I have a question for anti-theists


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
This is for the people that seem to think it's their mission to constantly shine a light on the ignorance of religious people. What's your motivation to try to undermine the simple and comforting beliefs of some theist? How hurtful is religion to society in your view? What are you trying to achieve? Why not just leave them be?
This is for the people that seem to think it's their mission to constantly shine a light on the ignorance of religious people. What's your motivation to try to undermine the simple and comforting beliefs of some theist? How hurtful is religion to society in your view? What are you trying to achieve? Why not just leave them be?

Mostly, because you guys try to impose your stupidity on the rest of us.

If you really think Gay marriage is wrong. That's awesome. Don't have one. If you think abortion is wrong, that's awesome. Don't have one of those, either.

It's when you try to impose you silly bronze age superstitions on the rest of us, that's when I have a problem.

It gets worse, though. From a political perspective, if the GOP ran on it's own ideas of screwing the working class to benefit the investor class, they'd never win an election. The working class isn't that stupid. But you wrap that shit up in the Juicy Jesus Bacon, and they swallow that poison pill happily

So, yes, it becomes necessary to point out that your "comforting beliefs" are just churches manipulating your fear of death to gain money and power over you. It's an uphill climb, because honestly, they've been indoctrinating you since childhood.

Is religion harmful to society. Any look at history would tell you it is. When decent people started to demand an end to slavery, the slave owner could point at the Bible and show you Jesus was totally good with slavery. How many wars have been fought over religion? Not just Christianity vs. Islam, but Christianity vs. Christianity fighting over how many sacraments there are or whether or not the stale bread really turns into Jesus.
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This is for the people that seem to think it's their mission to constantly shine a light on the ignorance of religious people. What's your motivation to try to undermine the simple and comforting beliefs of some theist? How hurtful is religion to society in your view? What are you trying to achieve? Why not just leave them be?

Mostly, because you guys try to impose your stupidity on the rest of us.

If you really think Gay marriage is wrong. That's awesome. Don't have one. If you think abortion is wrong, that's awesome. Don't have one of those, either.

It's when you try to impose you silly bronze age superstitions on the rest of us, that's when I have a problem.

It gets worse, though. From a political perspective, if the GOP ran on it's own ideas of screwing the working class to benefit the investor class, they'd never win an election. The working class isn't that stupid. But you wrap that shit up in the Juicy Jesus Bacon, and they swallow that poison pill happily

So, yes, it becomes necessary to point out that your "comforting beliefs" are just churches manipulating your fear of death to gain money and power over you. It's an uphill climb, because honestly, they've been indoctrinating you since childhood.

Is religion harmful to society. Any look at history would tell you it is. When decent people started to demand an end to slavery, the slave owner could point at the Bible and show you Jesus was totally good with slavery. How many wars have been fought over religion? Not just Christianity vs. Islam, but Christianity vs. Christianity fighting over how many sacraments there are or whether or not the stale bread really turns into Jesus.

It's very telling that you assume I'd have to be religious to have the perspective that I do. Religion has been losing power over America for generations. More and more young people are turning away every year. Religion has lost a lot of steam and it's going to continue to lose steam. The gay marriage debate is over. Soon the abortion debate will be over. Religion isn't the threat you seem to believe it is, not anymore anyway. You remind me of old people that never got over the Red scare.
It's very telling that you assume I'd have to be religious to have the perspective that I do. Religion has been losing power over America for generations. More and more young people are turning away every year. Religion has lost a lot of steam and it's going to continue to lose steam. The gay marriage debate is over. Soon the abortion debate will be over. Religion isn't the threat you seem to believe it is, not anymore anyway. You remind me of old people that never got over the Red scare.

The problem isn't the issues they use to get the Religious stupids to vote against their economic interests.

It's that they do to start with.

Let's take gay marriage. In a SANE world, Bush would have been voted out of office in 2004. But then he started screaming about how we needed a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage because ONE STATE had legalized it.

So he won, and preceded to mess everything up. It could have been worse, he tried to turn Social Security over to Wall Street right after he totally forgot to introduce that amendment he promised.

Trust me, religion is not going to go away in my lifetime. Yes, just because they are going to try to pretend they weren't behind the racism 50 years ago or the homophobia now, doesn't mean they get a pass for doing it. They'll just find some new "moral panic" to get people to vote against their own economic interest, and mine.

