I Hate Critics


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I was watching "Birdman" this morning. The scene where a dried up prune of a critic tells Michael Keaton to his face that she is going to destroy his play simply because she doesn't like him typifies what Hollywood is about.

She says to him that she's going to destroy his play, and thus destroy him, because he didn't beg for her permission to do it in the first place. Imagine a person that decides she doesn't like you and is willing to destroy your life just because she can. A person that is so full of herself that nothing else matters more than being able to ruin lives and careers with a stroke of a pen.

This is Hollywood.

This is liberalism.

This is the left.

They believe in fairness but they don't practice it in real life. Perhaps elitists are liberals because they need something in their lives to rid themselves of guilt for all the evil they do in their lives. They can't show compassion for those they work with so they show it by joining causes. They're a bunch of egomaniacal narcissistic assholes with no real feelings for anyone but themselves. They are the most unpleasant beings on the planet.

This is the Harvard grad, the Hollywood mogul, the ultra-rich North-easterner that doesn't want to give a real homeless person the time of day, and believes in abortion because having a kid would mean responsibility and being tied down. This is life in the big city. Where you have to eat or be eaten. This is why a pampered star like Gwyneth Paltrow feels like every day is worse than being in a war. Because of the rotten people she has to suck up to just to get a decent part and keep her career going.

"Whiplash" is another movie that focuses on a narcissistic personality disorder that is prevalent among the elitists in positions of power.


An abusive college music teacher who tortures his pupils and thus attempts to draw any potential for greatness out of them. Sometimes it results in suicide. Sometimes, rarely, it causes them to reach heights they never dreamed of.

I highly recommend you see both of these films. Although neither has blockbuster appeal, both have a message that I think everyone can get something from. What I got from them was an insight into the darker side that liberals like to keep hidden. The dark side of what it takes to achieve greatness in our society. We all have to decide if greatness is worth the sacrifice.
After having Senior Chief Petty Officers screaming in my face during boot I assure you, nothing anyone online says hurts my feelings.

But hating critics for being critics is ironic. So instead of hurting my feelings your posts usually only make me laugh.
What a joke....let's tie Barney the Dinosaur to gheyity because we are suspicious of the script content...
Oh it's a serious thread? Thought the title implied irony? :)

No, it's not. I've been schooling Mud all week on the difference between culture and politics and he still doesn't get it.

Bad enough we have drones who allow themselves to be led around by the nose to such an extent they can postulate on these boards, with a straight face, that some political philosophy (they don't follow of course) takes on personality traits -- with no clue how ludicrous that is. Now this guy thinks ART is politics.

And for an irony-upon-irony sandwich.... I love the way he brings up a movie about a play to make what he thinks is a political point, trying to tell us "movies are politics" and "movies are the left" and then to articulate his point quotes........ another movie.

Ya can't make this up.

SMH.... Thought is a lost art.
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I just wonder how Muddy's mind works that he can't even take any joy from something as simple as a movie without overwriting his world view on it.

Seems to be incapable of that in anything. I suspect if his toast burns he mutters "Liberals built this toaster".

I have to admit -- I just don't get that kind of obsession. It's flummoxing.
Oh it's a serious thread? Thought the title implied irony? :)

No, it's not. I've been schooling Mud all week on the difference between culture and politics and he still doesn't get it.

Bad enough we have drones who allow themselves to be led around by the nose to such an extent they can postulate on these boards, with a straight face, that some political philosophy (they don't follow of course) takes on personality traits -- with no clue how ludicrous that is. Now this guy thinks ART is politics.

And for an irony-upon-irony sandwich.... I love the way he brings up a movie about a play to make what he thinks is a political point, trying to tell us "movies are politics" and "movies are the left" and then to articulate his point quotes........ another movie.

Ya can't make this up.

SMH.... Thought is a lost art.
You haven't been schooling me on anything.

