I am Seriously Puzzled about This...

There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Ethics and character voters, sick of the lies and divisive BS.
vote with the commies then big boy .
Haven't met a live commie since late 80s and that wasn't even in this country. I voted for Joe Biden, for better governance for all of America. Maybe not too late for you to come back from the dark side, but vote how you wish. I can live with democracy in action, in our representative republic. Can you?
and i voted for Trump who defends the 1st and 2nd amendment who appointed 3 constitutionalist to the supreme court that will not legislate from the bench ! and as a far as you not knowing any commies you voted for the nominee of a party full of socialist [communism with training wheels] ! and with the way big tech and the main msm have been going to bat for the totalitarian left and censoring conservative speech if you vote dem you are a communist sympathizer ! and after we saw the chicom allied dems try to overturn the 2016 election with a load of bull spare me your claim of democracy in action........woman !
Yeah, yeay, yeah, dem = socialist = commies, that same old broken record. About as accurate as Rep = white power = anarchist terror groups as we have seen several indictments this year, from militia to Boogaloo to proud boys. Go change your tampon, toots!
are you actually trying to tell us that there is no far left socialist movement growing in the democratic party ? View attachment 408867
No more than you believing there is no far right radical movement in this country. There are, have been and always will be far right and far left fringe groups in this country. They just do not represent most of the people on either side of the left/right divided. If either side shows up at my house, I will deal with them as any other threat, in a legal manner, effective manner. What is your plan? Is it run in circle waving you hands, pointing look, look, there's a radical leftist? Good luck with that.
name a far right radicle in congress idiot ! name a nazi white supremacist in leadership idiot ! you cant ! the democratic party has several prominent self proclaimed democratic socialist ! and if you claim the party isnt moving further to the left you are a liar ! and you know you are a liar !
Darin Nunes is pretty far out there in my book. Trump supports white supremacist movements. There are self proclaimed democrat socialist, but I have never voted for one and suggest you don't either. The fringes are the fringes. They will tug and tug, but we chose Joe Biden, instead.
spoken like a true far left lying leftist !
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.


  1. After being derided as "RINOs" and told to leave the party, they have, and
  2. Trump is a POS

The Kool-Aid drinkers who have driven the "RINOs" away from the party then wonder why they aren't voting for Orange Jesus have to be the dumbest people in America after QookAnon supporters.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.
Ethics and character voters, sick of the lies and divisive BS.
vote with the commies then big boy .
Haven't met a live commie since late 80s and that wasn't even in this country. I voted for Joe Biden, for better governance for all of America. Maybe not too late for you to come back from the dark side, but vote how you wish. I can live with democracy in action, in our representative republic. Can you?
and i voted for Trump who defends the 1st and 2nd amendment who appointed 3 constitutionalist to the supreme court that will not legislate from the bench ! and as a far as you not knowing any commies you voted for the nominee of a party full of socialist [communism with training wheels] ! and with the way big tech and the main msm have been going to bat for the totalitarian left and censoring conservative speech if you vote dem you are a communist sympathizer ! and after we saw the chicom allied dems try to overturn the 2016 election with a load of bull spare me your claim of democracy in action........woman !
Yeah, yeay, yeah, dem = socialist = commies, that same old broken record. About as accurate as Rep = white power = anarchist terror groups as we have seen several indictments this year, from militia to Boogaloo to proud boys. Go change your tampon, toots!
are you actually trying to tell us that there is no far left socialist movement growing in the democratic party ? View attachment 408867
No more than you believing there is no far right radical movement in this country. There are, have been and always will be far right and far left fringe groups in this country. They just do not represent most of the people on either side of the left/right divided. If either side shows up at my house, I will deal with them as any other threat, in a legal manner, effective manner. What is your plan? Is it run in circle waving you hands, pointing look, look, there's a radical leftist? Good luck with that.
name a far right radicle in congress idiot ! name a nazi white supremacist in leadership idiot ! you cant ! the democratic party has several prominent self proclaimed democratic socialist ! and if you claim the party isnt moving further to the left you are a liar ! and you know you are a liar !
Darin Nunes is pretty far out there in my book. Trump supports white supremacist movements. There are self proclaimed democrat socialist, but I have never voted for one and suggest you don't either. The fringes are the fringes. They will tug and tug, but we chose Joe Biden, instead.
thank you for saying we selected and varifying that you are a democrat proving that you are a liar when you claim to be a republican liar !
Don't call me a Republican. I haven't been calling you dirty names. Not a Democrat for that matter. I treasure my Independence, thank you very much! The two parties suck. I voted against both, last time. This time I am voted against trump, who took over and ruined the republican party. Good luck with your next totalitarian leaning jerk wad candidate.
There is a movement of voters who are surfacing these days (I assume this is legitimate) who make the following claim:

"I am a Republican but I'm voting for Biden."

Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden.

I see one possibility...I disagree with it, but I understand it...Republicans are turned off by Donald Trump's personality and manner, and don't want to vote for him.

But that is a reason not to vote. How can anyone who claims to be a Republican see the Democrat platform and not be totally repulsed by it?

I don't get it.


  1. After being derided as "RINOs" and told to leave the party, they have, and
  2. Trump is a POS

The Kool-Aid drinkers who have driven the "RINOs" away from the party then wonder why they aren't voting for Orange Jesus have to be the dumbest people in America after QookAnon supporters.

I certainly don't have a problem with that. Every RINO can leave the party as far as I'm concerned. They are liberals who hide under the Republican umbrella just to get elected, and once elected, work against our party. Who needs them. They can leave and become what they really are, a Democrat.
He seems to like the proud boys, since he told them to stand by.

But Trump also likes to retweet white supremacists.

You call that supporting white supremacists?
sure, also due to Stephen Miller's always stable position in the Trump administration

He seems to like the proud boys, since he told them to stand by.

But Trump also likes to retweet white supremacists.

You call that supporting white supremacists?
sure, also due to Stephen Miller's always stable position in the Trump administration

Oh please, the Guardian? Can you get serious for a moment? So once again, when did Trump (not people supposedly in his administration) ever support any white supremacist group?
He seems to like the proud boys, since he told them to stand by.

But Trump also likes to retweet white supremacists.

You call that supporting white supremacists?
sure, also due to Stephen Miller's always stable position in the Trump administration

Oh please, the Guardian? Can you get serious for a moment? So once again, when did Trump (not people supposedly in his administration) ever support any white supremacist group?
Its fully documented in a book.

Only in your world, and not the real world.
Only you bring it up in your posts, every chance you get.

Because it's always true. The GOP is the tool of the Investor Class, using fake moral crisis to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. Trump is just the latest, most toxic version of it, but they've been pulling this shit since Tricky Dick.

Sigh - Ive seen what unions can do. Where employees were told not to work but a limited amount.
Unions have seen their days of control, and are being faded out.

Yup, they tell you that.. Not sure why you are keen to work extra hard for less money, but there you are. Oh, that's right... Because you're "Special". Yeah. I used to think like that before I busted up my knee and found out how expendable working people are to the investor class.

You dont have a clue about GDP, and how or what is effecting it. If you were a financial expert, you wouldnt be crying on this forum about it.
Ive recently learned a lot about the basic effects of GDP, and how the slow conversion of bringing our jobs back to our country, is effecting it. Along with many, many other factors, in the long term, our country will be bigger, better, and stronger than ever.

Uh, guy, at the moment we are still at Negative GDP for the year. Trump America has gone the way of Trump Airlines, Trump Casinos and Trump Steak- FAILURE.

We will be better and stronger, once we've show the Orange Shitgibbon the Door.

I dont understand this stuff very much, but Im learning.

I understand it just fine. The investor class if very good at getting you to think their interests are your interests... and you keep falling for it.
You believe your best interest is being utterly ruled by government, to have government make all your decisions for you.

Not everyone is weak like you. You cannot dictate what is in other peoples' interests.

Uh, aren't you the guy who has been sucking off the government Teet your whole life? "I'm totally against big government, except for the bloated military industrial complex that pays me!!!!"
Talk about white people voting against their own interest, you are supporting a party that's trying to make your race a minority in this country for the first time in history ASAP. It's the same party that wants to put that Welcome mat back on our borders for third-world people to come here, take our jobs, and lower the pay for everybody else. The same party that wants to make guns impossible to get thus giving the criminal a huge advantage over the victims.

If white people are on their way to being a minority, it's because they'd rather have expensive toys than kids... that's kind of their own fault. As for those third worlders, I'll tell you straight up, people of color in the course of my career have done a lot to help me. The people who've been an impediment have been white dudes with nicer clothes....

As far as guns... a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. We have met the enemy, and he is us.


Like I told you before, I used to deliver crates to companies that were either moving out of state or out of the country. In most of those cases, they couldn't compete because they were unionized, and the unions refused to give in a little bit to keep their workers working.

Ray working at the Rape Crisis Center, "Well, you now you shouldn't have dressed like a slut!!!"

The problem is, we reward the greed of the Investor class. We lionize them, we put their pictures on glossy magazines for screwing the working class.

