs at the madness as America spins and implodes.
Trump deserves exactly what he's getting. His moral ambiguity with Nazis is a direct reflection of being counseled by that neonazi Steve Bannon or the other Neonazi Miller or the other neonazi Gorka.
What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection

That's the problem Slade, there was no watering. But I don't see you too worried about communists in the White House, schools and universities, or traitors in our intelligence agencies undermining our national security? At least with the Supremacists, they are only marching and yelling. Unlike Obama and Hillary and others in the DNC who've done REAL HARM to our country and led to the death of millions of lives in the Middle East, the Nazi and KKK groups mostly just make noise and stand little chance of ever actually banishing all the blacks and Jews or much of anything else other than to get a spot on the evening news.
Communists. TDF.
Joe McCarthy Jr.
The media is frothing themselves over this and no one cares.

CNN anchors crying live, they were smiling after the events of BLM looting and riots. Obviously, they can't fathom how Antifa did anything wrong by physically attacking legally organized protesters.
What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection

As long as they aren't hurting anyone let them protest what ever the hell they want. All they are doing is making themselves look stupid.

There was no reason to counter protest since no one but themselves take them seriously.
Well they are hurting people like that Mississippi church they burned down and all the Jewish cemeteries they've vandalized and the promise just this week by one of their leaders saying more will die after that poor woman was run down by one
The media is frothing themselves over this and no one cares.

CNN anchors crying live, they were smiling after the events of BLM looting and riots. Obviously, they can't fathom how Antifa did anything wrong by physically attacking legally organized protesters.
Idiot still putting those who stand up to the evil of the white racists on par with the racists themselves
What's wrong with you people.... Nazis, the KKK and white supremacist groups are marching down our streets and calling for the banishment of Jews and blacks. And you are yawning and annoyed because it makes your President look bad when he waters down the seriousness of this problem? Y'all need to do some serious self reflection

Ok I self reflected. I conclude that KKK guys who dust off their bedsheet/pillow case outfit to protest are not a threat to America. The Liberal leadership of this country, The Media that does their bidding and the brainless masses that do their bidding are a threat to America.
Yeah well when they all rally together and decide to go on tour to spread their garbage then I do consider that a threat and I consider it inappropriate and I'm fine with standing up to their message of hate. Now Thats coming from me, a white guy, I imagine blacks and Jews have much deeper and personal feelings about this. You should too, but since it is making your president look bad you don't think it's relevant. That is so weak.

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