I am not ashamed.

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
I have been taking antidepressants prescribed by a psychiatrist since 1992. I am diagnosed with High Functioning Autism -- Asperger's syndrome. Most of my 160 kg are of avian origin.

I am not psychotic. Depression and Autism are Neurosis. There is nothing shameful about people who are psychotic.

I am not retarded. These people have low IQ -- intelligence quotient. I have normal IQ and low EQ -- emotional quotient. People who do have low IQ should not be shamed/abused.
Well while we're bragging about our ailments I'll take this moment to announce that I have pretty severe ADHD. If I'm not medicated I am often incapable of absorbing information that my brain has deemed uninteresting. I can sit down and force myself to read pages from a book but not retain anything. It fucking sucks sometimes because I hate taking stimulants and not everything you need to learn in life is fun and interesting.
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Well while we're bragging about our ailments I'll take this moment to announce that I have pretty severe ADHD. If I'm not medicated I am sometimes incapable of even absorbing information that my brain has deemed uninteresting. I can sit down and force myself to read pages from a book but not retain anything. It fucking sucks sometimes because I hate taking stimulants.
Much like me.
That's been the problem for all sorts of mental issues. There shouldn't be a stigma about it, but there still is, although that seems to be changing. I don't take anything but I am surrounded by family and friends who are coping with some sort of mental issue.
Well while we're bragging about our ailments I'll take this moment to announce that I have pretty severe ADHD
It shows. Why don't you quit obsessing over the doctors wife? I'm not white knighting I just don't get why you gotta be a constant dick in her threads.
Take Jillz for instance, I love to taunt her but I wouldn't follow her around talking smack. When she gives back her cracker Jack's law license I will chill
I have been taking antidepressants prescribed by a psychiatrist since 1992. I am diagnosed with High Functioning Autism -- Asperger's syndrome. Most of my 160 kg are of avian origin.

I am not psychotic. Depression and Autism are Neurosis. There is nothing shameful about people who are psychotic.

I am not retarded. These people have low IQ -- intelligence quotient. I have normal IQ and low EQ -- emotional quotient. People who do have low IQ should not be shamed/abused.

Nothing to be ashamed of.

There's a young man who's made a name for himself in certain circles with his photography. His name is Anthony Schmidt and he's a car nut. He's 13 years old and has autism. He has a collection of thousands of scale model cars that he photographs with his iPhone:

Anthony Schmidt Photography

To watch this kid work is a pretty amazing thing. His images are pretty incredible when you consider where they come from: an iPhone and the imagination of a remarkable young man...
Why don't you quit obsessing over the doctors wife?
I didn't treat her any worse than anybody else I've picked on. You orbiters just get defensive when people pick on your favorite girls. There are some seriously vapid and unlearned women on this forum and on occasion I call them out for what they are, just like I do with everybody else.

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I didn't treat her any worse than anybody else I've picked on. You orbiters just get defensive when people pick on your favorite girls. There are some seriously vapid and unlearned women on this forum and on occasion I call them out for what they are, just like I do with everybody else.

Favorite girl? Lol
I've had less than zero interactions with her. She didn't even name me in the friends thread so yeah....You're just a dick.

I get this irresistible itch in my left nut every time I see a beautiful woman with big boobs.


:eusa_dance: :boobies: :smoke::cool::eusa_dance::boobies::eusa_dance:
Read your own history. You're acting like a stalker
I think I've given her a hard time in like two threads. You're right that they weren't political. Maybe I am an asshole for that. It wasn't personal though. You'll realize that sooner or later if I continue to waste my time here.
I think I've given her a hard time in like two threads. You're right that they weren't political. Maybe I am an asshole for that. It wasn't personal though. You'll realize that sooner or later if I continue to waste my time here.
Dude a little self awareness goes a long way. I spar with many here but in threads that aren't political I don't even go there. If you can control your political points of view they control you. Some posts may not be political but when you can't separate your anxiety from them you have a problem.
I often interact with rightwinger and a few others, if the thread isn't about politics I leave my "political feelings" on the side of the road
Some posts may not be political but when you can't separate your anxiety from them you have a problem.
I didn't attack her politically. I pointed out that I think she's a boring idiot in a completely nonpartisan way. It had nothing to do with politics. I don't pretend to be a cute politically correct person. I say what I think wherever the hell I happen to find myself.


Did I not openly give you respect?




How about all of you? Have I ever disrespected you over politics?

Four right wingers that I completely disagree with in a lot of ways. They're not fucking idiots though so I respect them. I'm sorry if I was too blunt for you sensitive old snowflakes. I'll leave the stupid women alone.

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