I have had it up to here with black people and excuses.....

Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

welcome to the white man's club. I have worked my ass off my whole life only to be told by liberals and blacks my success was white privilege. How does it feel to work knowing others are simply going to use democrat politics to take some of your money, then call you names if you object? why would they work if they know they can do that?

All that hard work, eduction, and preparing myself to find out now that all I had to do what put I'm white on my resume and it would have done the job.
You would be very impressed with us first generation Greek Americans born around 1970 give it take 20 years. We are all successful business owners or college educated professionals.

But my brother admits he hit the job lotto. A million things had to happen just right for him to have climbed that high in the ranks by 40 years old.

The best thing he did after getting his bachelors at msu was to get a masters. Ford hired him starting at $100,000 and now he makes over a half mill a year. If they let him go they have to pay him $1 mill
I tried butting in answer your question and you completely ignored me. Let me tell you a little known factual story.....I raised my nephew because his mom was a dope head and I took over.....I was getting phone calls left an right because the kid was acting up at school. I sat this kid down one day and I told him....once a kid, especially a black kid gets a repetation of being as ass ho, the teachers give up on you. And they focus on those that won't to learn!!
My nephew unlike so many minority kids in this country, had two strikes against him...a unstable home life to deal with and didn't know how to harness his anger and bitterness. So many black kids, are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young to give a damn once these kids start school. The only kids able to really learn in school are those that go home to HAPPY, WHAT EVER MEASURES THAT ENTAILS.

"won't to learn"

I see you used the because you're black excuse.

Since students are in school to learn, if they don't want to do that, oblige them and don't force them to stay. They're only disrupting the process for those that care.

I have a solution for the situation where "so many blacks kids are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young . . ". Stop having bastard children and/or raise the ones you have.
Oh I agree....just one thing, people like you, make me support abortions...if only mom and dad had the guts with you, eh?

Unlike most black children, my white parentS raised me. They didn't, like many blacks, push me off on a grandmother.
My cousin did. And my dad's white neighbor has a daughter who has to be 40 now. Her kids are around 20 give or take. They have different fathers. One of them's father is involved, the other is not. Both of them would have become much better people had their parents been more involved. Had they been raised in a 2 person house.

At least the grandparents are willing to help. Probably why these kids won't turn out to be criminals. Still they are losers and could have been much better citizens IMO but they aren't murderers and rapists. At least as far as I can tell. They have no social skills though but I'm not sure if that's because they have no father or because that's how kids are nowadays.

Lots of white bastards in the USA. They are fortunate not to be bastards growing up in very violent poverty stricken areas with no role models or opportunities.

I went to Detroit Public Schools up until 4th grade. That's not learning.
Trying to explain logic to these morons here is just useless....hey, have a drink and a great weekend, kid.

All you've done is make the typical excuses blacks makes when they fail in life.
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

welcome to the white man's club. I have worked my ass off my whole life only to be told by liberals and blacks my success was white privilege. How does it feel to work knowing others are simply going to use democrat politics to take some of your money, then call you names if you object? why would they work if they know they can do that?

All that hard work, eduction, and preparing myself to find out now that all I had to do what put I'm white on my resume and it would have done the job.

right, why did I bother with graduate school if I had all this privilege, or even getting a job. Blacks mostly sit around and do nothing while I have the privilege of supporting them, is that what is meant?
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

welcome to the white man's club. I have worked my ass off my whole life only to be told by liberals and blacks my success was white privilege. How does it feel to work knowing others are simply going to use democrat politics to take some of your money, then call you names if you object? why would they work if they know they can do that?

All that hard work, eduction, and preparing myself to find out now that all I had to do what put I'm white on my resume and it would have done the job.

right, why did I bother with graduate school if I had all this privilege, or even getting a job. Blacks mostly sit around and do nothing while I have the privilege of supporting them, is that what is meant?

It's easy to prove the white privilege claim is false. Have a white person put that on his/her job application under the part that asks what makes you qualified and see if they get hired.
You would be very impressed with us first generation Greek Americans born around 1970 give it take 20 years. We are all successful business owners or college educated professionals.

But my brother admits he hit the job lotto. A million things had to happen just right for him to have climbed that high in the ranks by 40 years old.

