“I really think you should press the button to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth.”

Paul Joseph Watson works for Alex Jones on Infowars and invents stories that idiots believe in.

I think that his views will find favour with many of his fellow travellers on the right but perhaps will disappoint his many Jewish fans.

Basically the far right might conceal its true motives for a period but the truth always comes out in the end.
Alex Jones can’t be classified as far right but is more of a conspiracy lunatic that shouldn’t be taken seriously and those that work for him or the one you posted about seem more Storm Front type and those types never vote for either big party politician unless they have taken the oath of white purity…
It seems that they are keen to talk about anything else but the OP.
Why wont right wingers condemn this character ?

I dont think the answer is a mystery of any sortt.

I see from the article that Watson moves in elevated right wing circles. Trump,dopey Candace and Farage.

He is also banned from Twatter. No doubt Elon will welcome him back into the Klaven soon.

I condemn him and all racists and anti-semites, no matter what their skin color is....this guy, if what was posted is true, is a moron........

Do you condemn the rabid anti-semitism of the democrat party in the U.S....along with ihan omar, and AOC who are not people on youtube, but members of the leadership of the democrat party?
'Far right"?

You fucking leftards are downright STUPID.

Alex Jones is a libertarian, dumb shit.

He's not far ANYTHING, except kookie.

The other guy Watson, I never even heard of him, I mean, do you fuckers sit up all night scouring the internet for some jackass who said something stupid?

Get a life! Go screw a trannie or something

And he points out an unknown youtube guy...vs. ........?

AOC and ihan omar and the rest of the anti-semites in the leadership of the democrat party......actual leaders in that party who are anti-semites...
So it's okay to cause a civil war, destroy whole cities, and cause a massive migration of Syrians throughout Europe?
That money Obama gave Iran helped pay for that.
It was Irans money. We have just given them back $400m that we owed them.

Paul Joseph Watson works for Alex Jones on Infowars and invents stories that idiots believe in.

I think that his views will find favour with many of his fellow travellers on the right but perhaps will disappoint his many Jewish fans.

Basically the far right might conceal its true motives for a period but the truth always comes out in the end.
Sounds more like a Muslim thing. God knows no one's tried harder since Hitler.
Taint will soon go on some other search of hideous shot which he can falsely ascribe to “the right.” Taint is nothing more than a hack bitch troll. In case anybody has failed to notice.
Nope....you do not give terrorists money. When Iran is a rational nation again, you give the money to them....
The US destablised Iran and led to all the peoblems there. You also amed bin laden. You shouldnt lecture on terrorism,
Taint will soon go on some other search of hideous shot which he can falsely ascribe to “the right.” Taint is nothing more than a hack bitch troll. In case anybody has failed to notice.
So this guy isnt right wing ?
Its easier to just say he is an outlier and that you condemn him for his views.
By covering for him you make yourself look stupid and raise questions about your own beliefs.
Do you want to eliminate the Jews like this riht wing pig ?
So this guy isnt right wing ?
Its easier to just say he is an outlier and that you condemn him for his views.
By covering for him you make yourself look stupid and raise questions about your own beliefs.
Do you want to eliminate the Jews like this riht wing pig ?

Versus the left wing pigs like AOC and ihan omar? Do you condemn them?
One of the biggest antisemites on the board posts a fake hit piece against jews ....then wonders why peoole laugh at him.

Brain damage
It was Irans money. We have just given them back $400m that we owed them.
Yeah.....they took our people hostage for a year, which is an act of war, and Obama sends them pallets of money....and then figures out a way to give them another $152 billion without the authorization of congress.

The fake excuse is that it's their money anyway.
Now Biden is negotiating another deal to give them even more of "THEIR MONEY" back.

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