I just want you to explain something to me: You and I both own widget companies. In my company, I pay workers enough to attract them to the job, but don't overpay them. In your company, you welcome the union. They make you pay your employees over twice as much as my employees make. Now, Amazon or Walmart are checking prices to buy tens of millions of widgets. I can sell them my widgets for ten dollars each. You can sell them your widgets for sixteen dollars each. Who are they going to buy their widgets from?

Actually, it would depend... Are you widgets crap because the people making them are underpaid and don't give a shit if they work or not? Are your widgets selling, because no one is making enough money to afford them?

This is what you guys don't seem to get... you keep trying to eliminate the working class as a middle class, pretty soon you have no economic activity, or you have everyone on the dole like you are.

The irony is, most of the "working poor" making your crappy widgets are getting Food Stamps, Section 8 housing, Medicaid, etc.... which makes them MORE likely to want more government. Not less.
If white people are on their way to being a minority, it's because they'd rather have expensive toys than kids... that's kind of their own fault. As for those third worlders, I'll tell you straight up, people of color in the course of my career have done a lot to help me. The people who've been an impediment have been white dudes with nicer clothes....

As far as guns... a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. We have met the enemy, and he is us.

A person who commits suicide in their own home is in control of their actions. You are not in control when somebody breaks into your home to kill you unless you are armed. Even if you grab your phone to call the cops, all that does is send them on their way to pick up your body while the killer is long gone. The chance of me getting killed by my own gun is 0%. The chance of me getting killed by somebody else breaking into my home if I were unarmed is 100%.

The Democrat party takes strides every chance they get to bring in people from our southern countries to wipe out the white majority. Once they do that, they have the ability to be in power for eternity according to voting statistics. Then we will move to total Socialism, then Communism. Selling out your country and race because a few people treated you badly in life is a poor excuse to do so.

Actually, it would depend... Are you widgets crap because the people making them are underpaid and don't give a shit if they work or not? Are your widgets selling, because no one is making enough money to afford them?

Nope. The widgets are the same quality. Even if they weren't, it doesn't matter because the American consumer could care less about quality. All they care about is getting the cheapest widget they can. So once again, how are you going to compete against my company selling widgets to Amazon or Walmart?

The irony is, most of the "working poor" making your crappy widgets are getting Food Stamps, Section 8 housing, Medicaid, etc.... which makes them MORE likely to want more government. Not less.

That's not the mentality of these people. Trust me, we had customers who used temp help. When they got busy, they had to get more temps because their current crew of temps refused to work more hours so it wouldn't interfere with their social goodies. One time a supervisor told me how the temp service gave their workers a raise, so they worked less hours to stay under the government limits.

Food stamps? Yes, I know about them. From time to time some lowlife will bug us in line at the grocery store to sell them for cash so they can buy cigarettes or beer. They use 25 dollars of their stamps to pay for some of your items. At the end of the line, you give them 20 bucks for those items they used the SNAP's card for. They got 20 bucks in cash to do what they want, and you saved 5 bucks on the items you bought.
A person who commits suicide in their own home is in control of their actions. You are not in control when somebody breaks into your home to kill you unless you are armed. Even if you grab your phone to call the cops, all that does is send them on their way to pick up your body while the killer is long gone. The chance of me getting killed by my own gun is 0%. The chance of me getting killed by somebody else breaking into my home if I were unarmed is 100%.

Actually, not really. Most burglaries happen when the person isn't home.. and when they are, they are only harmed (not killed) 7% of the time.

That's not the mentality of these people. Trust me, we had customers who used temp help. When they got busy, they had to get more temps because their current crew of temps refused to work more hours so it wouldn't interfere with their social goodies. One time a supervisor told me how the temp service gave their workers a raise, so they worked less hours to stay under the government limits.

These people? You mean they have the good sense not to give up hundreds of dollars in benefits for a company that had no loyalty to them?

If there is one thing that is massively abused, it's the whole system of "Temps" and "Contract Labor".
Talk about white people voting against their own interest, you are supporting a party that's trying to make your race a minority in this country for the first time in history ASAP. It's the same party that wants to put that Welcome mat back on our borders for third-world people to come here, take our jobs, and lower the pay for everybody else. The same party that wants to make guns impossible to get thus giving the criminal a huge advantage over the victims.

If white people are on their way to being a minority, it's because they'd rather have expensive toys than kids... that's kind of their own fault. As for those third worlders, I'll tell you straight up, people of color in the course of my career have done a lot to help me. The people who've been an impediment have been white dudes with nicer clothes....

As far as guns... a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy. We have met the enemy, and he is us.