The best thing he did after getting his bachelors at msu was to get a masters. Ford hired him starting at $100,000 and now he makes over a half mill a year. If they let him go they have to pay him $1 mill
I tried butting in answer your question and you completely ignored me. Let me tell you a little known factual story.....I raised my nephew because his mom was a dope head and I took over.....I was getting phone calls left an right because the kid was acting up at school. I sat this kid down one day and I told him....once a kid, especially a black kid gets a repetation of being as ass ho, the teachers give up on you. And they focus on those that won't to learn!!
My nephew unlike so many minority kids in this country, had two strikes against him...a unstable home life to deal with and didn't know how to harness his anger and bitterness. So many black kids, are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young to give a damn once these kids start school. The only kids able to really learn in school are those that go home to HAPPY, WHAT EVER MEASURES THAT ENTAILS.

"won't to learn"

I see you used the because you're black excuse.

Since students are in school to learn, if they don't want to do that, oblige them and don't force them to stay. They're only disrupting the process for those that care.

I have a solution for the situation where "so many blacks kids are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young . . ". Stop having bastard children and/or raise the ones you have.
Oh I agree....just one thing, people like you, make me support abortions...if only mom and dad had the guts with you, eh?

Unlike most black children, my white parentS raised me. They didn't, like many blacks, push me off on a grandmother.
My cousin did. And my dad's white neighbor has a daughter who has to be 40 now. Her kids are around 20 give or take. They have different fathers. One of them's father is involved, the other is not. Both of them would have become much better people had their parents been more involved. Had they been raised in a 2 person house.

At least the grandparents are willing to help. Probably why these kids won't turn out to be criminals. Still they are losers and could have been much better citizens IMO but they aren't murderers and rapists. At least as far as I can tell. They have no social skills though but I'm not sure if that's because they have no father or because that's how kids are nowadays.

Lots of white bastards in the USA. They are fortunate not to be bastards growing up in very violent poverty stricken areas with no role models or opportunities.

I went to Detroit Public Schools up until 4th grade. That's not learning.

Let's see. 29% illegitimate for white vs. 75% for blacks. Neither one are good but in a comparison one is better.
Just because us liberals defend blacks when they are right does not mean we are going to defend every aspect of black society.
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

welcome to the white man's club. I have worked my ass off my whole life only to be told by liberals and blacks my success was white privilege. How does it feel to work knowing others are simply going to use democrat politics to take some of your money, then call you names if you object? why would they work if they know they can do that?

All that hard work, eduction, and preparing myself to find out now that all I had to do what put I'm white on my resume and it would have done the job.
Or know someone. Most of the people at my company knew someone. That's how they got hired here. So blacks are at a disadvantage because all the honkeys working in corporate America don't know any black people. Has nothing to do with you being smarter or better at interviewing or a better employee. You simply knew someone and they liked you.
"won't to learn"

I see you used the because you're black excuse.

Since students are in school to learn, if they don't want to do that, oblige them and don't force them to stay. They're only disrupting the process for those that care.

I have a solution for the situation where "so many blacks kids are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young . . ". Stop having bastard children and/or raise the ones you have.
Oh I agree....just one thing, people like you, make me support abortions...if only mom and dad had the guts with you, eh?

Unlike most black children, my white parentS raised me. They didn't, like many blacks, push me off on a grandmother.
My cousin did. And my dad's white neighbor has a daughter who has to be 40 now. Her kids are around 20 give or take. They have different fathers. One of them's father is involved, the other is not. Both of them would have become much better people had their parents been more involved. Had they been raised in a 2 person house.

At least the grandparents are willing to help. Probably why these kids won't turn out to be criminals. Still they are losers and could have been much better citizens IMO but they aren't murderers and rapists. At least as far as I can tell. They have no social skills though but I'm not sure if that's because they have no father or because that's how kids are nowadays.

Lots of white bastards in the USA. They are fortunate not to be bastards growing up in very violent poverty stricken areas with no role models or opportunities.

I went to Detroit Public Schools up until 4th grade. That's not learning.

Let's see. 29% illegitimate for white vs. 75% for blacks. Neither one are good but in a comparison one is better.
Just because us liberals defend blacks when they are right does not mean we are going to defend every aspect of black society.

