I said it once I'll say it again it is time to put the Supreme Court out of business ...... let's get on with it.


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
I said it once I'll say it again it is time to put the Supreme Court out of business ...... let's get on with it.

What do we do about the Court?

There is an obvious and pressing need now to do whatever is politically permissible in stopping the GOP from further distorting its composition.

But, beyond that, there is also a need to make it part of our national reckoning with the history and traditions of racism in the United States.

It is long overdue to end the Court’s undemocratic role in U.S. society.
I said it once I'll say it again it is time to put the Supreme Court out of business ...... let's get on with it.

What do we do about the Court?

There is an obvious and pressing need now to do whatever is politically permissible in stopping the GOP from further distorting its composition.

But, beyond that, there is also a need to make it part of our national reckoning with the history and traditions of racism in the United States.

It is long overdue to end the Court’s undemocratic role in U.S. society.
What you're advocating is an end to America's, three-tiered system of governance. Bad idea!!
I said it once I'll say it again it is time to put the Supreme Court out of business ...... let's get on with it.

What do we do about the Court?

There is an obvious and pressing need now to do whatever is politically permissible in stopping the GOP from further distorting its composition.

But, beyond that, there is also a need to make it part of our national reckoning with the history and traditions of racism in the United States.

It is long overdue to end the Court’s undemocratic role in U.S. society.
Yeah.....you have everything else corrupted beyond recognition.......why not dissolve the court.
I said it once I'll say it again it is time to put the Supreme Court out of business ...... let's get on with it.

What do we do about the Court?

There is an obvious and pressing need now to do whatever is politically permissible in stopping the GOP from further distorting its composition.

But, beyond that, there is also a need to make it part of our national reckoning with the history and traditions of racism in the United States.

It is long overdue to end the Court’s undemocratic role in U.S. society.
The article is long on problems; short on solutions.
I said it once I'll say it again it is time to put the Supreme Court out of business ...... let's get on with it.

What do we do about the Court?

There is an obvious and pressing need now to do whatever is politically permissible in stopping the GOP from further distorting its composition.

But, beyond that, there is also a need to make it part of our national reckoning with the history and traditions of racism in the United States.

It is long overdue to end the Court’s undemocratic role in U.S. society.
LOL Can't adjust to being in the minority, huh?
Our current court system has been in place since at least the times of Magna Carta ... why throw away something that works? ...

The big difference is American courts are independent of both Congress and Executive branches of government ... SCOTUS can, and does, rule without regard to politics ... by design ...

"Fair" and "equitable" means both sides are equally disappointed ... so expect disappointment when you enter the courtroom ...
You want to hold on to these diversity programs and abortion advocates but you want to get rid of a Constitutionally protected branch of government? What the hell are they teaching in schools?
I said it once I'll say it again it is time to put the Supreme Court out of business ...... let's get on with it.

What do we do about the Court?

There is an obvious and pressing need now to do whatever is politically permissible in stopping the GOP from further distorting its composition.

But, beyond that, there is also a need to make it part of our national reckoning with the history and traditions of racism in the United States.

It is long overdue to end the Court’s undemocratic role in U.S. society.

Yeah...nothing you just posted has anything to do with what the Supreme Court is supposed to do or how it is supposed to be.

When assholes on your side were putting in left wingers who didn't deserve to be judges since they don't understand the Constitution, conservatives sat back and worked to get the votes to put conservatives on the court. Now that you guys are behind by one justice, you want to destroy the entire court.....

This is why we don't trust you with power....

The racism that came from the Supreme Court came from the democrat party Justices on the court......so look to the democrats, not the Republicans when you want to be a whiny little bitch.............
I am disappointed with the SCOTUS, like allowing federal gun laws, ending Roe Vs Wade, allowing the War on Drugs, etc., but I don't think ending the SCOTUS would actually help.
I said it once I'll say it again it is time to put the Supreme Court out of business ...... let's get on with it.

What do we do about the Court?

There is an obvious and pressing need now to do whatever is politically permissible in stopping the GOP from further distorting its composition.

But, beyond that, there is also a need to make it part of our national reckoning with the history and traditions of racism in the United States.

It is long overdue to end the Court’s undemocratic role in U.S. society.
So you want to distort the USSC to the DNC side of things?

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