Zone1 I Really Think It's Time Whites Started Looking At Themselves


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Every day we see countless tired threads made by people here about blacks or thinking they are giving blacks advice on how to do things. Meanwhile they ignore some very real problems in the white community.


In 2022, 37,459 Whites killed themselves. In this same year 10,470 blacks were murdered. If we assume that 90 percent of those blacks who were killed were killed by another black person, then in 2022, 9,423 blacks were murdered in black on black killings. In 2022, 4 times more whites killed themselves than blacks killed blacks. Now whites here have whined incessantly about how more blacks kill whites than whites kill blacks yet that number is less than 1,000 annually. This means that at least 37 times more whites killed themselves than were killed by blacks in 2022. Yet we see threads here about black deaths, blacks beating up whites or asians, black mayhem and all that. It takes blacks 4 years to kill as many blacks as whites kill themselves each year. So instead of lecturing us about "black culture" fix a culture so deprived that the people in it valure life so little that they take their own.

And per capita doesn't even excuse you here, because whites committed suicides 9.54 or nearly 10 times more than blacks. Clean up the white community and stop running your mouths about ours.
Every day we see countless tired threads made by people here about blacks or thinking they are giving blacks advice on how to do things. Meanwhile they ignore some very real problems in the white community.

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In 2022, 37,459 Whites killed themselves. In this same year 10,470 blacks were murdered. If we assume that 90 percent of those blacks who were killed were killed by another black person, then in 2022, 9,423 blacks were murdered in black on black killings. In 2022, 4 times more whites killed themselves than blacks killed blacks. Now whites here have whined incessantly about how more blacks kill whites than whites kill blacks yet that number is less than 1,000 annually. This means that at least 37 times more whites killed themselves than were killed by blacks in 2022. Yet we see threads here about black deaths, blacks beating up whites or asians, black mayhem and all that. It takes blacks 4 years to kill as many blacks as whites kill themselves each year. So instead of lecturing us about "black culture" fix a culture so deprived that the people in it valure life so little that they take their own.

And per capita doesn't even excuse you here, because whites committed suicides 9.54 or nearly 10 times more than blacks. Clean up the white community and stop running your mouths about ours.
In 2022, 4 times more whites killed themselves than blacks killed blacks.

There are 6 times more whites in America than blacks

So the stats still put black people behind the 8-ball
Every day we see countless tired threads made by people here about blacks or thinking they are giving blacks advice on how to do things. Meanwhile they ignore some very real problems in the white community.
If only Baby Jesus could move you to Scotland .
Then we could have you retired on His Majesty's Pleasure .
Which would be our pleasure .
Shut up and fix your community. 40,000 suicides in a year is a problem.

Every day we see countless tired threads made by people here about blacks or thinking they are giving blacks advice on how to do things. Meanwhile they ignore some very real problems in the white community.

According to your own source, White suicides increased 2.1% that year, but black suicides increased 3.6%. Kind of sounds like you are the one with a problem.

Or maybe 2021 was a really depressing year and more people offed themselves.
What IM2 neglects is that whites aren’t blaming racism or demanding reparations for suicides among whites, or other problems.

I’ll simplify it so he understands: if my neighbor has a dirty kitchen, I don’t care and will keep my mouth shut. But if my neighbor blames ME for his dirty kitchen and demands I pay for a maid to clean it, then I will suggest he improve his own kitchen by putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and mopping the floor.

STOP blaming whites for the problems in poor black neighborhoods, and demanding reparations, and I’ll stop making suggestions how black themselves can improve their own communities.
How can democrats be for abortion but against suicide?
Good question. They seem to support the murder of the innocent who would want to live, and oppose the suicide of people who have chosen to die.

(Not that I’m in favor of suicide. The only instance in which I support it is when someone is suffering from terminal illness, with a short remaining life expectancy, and in pain.)

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