I Don't get it. Two Cases same "Crime" Two Differnt approaches.

This make not sense. Two people run a stop sign. Within two min, one gets a warning, the other gets a 100 dollars fine. So next this happens:
Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reported, citing two unnamed sources.
Podesta is the founder of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, who was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.The Podesta Group reportedly worked with Manafort -- a former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign -- to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in the United States, without properly registering at the time under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Carlson said.
Manafort and the group worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, the Washington Times reported.
"In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary's friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail," Carlson said.
Podesta did not register as a foreign agent under FARA, Carlson said in a segment last October.

podesta is a clintonista so is protected. These assholes think they do this shit and we the people will not care. They are wrong.

Podesta is not charged with bank fraud nor money laundering.

This is fake news
This make not sense. Two people run a stop sign. Within two min, one gets a warning, the other gets a 100 dollars fine. So next this happens:
Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reported, citing two unnamed sources.
Podesta is the founder of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, who was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.The Podesta Group reportedly worked with Manafort -- a former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign -- to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in the United States, without properly registering at the time under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Carlson said.
Manafort and the group worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, the Washington Times reported.
"In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary's friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail," Carlson said.
Podesta did not register as a foreign agent under FARA, Carlson said in a segment last October.
I thought Manafort was going away for money laundering. No?

And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news
podesta is a clintonista so is protected. These assholes think they do this shit and we the people will not care. They are wrong.

The Trump Cultists will keep drinking the Koolaid, but even sensible Republicans are starting to wake up to Trump's collusion with Russia.

You do get the Helsinki performance was a debacle, right?
Correction. "Establishment Republicans". Trumps election was a referendum on them as well, by the voting constituency of the Republican party. The people are demanding change. And with a true outsider at the helm; much of what the crooked career politicians have built to enrich themselves is at risk of being exposed. They not only hate Trump. They are scared shitless by what he might do.
This make not sense. Two people run a stop sign. Within two min, one gets a warning, the other gets a 100 dollars fine. So next this happens:
Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reported, citing two unnamed sources.
Podesta is the founder of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, who was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.The Podesta Group reportedly worked with Manafort -- a former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign -- to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in the United States, without properly registering at the time under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Carlson said.
Manafort and the group worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, the Washington Times reported.
"In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary's friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail," Carlson said.
Podesta did not register as a foreign agent under FARA, Carlson said in a segment last October.
I thought Manafort was going away for money laundering. No?

And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news

Much more than just bank fraud:

All 12 indictments from the WSJ:

Count one: Conspiracy against the U.S.

Count two: Conspiracy to launder money

Counts three to six: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Counts seven to nine: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Count 11: False and misleading FARA statements

Count 12: False statements

This doesn't include the witness tampering.
This make not sense. Two people run a stop sign. Within two min, one gets a warning, the other gets a 100 dollars fine. So next this happens:
Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reported, citing two unnamed sources.
Podesta is the founder of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, who was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.The Podesta Group reportedly worked with Manafort -- a former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign -- to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in the United States, without properly registering at the time under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Carlson said.
Manafort and the group worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, the Washington Times reported.
"In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary's friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail," Carlson said.
Podesta did not register as a foreign agent under FARA, Carlson said in a segment last October.
I thought Manafort was going away for money laundering. No?

And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news

Much more than just bank fraud:

All 12 indictments from the WSJ:

Count one: Conspiracy against the U.S.

Count two: Conspiracy to launder money

Counts three to six: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Counts seven to nine: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Count 11: False and misleading FARA statements

Count 12: False statements

This doesn't include the witness tampering.
Manafort is reported to be in solitary confinement for 23 hours every day. Is this not cruel and unusual? Murders and rapists aren’t treated as poorly. Where is the tolerance?
Manafort is reported to be in solitary confinement for 23 hours every day. Is this not cruel and unusual? Murders and rapists aren’t treated as poorly. Where is the tolerance?

The left doesn't have an issue with murderers and rapists, unless they're a Republican, of course.
And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news

If Manafort, Trump or anyone else broke the law, they should be prosecuted.