The first part of what you said is impossible.
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

welcome to the white man's club. I have worked my ass off my whole life only to be told by liberals and blacks my success was white privilege. How does it feel to work knowing others are simply going to use democrat politics to take some of your money, then call you names if you object? why would they work if they know they can do that?

All that hard work, eduction, and preparing myself to find out now that all I had to do what put I'm white on my resume and it would have done the job.
Or know someone. Most of the people at my company knew someone. That's how they got hired here. So blacks are at a disadvantage because all the honkeys working in corporate America don't know any black people. Has nothing to do with you being smarter or better at interviewing or a better employee. You simply knew someone and they liked you.

We've been told it's white privilege. Now, like Closed Caption, it's just excuse after excuse with another one of you.
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

welcome to the white man's club. I have worked my ass off my whole life only to be told by liberals and blacks my success was white privilege. How does it feel to work knowing others are simply going to use democrat politics to take some of your money, then call you names if you object? why would they work if they know they can do that?

All that hard work, eduction, and preparing myself to find out now that all I had to do what put I'm white on my resume and it would have done the job.
Or know someone. Most of the people at my company knew someone. That's how they got hired here. So blacks are at a disadvantage because all the honkeys working in corporate America don't know any black people. Has nothing to do with you being smarter or better at interviewing or a better employee. You simply knew someone and they liked you.

We've been told it's white privilege. Now, like Closed Caption, it's just excuse after excuse with another one of you.
When you are unable to acknowledge black people's legitimate concerns, it is why you won't ever win their vote and why things won't ever get better. Your kind is half the problem. Of course the other half is all on black people.

Imagine how much better off black people would be if you guys would stop discriminating against them. And part of that is to acknowledge that not only did you discriminate against them at one time, you also have to acknowledge that you still do. It's not nearly as overt as it once was. Not its much more subtle. Every time you call Barrack HUSSAIN it suggests you are a racist islamophobe. Or you are trying to tug at the racist's heart strings. Ah why do I bother.
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

welcome to the white man's club. I have worked my ass off my whole life only to be told by liberals and blacks my success was white privilege. How does it feel to work knowing others are simply going to use democrat politics to take some of your money, then call you names if you object? why would they work if they know they can do that?

All that hard work, eduction, and preparing myself to find out now that all I had to do what put I'm white on my resume and it would have done the job.
Or know someone. Most of the people at my company knew someone. That's how they got hired here. So blacks are at a disadvantage because all the honkeys working in corporate America don't know any black people. Has nothing to do with you being smarter or better at interviewing or a better employee. You simply knew someone and they liked you.

We've been told it's white privilege. Now, like Closed Caption, it's just excuse after excuse with another one of you.
When you are unable to acknowledge black people's legitimate concerns, it is why you won't ever win their vote and why things won't ever get better. Your kind is half the problem. Of course the other half is all on black people.

Imagine how much better off black people would be if you guys would stop discriminating against them. And part of that is to acknowledge that not only did you discriminate against them at one time, you also have to acknowledge that you still do. It's not nearly as overt as it once was. Not its much more subtle. Every time you call Barrack HUSSAIN it suggests you are a racist islamophobe. Or you are trying to tug at the racist's heart strings. Ah why do I bother.

Blaming everything on someone/something else isn't a concern. It's whining. The only way to get the black vote is to pander to them with someone else's money or offer them things based on race. Blacks have proven that by doing exactly what Lyndon Johnson said they do in the wake of the expansion of the welfare state.

Imagine how much better blacks would be if they spent half as much time trying to better themselves as they do whining how they've been mistreated. As long as they, and people like you are willing to make excuses, nothing will get better for them but that isn't to blame on anyone but them.

You infer too much about Obama's middle name.
Let's see. 29% illegitimate for white vs. 75% for blacks. Neither one are good but in a comparison one is better.
Just because us liberals defend blacks when they are right does not mean we are going to defend every aspect of black society.

Yanno, just because you wring your hands while bending over doesn't mean you have any more concern than a non-liberal.
What many here have expressed - often with too much venom - is exactly what Tigger seems to be saying (and I quote):

"Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us."