Now you're resorting to stalking because you can't win.
Oh it's a serious thread? Thought the title implied irony? :)

No, it's not. I've been schooling Mud all week on the difference between culture and politics and he still doesn't get it.

Bad enough we have drones who allow themselves to be led around by the nose to such an extent they can postulate on these boards, with a straight face, that some political philosophy (they don't follow of course) takes on personality traits -- with no clue how ludicrous that is. Now this guy thinks ART is politics.

And for an irony-upon-irony sandwich.... I love the way he brings up a movie about a play to make what he thinks is a political point, trying to tell us "movies are politics" and "movies are the left" and then to articulate his point quotes........ another movie.

Ya can't make this up.

SMH.... Thought is a lost art.
You haven't been schooling me on anything.

Now you're resorting to stalking because you can't win.

I admit I have a weakness for low-hanging fruit. Try hanging that rhetorical fruit a bit higher than the idea that political philosophies create personality traits. Nobody's buying that crapola.

How's your toast?
I just wonder how Muddy's mind works that he can't even take any joy from something as simple as a movie without overwriting his world view on it.

Seems to be incapable of that in anything. I suspect if his toast burns he mutters "Liberals built this toaster".

I have to admit -- I just don't get that kind of obsession. It's flummoxing.
Wrong again. Strawman argument.

Sure wish you would treat every topic in the same manner.
When it comes to protecting Democrats and thus protecting your ideology, you can't see past the tip of your nose. But when attacking other posters you have no problem making up wild accusations from out of nowhere.

Try discussing the topic of the OP, and save the sarcasm for other threads. This is getting very boring.
I just wonder how Muddy's mind works that he can't even take any joy from something as simple as a movie without overwriting his world view on it.

Seems to be incapable of that in anything. I suspect if his toast burns he mutters "Liberals built this toaster".

I have to admit -- I just don't get that kind of obsession. It's flummoxing.
Wrong again. Strawman argument.

Sure wish you would treat every topic in the same manner.
When it comes to protecting Democrats and thus protecting your ideology, you can't see past the tip of your nose. But when attacking other posters you have no problem making up wild accusations from out of nowhere.

Try discussing the topic of the OP, and save the sarcasm for other threads. This is getting very boring.

Uhh.. you just posited that a movie (one art form) about a play (another art form) "is" not only "politics" but both "liberalism" and "the left" -- oblivious even to the distinctions behind the last two, let alone between art and politics and personality types...

---- and you wanna see Strawmen is somebody else's post???

Dood, you've got a massive conflagration clusterfuck of Strawmen Army right there. Maybe you could pare down to one. Your thread makes no sense whatsoever.
I just wonder how Muddy's mind works that he can't even take any joy from something as simple as a movie without overwriting his world view on it.

Seems to be incapable of that in anything. I suspect if his toast burns he mutters "Liberals built this toaster".

I have to admit -- I just don't get that kind of obsession. It's flummoxing.
Wrong again. Strawman argument.

Sure wish you would treat every topic in the same manner.
When it comes to protecting Democrats and thus protecting your ideology, you can't see past the tip of your nose. But when attacking other posters you have no problem making up wild accusations from out of nowhere.

Try discussing the topic of the OP, and save the sarcasm for other threads. This is getting very boring.

Uhh.. you just posited that a movie (one art form) about a play (another art form) "is" not only "politics" but both "liberalism" and "the left" -- oblivious even to the distinctions behind the last two, let alone between art and politics and personality types...

---- and you wanna see Strawmen is somebody else's post???

Dood, you've got a massive conflagration clusterfuck of Strawmen Army right there. Maybe you could pare down to one. Your thread makes no sense whatsoever.



Think you've derailed the thread? Is that your goal?

