I read this post on another forum and am interested in feedback based on the Christian Bible


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
I think the author is a heretic but his post is interesting nonetheless. I just don't recall any biblical verses that back up what he's saying. Do you know of any? Here is what he wrote:

When Satan realized God was going to sacrifice Himself, he tried to stop it, and ((inhabiting Judas)) threw the 30 pieces of silver back.
Satan led a small army to Gethsemane, and Christ flattened them, including Satan himself in Judas, by uttering His name. it was not Satan's intent to seize Christ but to force His hand - and Satan did not realize that Christ is God until that moment. Satan isn't stupid - he's more clever than any of God's creation. he knew Jesus could walk right through a crowd of guards trying to seize Him. he knew Jesus was full of power and could command even the water and the wind - He showed complete command over all of physical creation. so what does Satan think a hundred men with swords and clubs are going to do? does he think they are any kind of threat to the Messiah?? he is not stupid.
he expected to force Jesus to start an insurrection, calling fire down to destroy them or something. Satan wanted Peter to draw his sword; Jesus told him to put it away, and healed Malchus' ear.

at the cross the Lord defeated Satan by laying down His life. Satan ain't out to get defeated. he thought Jesus was only an anointed man, not divine, and sought to cause Him to fall. he did not know He is God until God chose to reveal Himself, saying I AM and rendering Satan utterly powerless.

people are evil all by themselves; Satan didn't make humanity reject the light and love darkness. humans will do that even with Satan imprisoned for a thousand years and Christ seated on the throne - people will reject God even with certain knowledge that He is God. the devil didn't 'make you do it'
whatever may have been of a satan was laid to rest long ago, the same must be accomplished by each individual to free their spirit as the requirement for admission to the Everlasting -

only in their single source book is there ever a mention the itinerant claimed to be a messiah - the events of the 1st century and the reason for the crucifixion was the message of liberation theology not servitude the itinerant knew would lead to his death.
I think the author is a heretic but his post is interesting nonetheless. I just don't recall any biblical verses that back up what he's saying. Do you know of any? Here is what he wrote:

When Satan realized God was going to sacrifice Himself, he tried to stop it, and ((inhabiting Judas)) threw the 30 pieces of silver back.
Satan led a small army to Gethsemane, and Christ flattened them, including Satan himself in Judas, by uttering His name. it was not Satan's intent to seize Christ but to force His hand - and Satan did not realize that Christ is God until that moment. Satan isn't stupid - he's more clever than any of God's creation. he knew Jesus could walk right through a crowd of guards trying to seize Him. he knew Jesus was full of power and could command even the water and the wind - He showed complete command over all of physical creation. so what does Satan think a hundred men with swords and clubs are going to do? does he think they are any kind of threat to the Messiah?? he is not stupid.
he expected to force Jesus to start an insurrection, calling fire down to destroy them or something. Satan wanted Peter to draw his sword; Jesus told him to put it away, and healed Malchus' ear.

at the cross the Lord defeated Satan by laying down His life. Satan ain't out to get defeated. he thought Jesus was only an anointed man, not divine, and sought to cause Him to fall. he did not know He is God until God chose to reveal Himself, saying I AM and rendering Satan utterly powerless.

people are evil all by themselves; Satan didn't make humanity reject the light and love darkness. humans will do that even with Satan imprisoned for a thousand years and Christ seated on the throne - people will reject God even with certain knowledge that He is God. the devil didn't 'make you do it'
whatever may have been of a satan was laid to rest long ago, the same must be accomplished by each individual to free their spirit as the requirement for admission to the Everlasting -

only in their single source book is there ever a mention the itinerant claimed to be a messiah - the events of the 1st century and the reason for the crucifixion was the message of liberation theology not servitude the itinerant knew would lead to his death.
I think the author is a heretic but his post is interesting nonetheless. I just don't recall any biblical verses that back up what he's saying. Do you know of any? Here is what he wrote:

When Satan realized God was going to sacrifice Himself, he tried to stop it, and ((inhabiting Judas)) threw the 30 pieces of silver back.
Satan led a small army to Gethsemane, and Christ flattened them, including Satan himself in Judas, by uttering His name. it was not Satan's intent to seize Christ but to force His hand - and Satan did not realize that Christ is God until that moment. Satan isn't stupid - he's more clever than any of God's creation. he knew Jesus could walk right through a crowd of guards trying to seize Him. he knew Jesus was full of power and could command even the water and the wind - He showed complete command over all of physical creation. so what does Satan think a hundred men with swords and clubs are going to do? does he think they are any kind of threat to the Messiah?? he is not stupid.
he expected to force Jesus to start an insurrection, calling fire down to destroy them or something. Satan wanted Peter to draw his sword; Jesus told him to put it away, and healed Malchus' ear.

at the cross the Lord defeated Satan by laying down His life. Satan ain't out to get defeated. he thought Jesus was only an anointed man, not divine, and sought to cause Him to fall. he did not know He is God until God chose to reveal Himself, saying I AM and rendering Satan utterly powerless.

people are evil all by themselves; Satan didn't make humanity reject the light and love darkness. humans will do that even with Satan imprisoned for a thousand years and Christ seated on the throne - people will reject God even with certain knowledge that He is God. the devil didn't 'make you do it'
Doesn't sound much different than all the other fantastic tales I heard growing up in a Southern Baptist church. Those fire and bremstone nuts tend to embellish the bible stories to make them more interesting, and the people walk out of church amazed at the special anointing the preacher had received to be able to share all the details they had never heard before. When you start with a bunch of contradicting stories, it's not surprising they might get bigger and more conveluted each time they are told. You might note that's exactly how all the conspiracy theories evolve, and their believers are just as sure of their truth.
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Doesn't sound much different than all the other fantastic tales I heard growing up in a Southern Baptist church. Those fire and bremstone nuts tend to embellish the bible stories to make them more interesting, and the people walk out of church amazed at the special anointing the preacher had received to be able to share all the details they had never heard before. When you start with a bunch of contradicting stories, it's not surprising they might get bigger and more conveluted each time they are told. You might note that's exactly how all the conspiracy theories evolve, and their believers are just as sure of their truth.
Well and that's why I asked if anyone here can make a biblical argument for the beliefs that he stated. I think the guy is a heretic. I very much dislike people that preach things as biblical FACT when, in fact, it's not mentioned in the Bible.
Well and that's why I asked if anyone here can make a biblical argument for the beliefs that he stated. I think the guy is a heretic. I very much dislike people that preach things as biblical FACT when, in fact, it's not mentioned in the Bible.
Then you wouldn't enjoy very many TV preachers.
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Then you wouldn't enjoy very many TV preachers.
I don't watch TV preachers, but I do enjoy listening to Pastor John MacArthur. I've listened to many of his sermons on YouTube. Are you familiar with him?
and Satan did not realize that Christ is God until that moment.
This calls to mind the story Mark tells in Chapter 5, by the man possessed by demons. As Jesus was saying, "Come out..." these words came out of the mouth of the man possessed: What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God do not torment me!

Jesus asked him his name and he said his name was Legion. If the demons knew Jesus was the Son of God, wouldn't Satan? Or, is the thought that thinking of Jesus as the Son of the Most High is different from thinking Jesus was one with God?
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This calls to mind the story Mark tells in Chapter 5, by the man possessed by demons. As Jesus was saying, "Come out..." these words came out of the mouth of the man possessed: What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God do not torment me!

Jesus asked him his name and he said his name was Legion. If the demons knew Jesus was the Son of God, wouldn't Satan? Or, is the thought that thinking of Jesus as the Son of the Most High is different from thinking Jesus was one with God?

Yea, to my knowledge, there is no biblical argument for his claims. It seems that he is a heretic.
I think the author is a heretic but his post is interesting nonetheless. I just don't recall any biblical verses that back up what he's saying. Do you know of any? Here is what he wrote:

When Satan realized God was going to sacrifice Himself, he tried to stop it, and ((inhabiting Judas)) threw the 30 pieces of silver back.
Satan led a small army to Gethsemane, and Christ flattened them, including Satan himself in Judas, by uttering His name. it was not Satan's intent to seize Christ but to force His hand - and Satan did not realize that Christ is God until that moment. Satan isn't stupid - he's more clever than any of God's creation. he knew Jesus could walk right through a crowd of guards trying to seize Him. he knew Jesus was full of power and could command even the water and the wind - He showed complete command over all of physical creation. so what does Satan think a hundred men with swords and clubs are going to do? does he think they are any kind of threat to the Messiah?? he is not stupid.
he expected to force Jesus to start an insurrection, calling fire down to destroy them or something. Satan wanted Peter to draw his sword; Jesus told him to put it away, and healed Malchus' ear.

