I hope the Dems and Reps in congress will come to an agreement regarding committee assignments

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
There is a lot not to like in the way committee assignments are made and leaders of congress selected. But for this post, I'm focusing on the practice of the party in power blocking members of the other party from committee assignments, due to disagreements with their political positions or other reasons.

Like them or not, representative in Congress were elected by their districts, and their districts should have as much right to be represented in Congress as people in the districts whose representatives are in the majority party. If not, why shouldn't the majority party simply vote itself on every spot on every committee and leave the minority party with nothing to do but vote for bills into which the had no imput?

Several GOP holdouts had expressed due process concerns about the Omar resolution but ultimately supported it after the addition of a provision that establishes an appeals process for those removed from committees. GOP Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina, one of those with reservations who in the end voted for the resolution, said she secured a commitment from McCarthy to support working with Democrats to reform the process for removal, with the goal of avoiding an endless tit-for-tat when control of the House flips.

"Everybody recognizes on both sides that you don't want to keep going back and forth," Mace told reporters on Capitol Hill. "So if this is going to be the standard, let's create the standard together going forward and actually have a process, because we have a process for censorship, we have a process for expelling a member from Congress, but we don't have a process in the rules or in the Ethics Committee to remove a member from your committees."

I don't like Ilhan Omar, but her voters do and its their district. If I support her getting kicked out of her committee assignment, I won't have room to complain if my congressman gets kicked out of his next congress.
When "other reasons" include bedding a chi-com honey trap, being a habitual liar (at least more so than the normal congress critter), or a flaming anti-Semite then yeah, they should be culled.
When "other reasons" include bedding a chi-com honey trap, being a habitual liar (at least more so than the normal congress critter), or a flaming anti-Semite then yeah, they should be culled.
And the Democrooks will say that "Gym Jordan is off the committee for being a child molester and an insurrectionist."

There is a lot not to like in the way committee assignments are made and leaders of congress selected. But for this post, I'm focusing on the practice of the party in power blocking members of the other party from committee assignments, due to disagreements with their political positions or other reasons.

Like them or not, representative in Congress were elected by their districts, and their districts should have as much right to be represented in Congress as people in the districts whose representatives are in the majority party. If not, why shouldn't the majority party simply vote itself on every spot on every committee and leave the minority party with nothing to do but vote for bills into which the had no imput?

Several GOP holdouts had expressed due process concerns about the Omar resolution but ultimately supported it after the addition of a provision that establishes an appeals process for those removed from committees. GOP Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina, one of those with reservations who in the end voted for the resolution, said she secured a commitment from McCarthy to support working with Democrats to reform the process for removal, with the goal of avoiding an endless tit-for-tat when control of the House flips.

"Everybody recognizes on both sides that you don't want to keep going back and forth," Mace told reporters on Capitol Hill. "So if this is going to be the standard, let's create the standard together going forward and actually have a process, because we have a process for censorship, we have a process for expelling a member from Congress, but we don't have a process in the rules or in the Ethics Committee to remove a member from your committees."

I don't like Ilhan Omar, but her voters do and its their district. If I support her getting kicked out of her committee assignment, I won't have room to complain if my congressman gets kicked out of his next congress.
Where were your objections from 2018 to 2022 when the shoe was on the other foot? Hypocrite.

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