I hope America FAILS.


I see they gave you a discount.
The collapse of the US economy / government will be the most significant event of this century - perhaps the most significant event in human history to this point - and will bring the western world, as well as China, with it.
A new dark ages will follow.
The world will know true pain and suffering when that happens. This pattern has repeated again and again over the past 5,000 years this is just the latest example of idiots partying like there's no tomorrow while racking up unsustainable debt and spending.
Chalk the post and the opinion up to ignorance. Thanks to fifty years of dumbing down America's education system we have a generation that only learned how to put a condom on a banana. The point is that America is still the government of the people and by the people. Granted the media has been feeding Americans a line of liberal crap but we have to get educated and motivated and engage in grass roots politics to fight the Banana Republic regime.
Then nothing will ever change and you have no business calling anyone a traitor or quitter. The problems are still there no matter who is in office.
Nah, I'll continue to call them as I see them.

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