at the cross the Lord defeated Satan by laying down His life. Satan ain't out to get defeated. he thought Jesus was only an anointed man, not divine, and sought to cause Him to fall. he did not know He is God until God chose to reveal Himself, saying I AM and rendering Satan utterly powerless.

people are evil all by themselves; Satan didn't make humanity reject the light and love darkness. humans will do that even with Satan imprisoned for a thousand years and Christ seated on the throne - people will reject God even with certain knowledge that He is God. the devil didn't 'make you do it'
As a non religious person who has read the bible out of academic interest I don't recall any of that.
I don't watch TV preachers, but I do enjoy listening to Pastor John MacArthur. I've listened to many of his sermons on YouTube. Are you familiar with him?
Can't say that I have. I was quite familiar with many of them several years back. What I had heard from them was instrumental in my in depth study of the bible and subsequent rejection of it as anything other than as very old literature.
I think the author is a heretic but his post is interesting nonetheless. I just don't recall any biblical verses that back up what he's saying. Do you know of any? Here is what he wrote:

When Satan realized God was going to sacrifice Himself, he tried to stop it, and ((inhabiting Judas)) threw the 30 pieces of silver back.
Satan led a small army to Gethsemane, and Christ flattened them, including Satan himself in Judas, by uttering His name. it was not Satan's intent to seize Christ but to force His hand - and Satan did not realize that Christ is God until that moment. Satan isn't stupid - he's more clever than any of God's creation. he knew Jesus could walk right through a crowd of guards trying to seize Him. he knew Jesus was full of power and could command even the water and the wind - He showed complete command over all of physical creation. so what does Satan think a hundred men with swords and clubs are going to do? does he think they are any kind of threat to the Messiah?? he is not stupid.
he expected to force Jesus to start an insurrection, calling fire down to destroy them or something. Satan wanted Peter to draw his sword; Jesus told him to put it away, and healed Malchus' ear.

at the cross the Lord defeated Satan by laying down His life. Satan ain't out to get defeated. he thought Jesus was only an anointed man, not divine, and sought to cause Him to fall. he did not know He is God until God chose to reveal Himself, saying I AM and rendering Satan utterly powerless.

people are evil all by themselves; Satan didn't make humanity reject the light and love darkness. humans will do that even with Satan imprisoned for a thousand years and Christ seated on the throne - people will reject God even with certain knowledge that He is God. the devil didn't 'make you do it'
It does not matter. Judas had a part to play, and he did it well. Jesus had to make that sacrifice for all mankind. So if anybody embodied Judas, it was God, not Satan. The verbiage and the quote, suggests a poorly crafted modern version of the event.
I think the author is a heretic but his post is interesting nonetheless. I just don't recall any biblical verses that back up what he's saying. Do you know of any? Here is what he wrote:

When Satan realized God was going to sacrifice Himself, he tried to stop it, and ((inhabiting Judas)) threw the 30 pieces of silver back.
Satan led a small army to Gethsemane, and Christ flattened them, including Satan himself in Judas, by uttering His name. it was not Satan's intent to seize Christ but to force His hand - and Satan did not realize that Christ is God until that moment. Satan isn't stupid - he's more clever than any of God's creation. he knew Jesus could walk right through a crowd of guards trying to seize Him. he knew Jesus was full of power and could command even the water and the wind - He showed complete command over all of physical creation. so what does Satan think a hundred men with swords and clubs are going to do? does he think they are any kind of threat to the Messiah?? he is not stupid.
he expected to force Jesus to start an insurrection, calling fire down to destroy them or something. Satan wanted Peter to draw his sword; Jesus told him to put it away, and healed Malchus' ear.

at the cross the Lord defeated Satan by laying down His life. Satan ain't out to get defeated. he thought Jesus was only an anointed man, not divine, and sought to cause Him to fall. he did not know He is God until God chose to reveal Himself, saying I AM and rendering Satan utterly powerless.

