Hypocrite Jews


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
I just saw a lbs special on these Africans (Eritrians?) Who can no longer go to Europe so they go to Israel now where they are abused deported imprisoned and live in poverty.

Is this how the Jews show treat people trying to leave a brutal dictator regime? Send them back? Did America send Jews back to Germany in ww2?

I'm just surprised Jews would be such hypocrites. Cry for 80 years after it happened to you but not help when it happens to someone else.

Jews say "never forget" but it seems they have.
I just saw a lbs special on these Africans (Eritrians?) Who can no longer go to Europe so they go to Israel now where they are abused deported imprisoned and live in poverty.

Is this how the Jews show treat people trying to leave a brutal dictator regime? Send them back?
Did America send Jews back to Germany in ww2?

I'm just surprised Jews would be such hypocrites. Cry for 80 years after it happened to you but not help when it happens to someone else.

Jews say "never forget" but it seems they have.

Silly bobo... Yes there were limits to the numbers of Jews allowed to immigrate to he U.S. Many where sent back to their deaths. others like my grandfather's family immigrated to Canada first, then finally made it here. Israel has limited resources they cant absorb every person persecuted
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A number of controversies have arisen about United States policy and its impact on European Jews during the era of the Holocaust.

One controversy involves the admission of immigrants from Nazi Germany into the United States. Influenced by the economic hardships of the Depression, which exacerbated popular antisemitism, isolationism, and xenophobia, the refugee policy of the US State Department and its stringent (and questionably legal) application of the 1924 Immigration Law made it difficult for refugees to obtain entry visas, despite the ongoing persecution of Jews in Germany.

Although several other European countries permitted limited Jewish immigration (for example Britain, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands) before 1938, many of these refugees disappeared as Nazi Germany conquered Europe. Latin America had also been a potential destination for refugees, although after 1938 these nations increasingly refused to admit further immigrants. A significant exception was Bolivia, which admitted around 30,000 from 1938-1941.

Beginning in 1940, the United States further restricted immigration by ordering US consuls to delay visa approvals on national security grounds. After the United States entered the World War II in December 1941, the trickle of immigration virtually dried up, just as the Nazi regime began systematically to murder the Jews of Europe.

United States Policy and its Impact on European Jews
In a Canadian parliamentary session early in the war, when members were debating the number of refugee Jews who should be allowed to immigrate, a French-Canadian MP was asked what he thought the number should be. He responded, "None would be too many." And as to the US, we turned an entire ship load back, most of whom died in the camps.
I just saw a lbs special on these Africans (Eritrians?) Who can no longer go to Europe so they go to Israel now where they are abused deported imprisoned and live in poverty.

Is this how the Jews show treat people trying to leave a brutal dictator regime? Send them back? Did America send Jews back to Germany in ww2?

I'm just surprised Jews would be such hypocrites. Cry for 80 years after it happened to you but not help when it happens to someone else.

Jews say "never forget" but it seems they have.

I was just wondering: Are these Eritreans practicing Muslims, Christians or are they one of the lost tribes of Israel? Also you listed a number of wrongs inflicted upon those escaping (what?) to get to Israel! In what order is that list being effected once they are allowed into Israel? Are they all living in poverty, abused, imprisoned, and finally deported like the illegal immigrants we have from Latin America?
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
o Europe won't let any more of them in so the only place they can go isIsreal, where they treat them like shit. If anyone treats a Jew bad they are called anti semetic. What's it called when Jew don't want blacks living among them?l
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
o Europe won't let any more of them in so the only place they can go isIsreal, where they treat them like shit. If anyone treats a Jew bad they are called anti semetic. What's it called when Jew don't want blacks living among them?l

It depends on what the entire story is.
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?

Yes you are.... Nothing new though...

History of the Jews in Eritrea once had a substantial Jewish community, fueled by immigrants arriving for economic reasons and to escape persecution. The community thrived for several decades before mass emigration began during the Eritrean War of Independence. Today, there is only one Jew left in the country.

History of the Jews in Eritrea
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
o Europe won't let any more of them in so the only place they can go isIsreal, where they treat them like shit. If anyone treats a Jew bad they are called anti semetic. What's it called when Jew don't want blacks living among them?l

You're a silly man bobo How about you worry about your muslim brothers being slaughtered by muslims:thup:
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
o Europe won't let any more of them in so the only place they can go isIsreal, where they treat them like shit. If anyone treats a Jew bad they are called anti semetic. What's it called when Jew don't want blacks living among them?l

You're a silly man bobo How about you worry about your muslim brothers being slaughtered by muslims:thup:

What I won't do is empathise with Jews If this is how they help others who are being persecuted by a murderous regime. You cried for help from the rest of the world when it was you and cry anti semitism if any country you go to if they don't treat you well. So start treating those Africans better.
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
o Europe won't let any more of them in so the only place they can go isIsreal, where they treat them like shit. If anyone treats a Jew bad they are called anti semetic. What's it called when Jew don't want blacks living among them?l

You're a silly man bobo How about you worry about your muslim brothers being slaughtered by muslims:thup:
You aren't killing those Africans except the ones you deport. Imagine if we sent you back to Nazi Germany.

