I Hereby Notify Those Who it May Concern

Greetings (once again), USMB.

Now, for those among you who are familiar with the most noble and esteemed user called 'Swagger', I am he. The reason I've re-registered is that after the recent case of online skullduggery by a few unmentionables, my access to this curious corner of the internet has been severely restricted, thus I've reincarnated myself under a similar username.

For those of you who aren't familiar with how I operate, allow me to furnish you with all the necessary details.

I am an English nobleman. A peer of the realm, if you will. I take no prisoners and treat all proles, colonials and lesser breeds with the contempt they deserve. You will address with due deference, otherwise I'll roll deep on you. Capiche, as those greasy wops would say?

You have been warned (some more so than others), America. But let's not let that get in the way of a colourful future.

Chin chin, America.

PS. I detest emoticons, and Irishmen. Though mainly the former over the latter.

They don't have a UKMB

Why don't you look for it, idiot.
they used to, it got shut down though
It's become clear that the majority of users who have run their gums on this thread have - as usual - got the wrong end of the stick. Allow me to explain.

My OP was intended as more of an insurance policy rather than a plea for popularity. I thought it would be best to declare who I am before the server matched my ISP address with that of my previous incarnation and banned me. I was under no illusions that USMB would grind to a halt during my absense. The sheer volume of traffic it sees saw to that. I also suspect that my temporary hiatus went unnoticed because I don't buy into the bizarre concept of reputation points, nor will.

I'm genuinely astonished that I actually had to explain that to you all.
It's become clear that the majority of users who have run their gums on this thread have - as usual - got the wrong end of the stick. Allow me to explain.

My OP was intended as more of an insurance policy rather than a plea for popularity. I thought it would be best to declare who I am before the server matched my ISP address with that of my previous incarnation and banned me. I was under no illusions that USMB would grind to a halt during my absense. The sheer volume of traffic it sees saw to that. I also suspect that my temporary hiatus went unnoticed because I don't buy into the bizarre concept of reputation points, nor will.

I'm genuinely astonished that I actually had to explain that to you all.

sod off
It's become clear that the majority of users who have run their gums on this thread have - as usual - got the wrong end of the stick. Allow me to explain.

My OP was intended as more of an insurance policy rather than a plea for popularity. I thought it would be best to declare who I am before the server matched my ISP address with that of my previous incarnation and banned me. I was under no illusions that USMB would grind to a halt during my absense. The sheer volume of traffic it sees saw to that. I also suspect that my temporary hiatus went unnoticed because I don't buy into the bizarre concept of reputation points, nor will.

I'm genuinely astonished that I actually had to explain that to you all.

sod off

Greetings (once again), USMB.

Now, for those among you who are familiar with the most noble and esteemed user called 'Swagger', I am he. The reason I've re-registered is that after the recent case of online skullduggery by a few unmentionables, my access to this curious corner of the internet has been severely restricted, thus I've reincarnated myself under a similar username.

For those of you who aren't familiar with how I operate, allow me to furnish you with all the necessary details.

I am an English nobleman. A peer of the realm, if you will. I take no prisoners and treat all proles, colonials and lesser breeds with the contempt they deserve. You will address with due deference, otherwise I'll roll deep on you. Capiche, as those greasy wops would say?

You have been warned (some more so than others), America. But let's not let that get in the way of a colourful future.

Chin chin, America.

PS. I detest emoticons, and Irishmen. Though mainly the former over the latter.

Well, kiss my grits. Welcome to USMB, Blahblah, I mean Blagger. Or do I? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Greetings (once again), USMB.

Now, for those among you who are familiar with the most noble and esteemed user called 'Swagger', I am he. The reason I've re-registered is that after the recent case of online skullduggery by a few unmentionables, my access to this curious corner of the internet has been severely restricted, thus I've reincarnated myself under a similar username.

For those of you who aren't familiar with how I operate, allow me to furnish you with all the necessary details.

I am an English nobleman. A peer of the realm, if you will. I take no prisoners and treat all proles, colonials and lesser breeds with the contempt they deserve. You will address with due deference, otherwise I'll roll deep on you. Capiche, as those greasy wops would say?

You have been warned (some more so than others), America. But let's not let that get in the way of a colourful future.

Chin chin, America.

PS. I detest emoticons, and Irishmen. Though mainly the former over the latter.

Well, kiss my grits. Welcome to USMB, Blahblah, I mean Blagger. Or do I?

Luckily for you, young lady, the days when I could have had you or any other seditious colonial flogged for such outright impudence are - regrettably - long gone! Don't you ever, ever address me like that again!

Do I make myself clear?

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