View attachment 409077

Like I told you before, I used to deliver crates to companies that were either moving out of state or out of the country. In most of those cases, they couldn't compete because they were unionized, and the unions refused to give in a little bit to keep their workers working.

Ray working at the Rape Crisis Center, "Well, you now you shouldn't have dressed like a slut!!!"

The problem is, we reward the greed of the Investor class. We lionize them, we put their pictures on glossy magazines for screwing the working class.

I just want you to explain something to me: You and I both own widget companies. In my company, I pay workers enough to attract them to the job, but don't overpay them. In your company, you welcome the union. They make you pay your employees over twice as much as my employees make. Now, Amazon or Walmart are checking prices to buy tens of millions of widgets. I can sell them my widgets for ten dollars each. You can sell them your widgets for sixteen dollars each. Who are they going to buy their widgets from?

Actually, it would depend... Are you widgets crap because the people making them are underpaid and don't give a shit if they work or not? Are your widgets selling, because no one is making enough money to afford them?

This is what you guys don't seem to get... you keep trying to eliminate the working class as a middle class, pretty soon you have no economic activity, or you have everyone on the dole like you are.

The irony is, most of the "working poor" making your crappy widgets are getting Food Stamps, Section 8 housing, Medicaid, etc.... which makes them MORE likely to want more government. Not less.
Do you hate the world, everyone in it, yourself, or do you just hate everything in general ?
Would you feel better, if we were all minority gays of different colors ?
Getting back to the point of my thread, there are certain VALUES that Republicans traditionally hold, for example,
  • meritocracy,
  • fairness - color-blindness,
  • private sector solutions rather than public sector solutions (esp. in healthcare),
  • respect for laws, specifically immigration laws,
  • distribution of the rewards of productivity to those who produce,
  • minimizing regulatory intrusion into businesses, especially small businesses,
  • rational use of natural resources, balanced with respect for the environment,
  • respect for the Constitution and laws of the U.S.,
  • Federalism (preference for LOCAL solutions rather than Federal overreach),
  • the superiority of Western Civilization.
The Democrat platform obliterates these values, mocks them, makes them nearly impossible to pursue.

I GET that Donald Trump has personal attributes that are a turnoff to many people, but Republicans are supposed to be ADULTS who look at the JOB he is doing rather than the manner in which he does it, and no Republican President in any living person's lifetime has done a better job of promoting the values listed above.

And on the other hand, Joe Biden is no paragon of anything but sucking at the government's capacious teats. Name a single accomplishment from his 47 years of "public service." His VP candidate was an outrageous pick, chosen with absolutely no regard to qualifications or temperament, and we all know that she is likely to succeed him before the end of Biden'e term.

I reiterate: I fail to see how any real Republican could vote for Biden.
Somebody please explain to me how anyone who is a Republican can read or be aware of the Democrat platform for 2020, and vote for Joe Biden

Because they're trapped, mentally, in the lesser-of-two-evils nonsense.
Actually, not really. Most burglaries happen when the person isn't home.. and when they are, they are only harmed (not killed) 7% of the time.

Yes they do, and do you know why? Because a criminal is scared shitless of an armed homeowner. However if a criminal makes a miscalculation on my apartment and does break in while I'm home, he's leaving in a body bag--not me.

These people? You mean they have the good sense not to give up hundreds of dollars in benefits for a company that had no loyalty to them?

If there is one thing that is massively abused, it's the whole system of "Temps" and "Contract Labor".

Nothing abusive about it. When I was very young, I worked for a temp agency. It didn't pay much, but if not for the recession, several of their customers said they would hire me.

It's the same thing today. Businesses not only use temp services to adjust for the fluctuation of business activity, it gives them a chance to try out potential employees before hiring them. Everybody knows this including the temps, but they won't give up their stipend to secure a good full-time job. They like the way they're living and don't want to change. It's called playing the system.

On the other hand I've known some people who simply didn't have the intelligence to advance. They are the hardest workers I've come across, but talking to them, you understand they have low intelligence and it's not their fault. They will always have to work for low wages no matter how hard they try. Those are the people that I'd rather see getting government benefits than those young people with reasonable intelligence and no physical disabilities. That's what's unfair about the system.
I GET that Donald Trump has personal attributes that are a turnoff to many people, but Republicans are supposed to be ADULTS who look at the JOB he is doing rather than the manner in which he does it, and no Republican President in any living person's lifetime has done a better job of promoting the values listed above.

There is a difference between Republicans and conservative Republicans. Yes, conservatives will vote based on accomplishments and not personality. the wishy-washy Republicans will vote on a candidate with the same criteria they used for voting on their favorite American Idol contestant: how they speak, how they dress, how they smile......

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