Do you believe in the concept of equal application of the law? And, if I remember correctly, you SUPPORTED the DOJ's decision NOT to prosecute Hillary for her illegal transmissions of classified materials via her private server, right?
Correction. "Establishment Republicans". Trumps election was a referendum on them as well, by the voting constituency of the Republican party. The people are demanding change. And with a true outsider at the helm; much of what the crooked career politicians have built to enrich themselves is at risk of being exposed. They not only hate Trump. They are scared shitless by what he might do.

Um, actually, no. Trump is more corrupt than any insider has ever been. Just look at the people he appoints to head the agencies...

The real problem establishment Republicans have is that they spent the last 50 years appealing to the racism of the GOP White Working Class base, and Trump is the end result of that, because he was more openly racist than the subtle shit they usually do.

But after Helsinki, they really can't pretend everything is fine anymore, and they know it.
This make not sense. Two people run a stop sign. Within two min, one gets a warning, the other gets a 100 dollars fine. So next this happens:
Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reported, citing two unnamed sources.
Podesta is the founder of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, who was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.The Podesta Group reportedly worked with Manafort -- a former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign -- to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in the United States, without properly registering at the time under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Carlson said.
Manafort and the group worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, the Washington Times reported.
"In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary's friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail," Carlson said.
Podesta did not register as a foreign agent under FARA, Carlson said in a segment last October.
I thought Manafort was going away for money laundering. No?

And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news

Much more than just bank fraud:

All 12 indictments from the WSJ:

Count one: Conspiracy against the U.S.

Count two: Conspiracy to launder money

Counts three to six: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Counts seven to nine: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Count 11: False and misleading FARA statements

Count 12: False statements

This doesn't include the witness tampering.
Manafort is reported to be in solitary confinement for 23 hours every day. Is this not cruel and unusual? Murders and rapists aren’t treated as poorly. Where is the tolerance?

Yeah, he is really suffering! :21::21:


Specifically, contrary to Manafort’s assertions about his jail conditions, Manafort is in a private unit in which he can review materials and prepare for trial.

Moreover, he is not confined to a cell.

Between the hours of 8:30am to 10:00pm, Manafort has access to a separate workroom at the jail to meet with his attorneys and legal team.

Visitor logs from the prison indicate that each week Manafort has had multiple visits with his legal team.

Among the unique privileges Manafort enjoys at the jail are a private, self-contained living unit, which is larger than other inmates’ units, his own bathroom and shower facility, his own personal telephone, and his own workspace to prepare for trial. Manafort is also not required to wear a prison uniform. On the monitored prison phone calls, Manafort has mentioned that he is being treated like a “VIP.”

Manafort also has a personal telephone in his unit, which he can use over twelve hours a day to speak with his attorneys.

According to prison telephone logs, in the last three weeks Manafort has had over 100 phone calls with his attorneys, and another 200 calls with other persons.

The jail has made extra accommodations for Manafort’s use of the laptop, including providing him an extension cord to ensure the laptop can be used in his unit and not just in the separate workroom.
Correction. "Establishment Republicans". Trumps election was a referendum on them as well, by the voting constituency of the Republican party. The people are demanding change. And with a true outsider at the helm; much of what the crooked career politicians have built to enrich themselves is at risk of being exposed. They not only hate Trump. They are scared shitless by what he might do.

Um, actually, no. Trump is more corrupt than any insider has ever been. Just look at the people he appoints to head the agencies...

The real problem establishment Republicans have is that they spent the last 50 years appealing to the racism of the GOP White Working Class base, and Trump is the end result of that, because he was more openly racist than the subtle shit they usually do.

But after Helsinki, they really can't pretend everything is fine anymore, and they know it.
Trump is the worst EVER!

Righties say the same about your Messiah.

See a pattern?
And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news

If Manafort, Trump or anyone else broke the law, they should be prosecuted.

Do you believe in the concept of equal application of the law? And, if I remember correctly, you SUPPORTED the DOJ's decision NOT to prosecute Hillary for her illegal transmissions of classified materials via her private server, right?