The only reason why Donald "I Fuck Porn Stars Just Like Jesus would have" Trump has a chance of winning this year is because the religious nuts are behind him. He couldn't win with just the racists.
This is for the people that seem to think it's their mission to constantly shine a light on the ignorance of religious people. What's your motivation to try to undermine the simple and comforting beliefs of some theist? How hurtful is religion to society in your view? What are you trying to achieve? Why not just leave them be?
I believe in God, however the problem with many if not most people who do is that they do not think things thru. All they actually believe is that God did everything and will take care of them because they believe. This is moronic
This is moronic

It's not moronic because it serves a purpose. It might be ridiculous to you, but that shit really does bring some people a lot of comfort.

I believe in God, however the problem with many if not most people who do is that they do not think things thru. All they actually believe is that God did everything and will take care of them because they believe. This is moronic
What serves a purpose?

The belief that God takes care of everything. It's a harmless comfort to a lot of people. You don't need to try to take that away from people.
Funny isn't it that most of these people live in the gutter because they depended on God to take care of them and they never actually did anything on their own.
Funny isn't it that most of these people live in the gutter because they depended on God to take care of them and they never actually did anything on their own.

I try not to pass too much judgment, especially when we're talking about very simple people.
Funny isn't it that most of these people live in the gutter because they depended on God to take care of them and they never actually did anything on their own.

I try not to pass too much judgment, especially when we're talking about very simple people.
LOL I own the company that made the parts in your computer. I remember the nun who taught me science too
LOL I own the company that made the parts in your computer. I remember the nun who taught me science too

It seems important to you to flaunt your own greatness. Is your insistence on belittling simple religious people an extension of that? Do you need to feel superior to those people?
No, but it has lost a lot of power in your lifetime and will lose even more power before you're done. They're not the threat they once were. The fight is almost over. Let people have their simple comforts.

Why? Frankly, they'd all be better off if they enjoyed their lives instead of having a long wait for a train that never comes.
Why? Frankly, they'd all be better off if they enjoyed their lives instead of having a long wait for a train that never comes.

Why? Because it's cruel to try to destroy the comforts of other people. Who are you to say they're not enjoying their lives? Maybe that comfort they get from religion allows them to do exactly that. Maybe you'd actually destroy a person's happiness by convincing them their beliefs are bullshit.
It's not moronic because it serves a purpose. It might be ridiculous to you, but that shit really does bring some people a lot of comfort.

It also brings us inquisitions, crusades, witch-burning, suppression of science, mistreatment of women, the abuse of children...

At its worse in the past religion has led to those things. In most countries however what remains of religion has become more modernized. Do you fear witch burnings in 2020?
LOL I own the company that made the parts in your computer. I remember the nun who taught me science too

It seems important to you to flaunt your own greatness. Is your insistence on belittling simple religious people an extension of that? Do you need to feel superior to those people?
LOL I was at a Catholic forum once and posted what the Pope said about baptizing a Martian. Then I was promptly called a heretic and banned by the Catholics only because I copied and pasted the Popes own words. If you choose to believe that God will do everything for you, then in the gutter is where you will end up. I do not want people in the gutter, so go do something fool and stop waiting for God to do it for you
This is for the people that seem to think it's their mission to constantly shine a light on the ignorance of religious people. What's your motivation to try to undermine the simple and comforting beliefs of some theist? How hurtful is religion to society in your view? What are you trying to achieve? Why not just leave them be?
I believe in God, however the problem with many if not most people who do is that they do not think things thru. All they actually believe is that God did everything and will take care of them because they believe. This is moronic
So you believe in a lame ass god who isn't perfect and makes deformed and retarded babies. Nice.
LOL I own the company that made the parts in your computer. I remember the nun who taught me science too

It seems important to you to flaunt your own greatness. Is your insistence on belittling simple religious people an extension of that? Do you need to feel superior to those people?
LOL I was at a Catholic forum once and posted what the Pope said about baptizing a Martian. Then I was promptly called a heretic and banned by the Catholics only because I copied and pasted the Popes own words. If you choose to believe that God will do everything for you, then in the gutter is where you will end up. I do not want people in the gutter, so go do something fool and stop waiting for God to do it for you

You must think an awful lot of yourself to believe it's your duty to cleanse ignorance and set people on the right path. Be the bigger person. ;)

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