I phones suck....

Yeah, I did some plant power stuff, arresting lightning/protecting transmitters from lightning strikes, etc., then moved into global telecom, fiber, Alcatel, OC48, token ring, SS7, various pair-gain technologies, etc., but my real interest is in high end audio for music reproduction.
Wow! That's awesome man! Where were you when our big transformer got it's ass kicked during a summer storm? Took six weeks to get the replacement!
I've always been an Android man. For the brief time that I had an iPhone I found an impossibly difficult to access almost all of my favorite software.

Then every time you sneeze, laugh or fart Apple wants a nickel for it. Most of my stuff on the Android is free software....sure it comes with some ads here and there but I don't really mind that.

At one time Apple could boast the best peripheral connectivity for the various appurtenances but the Androids have caught up now and are just as easy.

For quite a while the Apple stock phones seem to have had a screen cracking disease. My grandson ( the one I raised) uses iPhones exclusively and for a long time we were at the phone repair shop once every 6 weeks or so for a new screen. That seems to have subsided partially because he's grown up a little and partially I think because Apple got a lot of shit over it.

Also having cut my teeth on Windows I can't stand Apple's data storage system. It seems bent on hiding everything from you instead of making it available. But that's just me.

For 3 years in work I had one Windows machine and one iOS.... I will say the engineering programs worked spectacularly well on the Apple machines.

Now it's all windows.

I like the iPhone.
Guitar amps are simple. Most of them are basic low FB push pull tube circuits.
Yeah I know. I have a multi watt amp that switches to 'A' or something like that at 10W setting.. A bit off topic here but, when it comes to playing the electric guitar, I'd rather have 1 knob. My amp has so many knobs and settings it gets confusing.
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Wow! That's awesome man! Where were you when our big transformer got it's ass kicked during a summer storm? Took six weeks to get the replacement!

Well, transformers are a bit harder to protect than transmitters as the transformer is DIRECTLY connected to the load. Once the isolation in the windings get fried by an over-voltage, you no longer have a transformer.
I've always been an Android man. For the brief time that I had an iPhone I found an impossibly difficult to access almost all of my favorite software.

Then every time you sneeze, laugh or fart Apple wants a nickel for it. Most of my stuff on the Android is free software....sure it comes with some ads here and there but I don't really mind that.

At one time Apple could boast the best peripheral connectivity for the various appurtenances but the Androids have caught up now and are just as easy.

For quite a while the Apple stock phones seem to have had a screen cracking disease. My grandson ( the one I raised) uses iPhones exclusively and for a long time we were at the phone repair shop once every 6 weeks or so for a new screen. That seems to have subsided partially because he's grown up a little and partially I think because Apple got a lot of shit over it.

Also having cut my teeth on Windows I can't stand Apple's data storage system. It seems bent on hiding everything from you instead of making it available. But that's just me.

For 3 years in work I had one Windows machine and one iOS.... I will say the engineering programs worked spectacularly well on the Apple machines.

Now it's all windows.

Google just gave developers carte blanche to fuck with anyone's Android phone anywhere with root level access.
What could go wrong? :dunno:
All recent Android stuff has built-in back doors where Google has more power over that device than the operator.
There may be some with that ripped out of there, but idk. :dunno:
educate us a tad then Toob.....~S~

I make my own audio gear. I used to do some pro audio for stuff like music halls and stuff. Designed and fixed a few gizmos for a few musicians including a few famous ones. Me and a buddy developed some of our own technologies for phono reproduction that eliminated RIAA equalization and some power amp topologies, etc., the aim being to exceed the commercial stuff sold in stores with designed obsolescence and gain reproduction of recorded media that brought us much closer to live sound.

In fact, these days, better than live.
Yeah I know. I have a multi watt amp that switches to 'A' or something like that at 10W setting.. A bit off topic here but, when it comes to playing the electric guitar, I'd rather have 1 knob. My amp has so many knobs and settings it gets confusing.