Your sanctimonious concern is the kind of pandering that has enslaved generations of Black Americans. What Tigger has said is that her brothers and sistas are way too busy hanging on street corners and getting their nails done and as a result have lost the real opportunities America offers for something better. You are more intent on keeping them on the Dem Plantation by giving them just enough to keep 'em alive, angry and voting Dem (or rioting). You "bleeding heart liberals" make me sick.
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Let's see. 29% illegitimate for white vs. 75% for blacks. Neither one are good but in a comparison one is better.
Just because us liberals defend blacks when they are right does not mean we are going to defend every aspect of black society.

Yanno, just because you wring your hands while bending over doesn't mean you have any more concern than a non-liberal.
What many here have expressed - often with way too much venom - is exactly what Tigger seems to be saying (and I quote):

"Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us."

Your sanctimonious concern is the kind of pandering that has enslaved generations of Black Americans. What Tigger has said is that her brothers and sistas are way too busy hanging on street corners and getting their nails done and as a result have lost the real opportunities America offers for something better. You are more intent on keeping them on the Dem Plantation by giving them just enough to keep 'em alive, angry and voting Dem (or rioting). You "bleeding heart liberals" make me sick.
Nonsense. We would give them the same advice you give EXCEPT we don't tell them to vote for Republicans because Republicans fuck over the blacks who are trying to do what's right.

Why don't I, a white guy, vote GOP? Do I want to stay on the plantation too?

Ya stupid fuck
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

welcome to the white man's club. I have worked my ass off my whole life only to be told by liberals and blacks my success was white privilege. How does it feel to work knowing others are simply going to use democrat politics to take some of your money, then call you names if you object? why would they work if they know they can do that?

All that hard work, eduction, and preparing myself to find out now that all I had to do what put I'm white on my resume and it would have done the job.
Or know someone. Most of the people at my company knew someone. That's how they got hired here. So blacks are at a disadvantage because all the honkeys working in corporate America don't know any black people. Has nothing to do with you being smarter or better at interviewing or a better employee. You simply knew someone and they liked you.

We've been told it's white privilege. Now, like Closed Caption, it's just excuse after excuse with another one of you.
When you are unable to acknowledge black people's legitimate concerns, it is why you won't ever win their vote and why things won't ever get better. Your kind is half the problem. Of course the other half is all on black people.

Imagine how much better off black people would be if you guys would stop discriminating against them. And part of that is to acknowledge that not only did you discriminate against them at one time, you also have to acknowledge that you still do. It's not nearly as overt as it once was. Not its much more subtle. Every time you call Barrack HUSSAIN it suggests you are a racist islamophobe. Or you are trying to tug at the racist's heart strings. Ah why do I bother.

Go to any large company today, they are going out of their way to hire minorities. Your assertion about lack of opportunity is plain old wrong. The problem is as tigger points out, all the decent ones are already hired.

I think you have been hanging around with blacks and buy into their propaganda about poor old them. A large number of them are worthless.
Let's see. 29% illegitimate for white vs. 75% for blacks. Neither one are good but in a comparison one is better.
Just because us liberals defend blacks when they are right does not mean we are going to defend every aspect of black society.

Yanno, just because you wring your hands while bending over doesn't mean you have any more concern than a non-liberal.
What many here have expressed - often with way too much venom - is exactly what Tigger seems to be saying (and I quote):

"Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us."

Your sanctimonious concern is the kind of pandering that has enslaved generations of Black Americans. What Tigger has said is that her brothers and sistas are way too busy hanging on street corners and getting their nails done and as a result have lost the real opportunities America offers for something better. You are more intent on keeping them on the Dem Plantation by giving them just enough to keep 'em alive, angry and voting Dem (or rioting). You "bleeding heart liberals" make me sick.
Nonsense. We would give them the same advice you give EXCEPT we don't tell them to vote for Republicans because Republicans fuck over the blacks who are trying to do what's right.

Why don't I, a white guy, vote GOP? Do I want to stay on the plantation too?

Ya stupid fuck

how do repubs fuck over blacks doing the right thing?
welcome to the white man's club. I have worked my ass off my whole life only to be told by liberals and blacks my success was white privilege. How does it feel to work knowing others are simply going to use democrat politics to take some of your money, then call you names if you object? why would they work if they know they can do that?