And maybe you won't get our support when Isis starts helping the Palestinians. Don't ask to come here we don't have the room and if you do come here maybe we'll treat you like you're treating those africans
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
o Europe won't let any more of them in so the only place they can go isIsreal, where they treat them like shit. If anyone treats a Jew bad they are called anti semetic. What's it called when Jew don't want blacks living among them?l

You're a silly man bobo How about you worry about your muslim brothers being slaughtered by muslims:thup:
You aren't killing those Africans except the ones you deport. Imagine if we sent you back to Nazi Germany.

And maybe you won't get our support when Isis starts helping the Palestinians. Don't ask to come here we don't have the room and if you do come here maybe we'll treat you like you're treating those africans

Come here? I was born here. Now go out there and help your muslim brothers. Just don't blame me if you get your head cut off
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
o Europe won't let any more of them in so the only place they can go isIsreal, where they treat them like shit. If anyone treats a Jew bad they are called anti semetic. What's it called when Jew don't want blacks living among them?l

You're a silly man bobo How about you worry about your muslim brothers being slaughtered by muslims:thup:

What I won't do is empathise with Jews If this is how they help others who are being persecuted by a murderous regime. You cried for help from the rest of the world when it was you and cry anti semitism if any country you go to if they don't treat you well. So start treating those Africans better.
Didn't this news bother you then Sealy Boo Boo, or did you close your eyes to it because it didn't involve the Jews so you didn't want to whine about it?

You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
o Europe won't let any more of them in so the only place they can go isIsreal, where they treat them like shit. If anyone treats a Jew bad they are called anti semetic. What's it called when Jew don't want blacks living among them?l

You're a silly man bobo How about you worry about your muslim brothers being slaughtered by muslims:thup:
You aren't killing those Africans except the ones you deport. Imagine if we sent you back to Nazi Germany.

And maybe you won't get our support when Isis starts helping the Palestinians. Don't ask to come here we don't have the room and if you do come here maybe we'll treat you like you're treating those africans

Come here? I was born here. Now go out there and help your muslim brothers. Just don't blame me if you get your head cut off
I don't respect anyone who's dumb enough to believe in gods
You know why they enter Israel? because no other ME country would allow them to enter. If Israel allowed all of them to come live there , it would be like deographic suicide. Do you not know how tiny Israel is ??

You're just another obvious Jew hating troll which is obvious by your previous posts....

How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
o Europe won't let any more of them in so the only place they can go isIsreal, where they treat them like shit. If anyone treats a Jew bad they are called anti semetic. What's it called when Jew don't want blacks living among them?l

You're a silly man bobo How about you worry about your muslim brothers being slaughtered by muslims:thup:

What I won't do is empathise with Jews If this is how they help others who are being persecuted by a murderous regime. You cried for help from the rest of the world when it was you and cry anti semitism if any country you go to if they don't treat you well. So start treating those Africans better.
Didn't this news bother you then Sealy Boo Boo, or did you close your eyes to it because it didn't involve the Jews so you didn't want to whine about it?


Is that the bar? How Saudis treat people? I thought you guys were better than that.
How would it be demographic suicide, they are Jews right? Or am I missing something?
o Europe won't let any more of them in so the only place they can go isIsreal, where they treat them like shit. If anyone treats a Jew bad they are called anti semetic. What's it called when Jew don't want blacks living among them?l

You're a silly man bobo How about you worry about your muslim brothers being slaughtered by muslims:thup:

What I won't do is empathise with Jews If this is how they help others who are being persecuted by a murderous regime. You cried for help from the rest of the world when it was you and cry anti semitism if any country you go to if they don't treat you well. So start treating those Africans better.
Didn't this news bother you then Sealy Boo Boo, or did you close your eyes to it because it didn't involve the Jews so you didn't want to whine about it?


Is that the bar? How Saudis treat people? I thought you guys were better than that.
If this didn't disturb you at the time it happened, Sealy Boo Boo, then you are the one who is a hypocrite. Carry on though and show us that the only reason you brought up the Africans in Israel was because it involved the Jews. That is the only reason you brought it up because illegal immigrants are being deported from countries all the time and I don't see you falling all over yourself reporting on it.
The Eritreans seek asylum in Israel are basically illegal work immigration, they enter Israel illegally and import crime just like Palestinians, this is basically what's happening in Europe - just read the news - and by the way Israel is not made to be open state for all - but a world asylum for Jews alone
I just saw a lbs special on these Africans (Eritrians?) Who can no longer go to Europe so they go to Israel now where they are abused deported imprisoned and live in poverty.

Is this how the Jews show treat people trying to leave a brutal dictator regime? Send them back? Did America send Jews back to Germany in ww2?

I'm just surprised Jews would be such hypocrites. Cry for 80 years after it happened to you but not help when it happens to someone else.

Jews say "never forget" but it seems they have.

The Americans did not even allow them to come for starters, and forced them to endure the atrocities in Eastern Europe. It was only after WW2 that a few select Jews were appropriated to work in rocket and nuclear research. As for the Eritreans they are illegal immigrants and treated as all illegal immigrants sent back to where they came from. The Israelis could treat them as the Egyptians do and just shoot them and leave them to rot in the desert. On top of which the majority happen to be muslims who were the oppressors not that long ago

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