I am losing interest... in the agw cult thing

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
It's getting boring..

The earth keeps on turning.. The seasons keep changing..

Wild fires, drought, snow.

What ever

Life goes on
It's getting boring..

The earth keeps on turning.. The seasons keep changing..

Wild fires, drought, snow.

What ever

Life goes on

It wont if you continue to disregard environmental issues because they are boring.
The real environmental issue is America generates too much trash. Off to the landfills? it sickens me to walk around on trash pickup day. Corporate wastes too.

Too much packaging, plastic junk, Styrofoam etc.

It's getting boring..

The earth keeps on turning.. The seasons keep changing..

Wild fires, drought, snow.

What ever

Life goes on

It wont if you continue to disregard environmental issues because they are boring.

Environmental issues are very interesting and need attention immediately...and most of them could actually have something constructive done about them....AGW, however, is not an environmental issue..it is a scam, and as long as it continues to suck the air out of the room and the treasures out of the coffers, nothing will ever be done about the very real, and very solvable environmental issues we face.
It's getting boring..

The earth keeps on turning.. The seasons keep changing..

Wild fires, drought, snow.

What ever

Life goes on

Temps in the 60's and 70's in November here in Chicago, and you are trying to pretend nothing is up?

Are you claiming that this is something brand new?...something that has never happened before..or are you relying on your very very brief very very limited picture of the overall climate? Here, have some context......no charge...its on the house.




Have a look at the actual climate history of chicago and see that what you are experiencing is nothing new...nothing out of the ordinary...and in fact, well within the boundaries of natural variability.

Graphical Climatology of Chicago (1871-Present) - ClimateStations.com
Are you claiming that this is something brand new?...something that has never happened before..or are you relying on your very very brief very very limited picture of the overall climate? Here, have some context......no charge...its on the house.

No context required... 2016 is the hottest year on record.

It should not still be this warm in November.
Are you claiming that this is something brand new?...something that has never happened before..or are you relying on your very very brief very very limited picture of the overall climate? Here, have some context......no charge...its on the house.

No context required... 2016 is the hottest year on record.

It should not still be this warm in November.
End of a warm cycle with a cold cycle starting.. Historically a spike is recorded when the climate shifts naturally... Guess what we saw.. a spike without an upward shift in global temps.. This anomaly is natural and cyclical, easily predicted..
Are you claiming that this is something brand new?...something that has never happened before..or are you relying on your very very brief very very limited picture of the overall climate? Here, have some context......no charge...its on the house.

No context required... 2016 is the hottest year on record.

And you actually believe that?...my, but you are the first class dupe, aren't you? Here...more context...not that I expect actual evidence to penetrate the brain of a top shelf dupe such as yourself, but someone may be interested in seeing the truth.





And just to focus in on your little corner of the world.... Here, from the Chicago Tribune in 1984...


Look closely at that graph...it's important...


In 1984, the Chicago Tribune reported Illinois had cooled 3.5 degrees, as greenhouse gases increased since the 1930s.

It should not still be this warm in November.

And had you looked at the historical temperature data I provided, you would have seen that it isn't at all unusual for the temperatures to be quite warm in Illinois during october and november....NOAA and NASA haven't been able to completely disappear the entire temperature data base for anywhere and when you compare older records to newer versions, the blatant data tampering is obvious....those dupes who don't bother to look deserve to be dupes I guess....or do you want to claim that we didn't know how to read thermometers in 1988?
It's getting boring..

The earth keeps on turning.. The seasons keep changing..

Wild fires, drought, snow.

What ever

Life goes on

You should present your findings to experts so they can invite you to parties as the entertainment
Even though all the world is recording record warm temperatures, as well as record precipitation events, the assholes here will never admit that something has changed. An example is that before 1990, there were 1.5 quakes of over 3 in Oklahoma per year. Now, we are seeing an average of 2.5 quakes per day in Oklahoma, but the rightwingnuts will stand right there and insist that it has nothing to do with the pumping of the fracking waste under high pressure into the ground.

The 'agw cult' are millions of scientists all over the world that state that AGW is real. They present evidence every day as to the warming that we are experiencing. And our little dumb cocksucks here just scream 'socialism', 'communism' and other idiotic memes. They, indeed, are 'deplorables'. Willfully ignorant, and proud of it.
Even though all the world is recording record warm temperatures, as well as record precipitation events, the assholes here will never admit that something has changed. An example is that before 1990, there were 1.5 quakes of over 3 in Oklahoma per year. Now, we are seeing an average of 2.5 quakes per day in Oklahoma, but the rightwingnuts will stand right there and insist that it has nothing to do with the pumping of the fracking waste under high pressure into the ground.

The 'agw cult' are millions of scientists all over the world that state that AGW is real. They present evidence every day as to the warming that we are experiencing. And our little dumb cocksucks here just scream 'socialism', 'communism' and other idiotic memes. They, indeed, are 'deplorables'. Willfully ignorant, and proud of it.

Wow....just wow...you believe that torturing data to make it show record warmth actually translates to record warmth in reality?...and you believe a hand full of crooked scientists making big bucks on a scam are actually millions of scientists...you are truly a first class dupe....or a bald faced liar of the worst sort.

OK...now respond with a logical fallacy.
Are you claiming that this is something brand new?...something that has never happened before..or are you relying on your very very brief very very limited picture of the overall climate? Here, have some context......no charge...its on the house.

No context required... 2016 is the hottest year on record.

And you actually believe that?...my, but you are the first class dupe, aren't you? Here...more context...not that I expect actual evidence to penetrate the brain of a top shelf dupe such as yourself, but someone may be interested in seeing the truth.





And just to focus in on your little corner of the world.... Here, from the Chicago Tribune in 1984...


Look closely at that graph...it's important...


In 1984, the Chicago Tribune reported Illinois had cooled 3.5 degrees, as greenhouse gases increased since the 1930s.

It should not still be this warm in November.

And had you looked at the historical temperature data I provided, you would have seen that it isn't at all unusual for the temperatures to be quite warm in Illinois during october and november....NOAA and NASA haven't been able to completely disappear the entire temperature data base for anywhere and when you compare older records to newer versions, the blatant data tampering is obvious....those dupes who don't bother to look deserve to be dupes I guess....or do you want to claim that we didn't know how to read thermometers in 1988?

And the contiguous US became the entire planet WHEN?
And the contiguous US became the entire planet WHEN?

The stupidity just never stops with you does it? Why not at least try to keep up...the poster I was replying to was talking about chicago...which is part of the US...and doesn't represent the entire earth...if you are going to join the adults in conversation, try to at least act like one.
End of a warm cycle with a cold cycle starting.. Historically a spike is recorded when the climate shifts naturally... Guess what we saw.. a spike without an upward shift in global temps.. This anomaly is natural and cyclical, easily predicted..

Uh, no, it really isn't. This is the warmest year- ever.

According to heavily massaged data....and when you say "ever" are you claiming that 2016 is warmer than the warmest temperature of the medieval warm period.....or the roman warm period...or the holocene optimum...before you use a word like "ever" you really should take just a quick look at history....here, is a 10,000 year reconstruction from the greenland ice cores...


And ice cores from antarctica show the same temperature trend.....as you can see, it is cooler now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years....far from your claim that 2016 was the warmest year evah....

And it was far warmer before the earth descended into the ice age that it is still working its way out of....ever is a very long time..
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