I never thought I'd see the day...

Since the OP did not deign to tell us just what she is talking about specifically, one has to assume it is the 2nd Amendment...which last time I checked said something about being "well regulated".

Actually I read the title and assumed it was about the First Amendment, with those 25,000 alleged petitioners demanding the government deport the Brit who dares to talk about guns on TV.

"Well regulated" is a good point though. That means regulations. And it's straight from the Constitution.

Constitute that.
...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.

Amen my friend, that's why I'm so thankful my proud Granddaddy didn't live long enough to see the current state, and bleak future of America.
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Barack Obama is the man the Founders feared so much that they installed the Second Amendment to the Constitution far in advance, timewise, to the later Amendments that granted Universal Suffrage.
The Founders did so deliberately to give the people a means to redress their grievances if they found themselves under the rule of a man who espoused such a relentlessly encroaching, all encompassing tyrannical government, which the people found they could no longer tolerate and also threatened to cause the Founders little experiment in personal liberty and self rule to disappear meekly, mildly, and silently into the night like the Jews Of Europe, 1933-1945.
I think I am going to witness civil war on this continent in my life time. I always thought it would be up here with Quebec wanting to secede (but now that's all the rest of the country wants her to do)n Truly we want Quebec to go.

But I really can see where the States are going to fall apart. Most amazing. Truly stunning. The bloody libs have actually moved America forward for this.
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I am old, and i don't recall ever seeing it this bad in all my years. Anyway, no sense in complaining,because this is what the voters wanted, and all we can do it try survive now, which isn't going to be easy in the next years. If you think its bad now, just wait another year or two. Get prepared.!!!!!!!! Its just begun./
Si Modo the militant left trots out the ACLU? heh heh

Dead incorrect. The non combatant was urging war on America, tried to hide, and so got fried. No law violated at all. Even Bush's fascist judges would write a memo for the justification of this type of killing. And I sure don't hear either McCain or Kerry complaining.

These Americans were not in a war zone nor was there any imminent threat from them. So, the POTUS gets no excuse for summary executions. That is not his jurisdiction, rather it is that of the courts.
Wrong, Jake.

The targeted killing program operates with virtually no oversight outside the executive branch, and essential details about the program remain secret, including what criteria are used to put people on CIA and military kill lists or how much evidence is required.

Outside of armed conflict zones, the use of lethal force is strictly limited by international law and, when it comes to U.S. citizens, the Constitution. Specifically, lethal force can be used only as a last resort against an imminent threat to life. Even in the context of an armed conflict against an armed group, the government may use lethal force only against individuals who are directly participating in hostilities against the U. S. Regardless of the context, whenever the government uses lethal force, it must take all possible steps to avoid harming civilian bystanders. These are not the standards that the executive branch is using.

The U.S. continues to carry out illegal targeted killings in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and elsewhere. The government must be held to account when it carries out such killings in violation of the Constitution and international law.​

Targeted Killings - Recent Court Cases, Issues and Articles | American Civil Liberties Union

Obama, et al have a lot to answer to in court.
I don't know if I would call it balls, rather just plain evil arrogance and limp-dicked power grab...execution of US citizens without judicial review.

just some food for thought here. I don't agree with him being able to do so, but what should he do?

He goes and does this he basically is saying he ( or any other sitting president ) can strip you of your rights ( which honestly they always had this ability Si.)

Or he catches them and brings them to trial, but what type? Civil? Military?
The right whined when he pushed for Civil courts. saying these people are so dangerous we can't have them in our Prisons. Which is quite retarded.

He has so far played a fine line with this because these people were "terrorists" and people are not going to get outraged over this. Well not a majority that is.

A President Ron Paul would not likely have been any better on this issue, either.

If you really believe that you, like many others, have failed miserably in understanding Ron Paul.
There’s still only one Bill of Rights, made up of ten Amendments.

The OP seems to want to continue with the guessing-game, so I’ll wager the Second Amendment is one of the Rights she’s concerned about.

I have no clue what this lady is babbling about... but admittedly I like her avatar so I'm restraining myself from going in for the kill.


It’s the same tedious rightist nonsense about how America has lost its way, how Americans are not only ignorant of their Constitution but have turned against it, if not willingly then through indifference, and how we’re basically all doomed.

Of course this despondency will pass one a republican is president, at which point everything will be just fine.

You know Clayton, your binary thinking doesn't do you any justice. Lots of us Conservatives were outraged over Bush's extra-Constitutional bullshit like medicare Part D and the Patriot Act.

The Party Machine did it's job and marginalized us to the point of irrelevance.

Just like the Dems have done to the Blue Dogs...
...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.
blame it on white guilt,and an influx of peoples from other countries that vote Democrat !!
...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.

Benjamin Franklin saw that this day would come. None of us thought it would come during our lifetimes, that's what happened. Well, here it is.
...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.

Benjamin Franklin saw that this day would come. None of us thought it would come during our lifetimes, that's what happened. Well, here it is.

No we didn't.

At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished asked him directly, `Well, Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?' `A republic, if you can keep it,' responded Franklin.
...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.

Benjamin Franklin saw that this day would come. None of us thought it would come during our lifetimes, that's what happened. Well, here it is.

No we didn't.

At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished asked him directly, `Well, Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?' `A republic, if you can keep it,' responded Franklin.

In his final speech supporting the adoption of the Constitution Ben Franklin said

there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

John Adams saw the end of the United States too. He expressed it with these words.

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

John Adams articulated perfectly why the Constitution is being rejected today. We have become an amoral people without religion or faith. The Constitution isn't so much rejected as has become inadequate to the needs of a wholly corrupt and degenerate people.
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...where there were actually Americans who are against the Constitution. And, not just one, but many, many Americans who are against the Constitution.

Never did I think I would see that. Stunning.

And all the people who supported PPACA? The Supreme Court sellout on the mandate? Most voters today have no clear understanding of limited government or why it's important.
I think I am going to witness civil war on this continent in my life time. I always thought it would be up here with Quebec wanting to secede (but now that's all the rest of the country wants her to do)n Truly we want Quebec to go.

But I really can see where the States are going to fall apart. Most amazing. Truly stunning. The bloody libs have actually moved America forward for this.
Not sure how citizens of NY would react to having their LEGALLY, CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED firearms FORCEFULLY "confiscated" from them, but I can assure you, they try and pull that shit out here in the sticks in small town, middle America, and there's going to be dead people everywhere. I'd like to know who they think they're going to get STUPID enough to go door to door demanding people DISARM knowing their chances of eating lead are about 99%? What then? They going to get the ARMY to attack AMERICAN CITIZENS?

Yes, you very well may see another Civil/Revolutionary War in America... soon. The leftists are pushing their godless, amoral, tyrannical commie shit just about too far. The country is a TINDER BOX right now ready to ignite. obama has set race relations back 75 years, and class warfare and the war on Christianity has never been so bad. People have had ENOUGH. There's going to be a push back.
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Obama considers himself a modern-day Lincoln, so that works.

He's far from that. He doesn't have the balls.
I don't know if I would call it balls, rather just plain evil arrogance and limp-dicked power grab...execution of US citizens without judicial review.

Those so called citizens you like to support are known terrorists, they have taken up arms against their own nation, thus their actions allow the president to defend this nation against all enemies both inside and outside our nation. Obama has done nothing unconstitutional in his actions to rid the planet of killers you are admiring.
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