You mean it switches class of operation? It might switch to class A at low enough volume in order to reduce harmonic distortion though class AB can sound real good. But now you are getting into some complicated circuitry and it depends on what kind of tubes you are running.
Google just gave developers carte blanche to fuck with anyone's Android phone anywhere with root level access.
What could go wrong? :dunno:
All recent Android stuff has built-in back doors where Google has more power over that device than the operator.
There may be some with that ripped out of there, but idk. :dunno:
Did not know that
I make my own audio gear. I used to do some pro audio for stuff like music halls and stuff. Designed and fixed a few gizmos for a few musicians including a few famous ones. Me and a buddy developed some of our own technologies for phono reproduction that eliminated RIAA equalization and some power amp topologies, etc., the aim being to exceed the commercial stuff sold in stores with designed obsolescence and gain reproduction of recorded media that brought us much closer to live sound.

In fact, these days, better than live.
Methinks you're way over my head Toob ~S~
Yeah I know. I have a multi watt amp that switches to 'A' or something like that at 10W setting.. A bit off topic here but, when it comes to playing the electric guitar, I'd rather have 1 knob. My amp has so many knobs and settings it gets confusing.

Then you wouldn't like my stereo. It has 17 steps to turn it on and a full rack of nothing but knobs to set up all of the crossovers and equalizers.
Methinks you're way over my head Toob ~S~

Back in the 1980s (or late 70s), my buddy started experimenting with his own constant current technology designed to keep the tubes in an ideal state of operation no matter what the load using a special LED he got from some university.

He used a custom built subwoofer that went below 20 cycles, a pair of QUAD electrostatic speakers just for the midrange and a pair of concert stadium horns hung from the ceiling as tweeters.

Real good sound.

Then he had a falling out with his bitch of a wife and walked out and left her, the stereo and everything.

Somewhere in the middle, we started experimenting in developing our own phono circuit that was pure resistive using a strain-gauge as a pickup instead of the usual magnetic phono pick up.
Back in the 1980s (or late 70s), my buddy started experimenting with his own constant current technology designed to keep the tubes in an ideal state of operation no matter what the load using a special LED he got from some university.

He used a custom built subwoofer that went below 20 cycles, a pair of QUAD electrostatic speakers just for the midrange and a pair of concert stadium horns hung from the ceiling as tweeters.

Real good sound.

Then he had a falling out with his bitch of a wife and walked out and left her, the stereo and everything.

Somewhere in the middle, we started experimenting in developing our own phono circuit that was pure resistive using a strain-gauge as a pickup instead of the usual magnetic phono pick up.
I wish i knew a fraction of what you do Toob ~S~
Are they transistor?

Is what transistor?

My stereo uses a custom built tube preamp, a stereo chassis tube power amp, and two more monoblock tube power amps, plus a pair of solid state class A bridged power amps and another class D (or H) solid state mono power amp. Then there is a pair of solid state electronic crossovers that divide up the sound to feed to the requisite power amps to feed the appropriate speakers as needed. I hope I'm not leaving anything out. In total, 3000 watts.
Is what transistor?

My stereo uses a custom built tube preamp, a stereo chassis tube power amp, and two more monoblock tube power amps, plus a pair of solid state class A bridged power amps and another class D (or H) solid state mono power amp. Then there is a pair of solid state electronic crossovers that divide up the sound to feed to the requisite power amps to feed the appropriate speakers as needed. I hope I'm not leaving anything out. In total, 3000 watts.
:auiqs.jpg:I was just messin' with ya. :poke:
Okay, so it's a hybrid system. I'm gonna go back over here to the shallow end now.
I wish i knew a fraction of what you do Toob ~S~

I wish I had someone to share it with. Since my buddy died in 2010, I'm on my own. Most people today don't know what a stereo is. The stores are a rip off. Today, everything now is home theater. Back in the 1980s, we defined a new form of distortion that we determined was the cause of the difference between reproduced sound and live. We called it FTID (fleeting transient intermodulation distortion). Oh the stories I could tell. I really miss my old pal.
Okay, so it's a hybrid system.
Well, sure, Duke, it has to be. People talk of bi-amped or tri-amped, well, I guess this would be quad-amped, in other words, four amplifier stages, a mixture of custom built consumer units and a few pieces of pro audio thrown in. To do music right, you need tubes circuits for everything over about 80-120 Hz, and solid state for everything below 80 Hz. Tubes don't do bass well and vise versa. So you need both. Transistors do square waves well because they act like switches.

Since the interest is here, here is a photo from 2015 that I've posted here before that shows part of my system, the main control rack at the main listening position where you operate the stereo from.


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