Hypocrisy and weakness shown by both Democrats and Republicans. Lay the blame where it really belongs


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

Now come on there were good people on both sides at those ANTIFA rallies.
All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

Don’t forget that capitol incident was enabled by democrats to use as a straw man.
All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

Now come on there were good people on both sides at those ANTIFA rallies.

And as in any society with elected officials who were SANE, they all should have been sent packing home... good or bad as long as violence was the norm. Which it was.
Problem was there were few "leaders" who could make that kind of grown up decision. Harris was one of the very worse at least one person was assaulted directly by her actions that we know of.
that person is lucky to not have died from a head injury.

Could you imagine if Trump bailed a "protestor" out of jail who later assaulted someone? There is a very clear double standard
All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

Don’t forget that capitol incident was enabled by democrats to use as a straw man.

Which is probably why they caved at the threat of more witnesses at the Impeachment.
All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

Now come on there were good people on both sides at those ANTIFA rallies.

And as in any society with elected officials who were SANE, they all should have been sent packing home... good or bad as long as violence was the norm. Which it was.
Problem was there were few "leaders" who could make that kind of grown up decision. Harris was one of the very worse at least one person was assaulted directly by her actions that we know of.
that person is lucky to not have died from a head injury.

Could you imagine if Trump bailed a "protestor" out of jail who later assaulted someone? There is a very clear double standard
No link so we can investigate that claim? I believe you are talking about paying people's bonds so they could get out while they wait for trial. Are you against giving people bond? Maybe Trump should stay in jail till his trial. Flight risk. He might fly off to Jeffrey Epsteins island.
All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

Now come on there were good people on both sides at those ANTIFA rallies.

And as in any society with elected officials who were SANE, they all should have been sent packing home... good or bad as long as violence was the norm. Which it was.
Problem was there were few "leaders" who could make that kind of grown up decision. Harris was one of the very worse at least one person was assaulted directly by her actions that we know of.
that person is lucky to not have died from a head injury.

Could you imagine if Trump bailed a "protestor" out of jail who later assaulted someone? There is a very clear double standard
No link so we can investigate that claim? I believe you are talking about paying people's bonds so they could get out while they wait for trial. Are you against giving people bond? Maybe Trump should stay in jail till his trial. Flight risk. He might fly off to Jeffrey Epsteins island.

They didnt wait for trial before they went out to commit more crimes.
I'm sorry but you DONT do that with violent people in the middle of riots that are out of control.
It wasnt a normal situation.They can sit in jail either until their court date or until things calm down. Im many cases they were bailed out multiple times and it was because of Biden and harris directives.
All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

And thank you,great post. :thup: :thankusmile:
It's the fault of the voter because we elected the bitches

I'm sure Republican Sen. Cassidy from Louisiana said all the right things to get elected. So during the latest shampeachment he votes initially that it is unconstitutional. By the final vote, he votes guilty! WTF is this?
Besides not only being totally inconsistent, it's a major indicator that he is sick, decrepit, and most likely corrupt!
It's the fault of the voter because we elected the bitches

I'm sure Republican Sen. Cassidy from Louisiana said all the right things to get elected. So during the latest shampeachment he votes initially that it is unconstitutional. By the final vote, he votes guilty! WTF is this?
Besides not only being totally inconsistent, it's a major indicator that he is sick, decrepit, and most likely corrupt!
We have the constitutional right and authority to abolish the whole system and get rid of the swamp monsters
We don't need President Trump to do that just the backbone to do it.
All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

Now, now, violence and killing are just fine, so long as it is not around Washington DC and so long as it is all for a Left wing cause.

Now stop being an insurrectionist and straighten up or Commie Harris won't bail you out of jail like she does the Left winger protesters when they break laws.
All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

Now, now, violence and killing are just fine, so long as it is not around Washington DC and so long as it is all for a Left wing cause.

Now stop being an insurrectionist and straighten up or Commie Harris won't bail you out of jail like she does the Left winger protesters when they break laws.

Congress reports to work in something resembling a prison. I look at it as that keeps them in as opposed to keeping us out. Symbolic looking at it this way, I might add.
And I'm fine with this, for now.
All Spring and Summer, there were protests. While many of them were organized and peaceful, many were nothing more than excuses for anarchists, Antifa and other groups including just plain looters to have their way,
Stealing the Peace from men women and children in communities who only wanted to live in peace. Assaulting and denigrating ALL police, attacking Federal buildings and businesses.

This created a culture where lawlessness and violence seemed to be encouraged and sanctioned for many months, democrats turned a blind eye to the violence and encouraged people to go out into the streets. Republicans are also GUILTY as a group with some exceptions for not fighting back on this. Allowing the culture of lawlessness to settle in and to many people seem justified.

My question is , is it any wonder that during the Trump rally, lawless people on the Right would also feel justified now? that it was their turn now to "take it back"? because of the inaction of people who are supposed to be leaders? Governors? This had been allowed all year long as an assault on civilian communities who did not vote for ANTIFA or BLM to speak for them and what I see from our "leaders" is that everyday Americans are less important than the people who inhabit the halls of congress. Only their own personal safety and fears brings out the national guard after the fact.

Now that Democrats, leftists and others are trying to lay blame at the feet of TRump for being singularly responsible, I cant help but marvel at their supreme hypocrisy as they ..... during this Impeachment trial
avoided bringing forth witnesses that could bring a lot of this to the forefront.
It is very much possible that had riots and burning and lawlessness been immediately shut down, without offenders being bailed out and put back on the street, being praised publicly by some politicians...
That the Capitol building riot would never have happened. IMO the greatest Incitors to the violence that day
were the same people who allowed the culture of lawlessness to grow for an entire year without CONSEQUENCE

They are cowardly and deceitful people and this can not be said enough by all of us.

Now, now, violence and killing are just fine, so long as it is not around Washington DC and so long as it is all for a Left wing cause.

Now stop being an insurrectionist and straighten up or Commie Harris won't bail you out of jail like she does the Left winger protesters when they break laws.
They burned a historic church in DC so Washington is not off limits for the BLM klan.

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