people are evil all by themselves; Satan didn't make humanity reject the light and love darkness. humans will do that even with Satan imprisoned for a thousand years and Christ seated on the throne - people will reject God even with certain knowledge that He is God. the devil didn't 'make you do it'
If you really want to investigate this, it sounds like one of the modern pseudepigrapha artists.
I think the author is a heretic but his post is interesting nonetheless. I just don't recall any biblical verses that back up what he's saying. Do you know of any? Here is what he wrote:

When Satan realized God was going to sacrifice Himself, he tried to stop it, and ((inhabiting Judas)) threw the 30 pieces of silver back.
Satan led a small army to Gethsemane, and Christ flattened them, including Satan himself in Judas, by uttering His name. it was not Satan's intent to seize Christ but to force His hand - and Satan did not realize that Christ is God until that moment. Satan isn't stupid - he's more clever than any of God's creation. he knew Jesus could walk right through a crowd of guards trying to seize Him. he knew Jesus was full of power and could command even the water and the wind - He showed complete command over all of physical creation. so what does Satan think a hundred men with swords and clubs are going to do? does he think they are any kind of threat to the Messiah?? he is not stupid.
he expected to force Jesus to start an insurrection, calling fire down to destroy them or something. Satan wanted Peter to draw his sword; Jesus told him to put it away, and healed Malchus' ear.

at the cross the Lord defeated Satan by laying down His life. Satan ain't out to get defeated. he thought Jesus was only an anointed man, not divine, and sought to cause Him to fall. he did not know He is God until God chose to reveal Himself, saying I AM and rendering Satan utterly powerless.

people are evil all by themselves; Satan didn't make humanity reject the light and love darkness. humans will do that even with Satan imprisoned for a thousand years and Christ seated on the throne - people will reject God even with certain knowledge that He is God. the devil didn't 'make you do it'
I can look it up. What subject do you think he talking about?
This calls to mind the story Mark tells in Chapter 5, by the man possessed by demons. As Jesus was saying, "Come out..." these words came out of the mouth of the man possessed: What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God do not torment me!

Jesus asked him his name and he said his name was Legion. If the demons knew Jesus was the Son of God, wouldn't Satan? Or, is the thought that thinking of Jesus as the Son of the Most High is different from thinking Jesus was one with God?
Yes. They knew. Satan and all his demons. They knew before His birth, which is why all children 2 years and younger were slain, and why His family fled into Egypt
Yes. They knew. Satan and all his demons. They knew before His birth, which is why all children 2 years and younger were slain, and why His family fled into Egypt

What on earth are you talking about?

Do you have scripture?
I think the author is a heretic but his post is interesting nonetheless. I just don't recall any biblical verses that back up what he's saying. Do you know of any? Here is what he wrote:

When Satan realized God was going to sacrifice Himself, he tried to stop it, and ((inhabiting Judas)) threw the 30 pieces of silver back.
Satan led a small army to Gethsemane, and Christ flattened them, including Satan himself in Judas, by uttering His name. it was not Satan's intent to seize Christ but to force His hand - and Satan did not realize that Christ is God until that moment. Satan isn't stupid - he's more clever than any of God's creation. he knew Jesus could walk right through a crowd of guards trying to seize Him. he knew Jesus was full of power and could command even the water and the wind - He showed complete command over all of physical creation. so what does Satan think a hundred men with swords and clubs are going to do? does he think they are any kind of threat to the Messiah?? he is not stupid.
he expected to force Jesus to start an insurrection, calling fire down to destroy them or something. Satan wanted Peter to draw his sword; Jesus told him to put it away, and healed Malchus' ear.

at the cross the Lord defeated Satan by laying down His life. Satan ain't out to get defeated. he thought Jesus was only an anointed man, not divine, and sought to cause Him to fall. he did not know He is God until God chose to reveal Himself, saying I AM and rendering Satan utterly powerless.

people are evil all by themselves; Satan didn't make humanity reject the light and love darkness. humans will do that even with Satan imprisoned for a thousand years and Christ seated on the throne - people will reject God even with certain knowledge that He is God. the devil didn't 'make you do it'
You are right. Jesus said get behind me Satan to a disciple saying h was going to keep Jesus from the cross. Judas was trying to get Jesus to defend himself, using power that he knew that Jesus had, against the romans, to free the Jews from the Romans. Judas killed himself when that did not work.

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