All that hard work, eduction, and preparing myself to find out now that all I had to do what put I'm white on my resume and it would have done the job.
Or know someone. Most of the people at my company knew someone. That's how they got hired here. So blacks are at a disadvantage because all the honkeys working in corporate America don't know any black people. Has nothing to do with you being smarter or better at interviewing or a better employee. You simply knew someone and they liked you.

We've been told it's white privilege. Now, like Closed Caption, it's just excuse after excuse with another one of you.
When you are unable to acknowledge black people's legitimate concerns, it is why you won't ever win their vote and why things won't ever get better. Your kind is half the problem. Of course the other half is all on black people.

Imagine how much better off black people would be if you guys would stop discriminating against them. And part of that is to acknowledge that not only did you discriminate against them at one time, you also have to acknowledge that you still do. It's not nearly as overt as it once was. Not its much more subtle. Every time you call Barrack HUSSAIN it suggests you are a racist islamophobe. Or you are trying to tug at the racist's heart strings. Ah why do I bother.

Go to any large company today, they are going out of their way to hire minorities. Your assertion about lack of opportunity is plain old wrong. The problem is as tigger points out, all the decent ones are already hired.

I think you have been hanging around with blacks and buy into their propaganda about poor old them. A large number of them are worthless.
The worthless ones are worthless yes
Let's see. 29% illegitimate for white vs. 75% for blacks. Neither one are good but in a comparison one is better.
Just because us liberals defend blacks when they are right does not mean we are going to defend every aspect of black society.

Yanno, just because you wring your hands while bending over doesn't mean you have any more concern than a non-liberal.
What many here have expressed - often with way too much venom - is exactly what Tigger seems to be saying (and I quote):

"Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us."

Your sanctimonious concern is the kind of pandering that has enslaved generations of Black Americans. What Tigger has said is that her brothers and sistas are way too busy hanging on street corners and getting their nails done and as a result have lost the real opportunities America offers for something better. You are more intent on keeping them on the Dem Plantation by giving them just enough to keep 'em alive, angry and voting Dem (or rioting). You "bleeding heart liberals" make me sick.
Nonsense. We would give them the same advice you give EXCEPT we don't tell them to vote for Republicans because Republicans fuck over the blacks who are trying to do what's right.

Why don't I, a white guy, vote GOP? Do I want to stay on the plantation too?

Ya stupid fuck

how do repubs fuck over blacks doing the right thing?
I've worked for several companies that don't hire blacks. You guys argued to do away with hiring quotas and AA.

You've been screwing them for hundreds of years.

And it's not just blacks. The GOP screw us all over. That's why kasich, Cruz, rubio, jeb were booted out. You tell me why America said no to these men.
Let's see. 29% illegitimate for white vs. 75% for blacks. Neither one are good but in a comparison one is better.
Just because us liberals defend blacks when they are right does not mean we are going to defend every aspect of black society.

Yanno, just because you wring your hands while bending over doesn't mean you have any more concern than a non-liberal.
What many here have expressed - often with way too much venom - is exactly what Tigger seems to be saying (and I quote):

"Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us."

Your sanctimonious concern is the kind of pandering that has enslaved generations of Black Americans. What Tigger has said is that her brothers and sistas are way too busy hanging on street corners and getting their nails done and as a result have lost the real opportunities America offers for something better. You are more intent on keeping them on the Dem Plantation by giving them just enough to keep 'em alive, angry and voting Dem (or rioting). You "bleeding heart liberals" make me sick.
Nonsense. We would give them the same advice you give EXCEPT we don't tell them to vote for Republicans because Republicans fuck over the blacks who are trying to do what's right.

Why don't I, a white guy, vote GOP? Do I want to stay on the plantation too?

Ya stupid fuck

how do repubs fuck over blacks doing the right thing?
I've worked for several companies that don't hire blacks. You guys argued to do away with hiring quotas and AA.

You've been screwing them for hundreds of years.

And it's not just blacks. The GOP screw us all over. That's why kasich, Cruz, rubio, jeb were booted out. You tell me why America said no to these men.

