Its all legit.
not a one critic here,has evidence to prove not legit.just opinionated conjecture.
No illness people.
no joke.
its real.
no attempt to deceive,im sorry.
the guy was really holding a damn meeting.
talking bout private business.
was the meeting outside?
because my audio enhancement software says it is.
it also says the "speaker" was moving..
and it's a very low quality recording.
No illness people.
no joke.
its real.
no attempt to deceive,im sorry.
the guy was really holding a damn meeting.
talking bout private business.
was the meeting outside?
because my audio enhancement software says it is.
it also says the "speaker" was moving..
and it's a very low quality recording.
I thought I heard a breeze as well.
there's a very large ambient noise signature, whomever it is (nudge wink!) is outdoors could be a park or a suburban neighborhood.
No illness people.
no joke.
its real.
no attempt to deceive,im sorry.
the guy was really holding a damn meeting.
talking bout private business.
was the meeting outside?
because my audio enhancement software says it is.
it also says the "speaker" was moving..
and it's a very low quality recording.
I thought I heard a breeze as well.

That was the wind blowing in one of vamp's ears and out the other.
was the meeting outside?
because my audio enhancement software says it is.
it also says the "speaker" was moving..
and it's a very low quality recording.
I thought I heard a breeze as well.
there's a very large ambient noise signature, whomever it is (nudge wink!) is outdoors could be a park or a suburban neighborhood.

Or the courtyard of an insane asylum during 'outside time.'
The BEST thing about this thread is that Liability actually entertained the idea that this odd nutbag had some kind of audio that was real. Priceless.

Actually, what I said is pretty much to the contrary.

But still, it is generally a good idea to leave open the door to such things. Like, for example, I have even read (well, I used to) some of the insane bullshit spewed out by the 9/11 Twoofer morons. They (pretty much as expected) turned out to be complete asshole buffoons (much like you). But it would be irrational to dismiss what they were contending without any examination. Therefore, I tried to be open minded about it.

But again, I did not dismiss it without giving it a look-see. That kind of mindless rote substitute for actual thinking is best left to moron liberals like you.
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OK, Liability. You are right. It takes an elevated intellect to entertain the insane musings of obviously insane people.

Why is it that some people can never just admit that they made a mistake? That they had a lapse in judgement?

A man would just say that he, as a result of his intense hatred for the POTUS, had a moment of impaired judgement.
OK, Liability. You are right. It takes an elevated intellect to entertain the insane musings of obviously insane people.

Why is it that some people can never just admit that they made a mistake? That they had a lapse in judgement?

A man would just say that he, as a result of his intense hatred for the POTUS, had a moment of impaired judgement.
Is contempt prior to investigation a norm for you?

It must be hard going through life with such a closed mind.

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