Damn....you sure take being contradicted personally, don't you???
Haven't seen the Birdman yet....but if you're using it as a metaphor for modern politics (I'm thinking?)...then I question:

They believe in fairness but they don't practice it in real life. Perhaps elitists are liberals because they need something in their lives to rid themselves of guilt for all the evil they do in their lives. They can't show compassion for those they work with so they show it by joining causes. They're a bunch of egomaniacal narcissistic assholes with no real feelings for anyone but themselves. They are the most unpleasant beings on the planet.

It's all labels and boxes.

You put all the liberals in a box labeled egomaniacal narcissistic assholes" with no feelings for anyone but themselves.


I have a friend who is a passionate (and compassionate) liberal. She lives her life on the hard side because she makes a great many personal sacrifices to follow her convictions. Her compassion for others has almost ruined her life on several occassions. She practices what she preaches. She (and I for that matter, and the liberals I personally know) don't do that to rid ourselves of "guilt for all the evil" we do in our lives. The do care for their neighbors, communities and causes.

Maybe your labeling system is skewed.
Haven't seen the Birdman yet....but if you're using it as a metaphor for modern politics (I'm thinking?)...then I question:

They believe in fairness but they don't practice it in real life. Perhaps elitists are liberals because they need something in their lives to rid themselves of guilt for all the evil they do in their lives. They can't show compassion for those they work with so they show it by joining causes. They're a bunch of egomaniacal narcissistic assholes with no real feelings for anyone but themselves. They are the most unpleasant beings on the planet.

It's all labels and boxes.

You put all the liberals in a box labeled egomaniacal narcissistic assholes" with no feelings for anyone but themselves.


I have a friend who is a passionate (and compassionate) liberal. She lives her life on the hard side because she makes a great many personal sacrifices to follow her convictions. Her compassion for others has almost ruined her life on several occassions. She practices what she preaches. She (and I for that matter, and the liberals I personally know) don't do that to rid ourselves of "guilt for all the evil" we do in our lives. The do care for their neighbors, communities and causes.

Maybe your labeling system is skewed.
Nope. Perhaps liberals don't really exist anymore. Perhaps I really mean progressives.

The problem is, we can't discuss anything with out calling it something, so if you want to call it labeling, fine.
I just wonder how Muddy's mind works that he can't even take any joy from something as simple as a movie without overwriting his world view on it.

Seems to be incapable of that in anything. I suspect if his toast burns he mutters "Liberals built this toaster".

I have to admit -- I just don't get that kind of obsession. It's flummoxing.
Wrong again. Strawman argument.

Sure wish you would treat every topic in the same manner.
When it comes to protecting Democrats and thus protecting your ideology, you can't see past the tip of your nose. But when attacking other posters you have no problem making up wild accusations from out of nowhere.

Try discussing the topic of the OP, and save the sarcasm for other threads. This is getting very boring.

Uhh.. you just posited that a movie (one art form) about a play (another art form) "is" not only "politics" but both "liberalism" and "the left" -- oblivious even to the distinctions behind the last two, let alone between art and politics and personality types...

---- and you wanna see Strawmen is somebody else's post???

Dood, you've got a massive conflagration clusterfuck of Strawmen Army right there. Maybe you could pare down to one. Your thread makes no sense whatsoever.



Think you've derailed the thread? Is that your goal?

Damn....you sure take being contradicted personally, don't you???

Your thread never even left the depot. It's impossible to go somewhere without a destination in mind.
OK you want a refutation? I got your refutation right here.

This is Hollywood.

Yes, it is.

This is liberalism.

No, it isn't. You had it right the first time. This is your fantasy you're plugging in like Marian Robinson's imaginary racism.

This is the left.

:disbelief: Changed your mind already? In one line?? Don't know the difference between "liberalism" and "leftism"?
Again -- you had it right the first time.

Then after demonstrating you don't know what movies or plays are, let alone Liberalism or leftism.... you cite another movie that supposedly makes your point.

Even though you just got done telling us that movies are a combination of "Liberalism", "leftism" and "elitism" -- which are three different things.


As I said ------ train wreck.

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