Usually companies that don't hire blacks can't find any decent ones, then if you do hire a black you can't fire them because you will have an EEOC lawsuit on your hands. Blacks in the workplace tend to be complainers and perceiver everything as a racial slight, but even at that, companies will hired a less qualified black at the drop of a hat. I was tech industry just a few years ago, it really is that bad, there are very very few good blacks out there.

A large fraction of blacks just don't want to work, why should they when the government pays them to protest and vote for a living?

GOP doesn't screw me over nearly as bad as democrats do, speak for yourself. And society is a two way street, just what the hell has black America ever done for me? I have paid a lot of taxes to support them, and in exchange they don't even like me, so fuck them
Just because us liberals defend blacks when they are right does not mean we are going to defend every aspect of black society.

Yanno, just because you wring your hands while bending over doesn't mean you have any more concern than a non-liberal.
What many here have expressed - often with way too much venom - is exactly what Tigger seems to be saying (and I quote):

"Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us."

Your sanctimonious concern is the kind of pandering that has enslaved generations of Black Americans. What Tigger has said is that her brothers and sistas are way too busy hanging on street corners and getting their nails done and as a result have lost the real opportunities America offers for something better. You are more intent on keeping them on the Dem Plantation by giving them just enough to keep 'em alive, angry and voting Dem (or rioting). You "bleeding heart liberals" make me sick.
Nonsense. We would give them the same advice you give EXCEPT we don't tell them to vote for Republicans because Republicans fuck over the blacks who are trying to do what's right.

Why don't I, a white guy, vote GOP? Do I want to stay on the plantation too?

Ya stupid fuck

how do repubs fuck over blacks doing the right thing?
I've worked for several companies that don't hire blacks. You guys argued to do away with hiring quotas and AA.

You've been screwing them for hundreds of years.

And it's not just blacks. The GOP screw us all over. That's why kasich, Cruz, rubio, jeb were booted out. You tell me why America said no to these men.

Usually companies that don't hire blacks can't find any decent ones, then if you do hire a black you can't fire them because you will have an EEOC lawsuit on your hands. Blacks in the workplace tend to be complainers and perceiver everything as a racial slight, but even at that, companies will hired a less qualified black at the drop of a hat. I was tech industry just a few years ago, it really is that bad, there are very very few good blacks out there.

A large fraction of blacks just don't want to work, why should they when the government pays them to protest and vote for a living?

GOP doesn't screw me over nearly as bad as democrats do, speak for yourself. And society is a two way street, just what the hell has black America ever done for me? I have paid a lot of taxes to support them, and in exchange they don't even like me, so fuck them
Can't argue with you on how ive seen a lot of blacks be bad employees then want to sue when they are fired.

Black guys in their 20s who don't work aren't getting paid. What state pays young black men to not work? I'm so sick of hearing that lie
Let's see. 29% illegitimate for white vs. 75% for blacks. Neither one are good but in a comparison one is better.
Just because us liberals defend blacks when they are right does not mean we are going to defend every aspect of black society.

Yanno, just because you wring your hands while bending over doesn't mean you have any more concern than a non-liberal.
What many here have expressed - often with way too much venom - is exactly what Tigger seems to be saying (and I quote):

"Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us."

Your sanctimonious concern is the kind of pandering that has enslaved generations of Black Americans. What Tigger has said is that her brothers and sistas are way too busy hanging on street corners and getting their nails done and as a result have lost the real opportunities America offers for something better. You are more intent on keeping them on the Dem Plantation by giving them just enough to keep 'em alive, angry and voting Dem (or rioting). You "bleeding heart liberals" make me sick.
Nonsense. We would give them the same advice you give EXCEPT we don't tell them to vote for Republicans because Republicans fuck over the blacks who are trying to do what's right.

Why don't I, a white guy, vote GOP? Do I want to stay on the plantation too?

Ya stupid fuck

how do repubs fuck over blacks doing the right thing?
I've worked for several companies that don't hire blacks. You guys argued to do away with hiring quotas and AA.

You've been screwing them for hundreds of years.

And it's not just blacks. The GOP screw us all over. That's why kasich, Cruz, rubio, jeb were booted out. You tell me why America said no to these men.

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