Equal application of the law is a very nice fairy tale, but it does not exist in the real world.

Well, you remember incorrectly. I predicted the DOJs decision not to prosecute, I did not support it.
This make not sense. Two people run a stop sign. Within two min, one gets a warning, the other gets a 100 dollars fine. So next this happens:
Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort, Fox News' Tucker Carlson reported, citing two unnamed sources.
Podesta is the founder of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, who was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.The Podesta Group reportedly worked with Manafort -- a former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign -- to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in the United States, without properly registering at the time under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Carlson said.
Manafort and the group worked on a campaign called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, the Washington Times reported.
"In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary's friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail," Carlson said.
Podesta did not register as a foreign agent under FARA, Carlson said in a segment last October.
I thought Manafort was going away for money laundering. No?

And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news

Much more than just bank fraud:

All 12 indictments from the WSJ:

Count one: Conspiracy against the U.S.

Count two: Conspiracy to launder money

Counts three to six: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Counts seven to nine: Failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts

Count 11: False and misleading FARA statements

Count 12: False statements

This doesn't include the witness tampering.
Manafort is reported to be in solitary confinement for 23 hours every day. Is this not cruel and unusual? Murders and rapists aren’t treated as poorly. Where is the tolerance?

Yeah, he is really suffering! :21::21:


Specifically, contrary to Manafort’s assertions about his jail conditions, Manafort is in a private unit in which he can review materials and prepare for trial.

Moreover, he is not confined to a cell.

Between the hours of 8:30am to 10:00pm, Manafort has access to a separate workroom at the jail to meet with his attorneys and legal team.

Visitor logs from the prison indicate that each week Manafort has had multiple visits with his legal team.

Among the unique privileges Manafort enjoys at the jail are a private, self-contained living unit, which is larger than other inmates’ units, his own bathroom and shower facility, his own personal telephone, and his own workspace to prepare for trial. Manafort is also not required to wear a prison uniform. On the monitored prison phone calls, Manafort has mentioned that he is being treated like a “VIP.”

Manafort also has a personal telephone in his unit, which he can use over twelve hours a day to speak with his attorneys.

According to prison telephone logs, in the last three weeks Manafort has had over 100 phone calls with his attorneys, and another 200 calls with other persons.

The jail has made extra accommodations for Manafort’s use of the laptop, including providing him an extension cord to ensure the laptop can be used in his unit and not just in the separate workroom.
So the report about 23 hours of solitary confinement, is fake????
And bank fraud...but facts and truth will not deter the Trump zealots from posting fake news

If Manafort, Trump or anyone else broke the law, they should be prosecuted.

Do you believe in the concept of equal application of the law? And, if I remember correctly, you SUPPORTED the DOJ's decision NOT to prosecute Hillary for her illegal transmissions of classified materials via her private server, right?

Equal application of the law is a very nice fairy tale, but it does not exist in the real world.

Well, you remember incorrectly. I predicted the DOJs decision not to prosecute, I did not support it.

Equal application of the law certainly didn't exist during the Obama regime. It doesn't appear to exist in Mueller's playbook, either.

On another note, it's being reported that the Chinese hacked Hillary's private server. I wonder what goodies they got. Do you think Hillary should be prosecuted?
When is Mueller going to indict the KGB spies that stole our nuclear secrets back in the 40's? LOL!
Correction. "Establishment Republicans". Trumps election was a referendum on them as well, by the voting constituency of the Republican party. The people are demanding change. And with a true outsider at the helm; much of what the crooked career politicians have built to enrich themselves is at risk of being exposed. They not only hate Trump. They are scared shitless by what he might do.

Um, actually, no. Trump is more corrupt than any insider has ever been. Just look at the people he appoints to head the agencies...

The real problem establishment Republicans have is that they spent the last 50 years appealing to the racism of the GOP White Working Class base, and Trump is the end result of that, because he was more openly racist than the subtle shit they usually do.

But after Helsinki, they really can't pretend everything is fine anymore, and they know it.
As long as you continue to misdiagnose the nature of your political opposition; you will continue losing to them...

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