Hypocrite Biden Kills Trump Rule to Allow More Water Flow from Showerheads


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Hypocrite Biden Kills Trump Rule to Allow More Water Flow from Showerheads, while at the same time, drastically worsens the country's water scarcities, by allowing in half a million illegal aliens in 6 months. A million of these a year, and this POPULATION burst creates a worsening of the water scarcity problem, 100 times what the showerheads have anything to do with.

MANY more people also means much more POLLUTION, and this is another of the main causes of water shortage. All kinds of toxic substances can easily get into our water system and, once they taint it, we can no longer count on this particular freshwater source.

BTW since there is a definite correlation between illegal aliens and WILDFIRES (they light them), which consume enormous amount of scarce water, this makes the influx of these aliens an even worse problem.

I've been writing on this resources issue, regarding illegal immigration for years.

Harms of illegal immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($148 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs.

Biden Kills Trump Rule to Allow More Water Flow from Showerheads - Headline USA

Why is America running out of water? (nationalgeographic.com)

What Are the Main Causes of Water Scarcity (And How to Fix Things)? (greenandgrowing.org)

40 States Expect to See Water Shortages in the Next Decade (govtech.com)

These 11 Cities May Completely Run Out Of Water Sooner Than You Think | HuffPost
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Watch, when the food shortages come, because of the manufactured water shortages, the climate lock-downs will follow. It is all about power and total global control over the resources.

This, of course, the establishment has made sure to make this seem un-sourced, but it is largely regarded as a true quote from 1973. Soon after the General Agreement on Tread and Tariffs,


Democratic Unfreedom – Social Technique and the Manufacture of Control​

". . . US export strategy in the 1970s was to further control food supplies. This led to moves to consolidate power as 95 percent of all grain reserves in the world were under the control of six multinational agribusiness corporations – Cargill Grain Company; Continental Grain Company; Cook Industries, Inc; Dreyfus; Bunge Company; and Archer Daniels Midland – all US-based companies. The US long-term strategy was to dominate the global market in grain and agriculture commodities, as outlined in the early 1970s by Richard Nixon. This policy coincided with taking the dollar off the gold exchange standard in August 1971 to make US grain exports competitive in the rest of the world. However, in order for the US to become the world’s most competitive agribusiness producer, it had to replace traditional American family-based farming with the now-widespread huge “factory-farm” production. In other words, traditional agriculture was systematically replaced with agribusiness production through changes in domestic policy. For example, domestic farm programs that had previously protected smaller farm incomes were phased out during Nixon’s term in office. This policy was then exported to developing countries in a bid to make US agribusiness more competitive and to get a hold into foreign markets:

The Nixon Administration began the process of destroying the domestic food production of developing countries as the opening shot in an undeclared war to create a vast new global market in “efficient” American food exports. Nixon also used the post-war trade regime known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) to advance this new global agribusiness export agenda.[2]

In Henry Kissinger’s 1974 report “National Security Study Memorandum 200” (NSSM 200), he directly targeted overseas food aid as an “instrument of national power.”[3] The policy shifts during the 1970s were toward increased deregulation, which meant increased private regulation by the large and powerful global corporations. This led to an increase in corporate mergers and the rise of transnational corporations (which today often have larger gross domestic products than many nation states).[4]. . . "
Such is the need for infrastructure bill and climate change policies.
This thread belongs in Politics or Current Events, not Environment.
Such is the need for infrastructure bill and climate change policies.
You can not pay for that if you pay for people to be phuk ups. We were a physical infrastructure nation many decades ago. Now we are a human infrastructure nation. A nation in decline. how many chances do we give each other that is massively uneven? In Flint Michigan the people are phuk ups at a high percentage. So getting clean water is a mission in a first world country where the local government is run by the village.
This thread belongs in Politics or Current Events, not Environment.
That's rather strange - since water and population is all about the environment. These are the first words that my Geography (Environmntal science) teacher said on the first day of classes. I never forgot it.
Such is the need for infrastructure bill and climate change policies.
You lick a "Disagree" rating for the OP. So what do you disagree with ? You disagree that more people = less water per capita ? If so, you're wrong.

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