Another Problem for Leftist *Environmentalists*


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
Wind turbines are freezing up and not generating electricity. But hey, you can always crank up the fossil fuel electric stations.

Frozen wind turbines hamper Texas power output, state’s electric grid operator says

Frozen wind turbines hamper Texas power output, state’s electric grid operator says
Credit: Historic winter storm freezes Texas wind turbines | Brandon Mulder | Austin American-Statesman | Feb. 14, 2021 | ~~

Nearly half of Texas’ installed wind power generation capacity has been offline because of frozen wind turbines in West Texas, according to Texas grid operators.
Wind farms across the state generate up to a combined 25,100 megawatts of energy. But unusually moist winter conditions in West Texas brought on by the weekend’s freezing rain and historically low temperatures have iced many of those wind turbines to a halt.
As of Sunday morning, those iced turbines comprise 12,000 megawatts of Texas’ installed wind generation capacity, although those West Texas turbines don’t typically spin to their full generation capacity this time of year.
Fortunately for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which manages the state’s electric grid, the storm’s gusty winds are spinning the state’s unfrozen coastal turbines at a higher rate than expected, helping to offset some of the power generation losses because of the icy conditions.
“This is a unique winter storm that’s more widespread with lots of moisture in West Texas, where there’s a lot of times not a lot of moisture,” said Dan Woodfin, Senior Director of System Operations for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas. “It’s certainly more than what we would typically assume.”
Wind power has been the fastest-growing source of energy in Texas’ power grid. In 2015 winder power generation supplied 11% of Texas’ energy grid. Last year it supplied 23% and overtook coal as the system’s second-largest source of energy after natural gas.
In Austin, wind power supplies roughly 19% of the city’s energy demands, all of which is passed from producers to consumers across the state grid. The city began adding several megawatts of wind energy capacity to its renewable energy portfolio in the 1990s from both West Texas and Gulf Coast wind farms.
The frozen turbines come as low temperatures strain the state’s power grid and force operators to call for immediate statewide conservation efforts, like unplugging non-essential appliances, turning down residential heaters and minimize use of electric lighting.
Electric demand is expected to exceed the state’s previous winter-peak record set in January 2018 by 10,000 megawatts. And peak demand expected for Monday and Tuesday is forecasted to meet or exceed the state’s summertime record for peak demand of 74,820 megawatts.
“Typically the ERCOT system peaks in the summer because of the air conditioning load, but we’re seeing forecasts of overall demand being that high in the next few days,” Woodfin said.
Source: Historic winter storm freezes Texas wind turbines | Brandon Mulder | Austin American-Statesman | Feb. 14, 2021 |
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that’s it?

Best argument you got against wind power?

How about the fact that it's government-subsidized? Or that it's unreliable and produces less energy? Or it makes us even more dependent on foreign manufacturers like China?

They're also ugly as spilled fuck. There are many non-working wind-power structures still standing on abandoned wind farms across the US. It would cost billions of dollars to refurbish those.

that’s it?

Best argument you got against wind power?


There you go again, trying to displace insane panic and virtue posturing with science and facts.
You're giving, no wait, you're reiterating the abysmal, hypocritical reputation Environmental Wackos (but I repeat myself) so richly deserve. I think I shall add these reasoned articles you have wisely provided to my substantial collection of Environmental Wacko Beatdowns I have assiduously assembled lo these many years at
People are going to die in this kind of cold. All because an idiot belief in global warming forced the people into ridiculous green energy that failed. And will always fail.

I am a bit surprised that people aren't in a bloodthirsty fury over this.
that’s it?

Best argument you got against wind power?
You go without power in a snow storm, because of dumbass ideas.

I moved from the Southern Tier of NY State several years where the normal snowfall per annum is 6 ft or more. Strangely I prepared myself for the winters there by having my own snow plowing equipment for my 600ft driveway and emergency generator with enough food to last a month if needed if the electrical grid was down.
I now live in North Carolina still have my generator and I'm prepared for the winters here too.
I refuse to go solar or use Wind Power neither is sustainable and is both ar bad for the environment.
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I now live in North Carolina still have my generator and I'm prepared for the winters here too.
I should have everything I need. I bought it and paid for it. No problem using it. Technically it's mine, I should own it, but the answer is no. Alaska State Troopers are still roughing me up, shaking me down, billy-clubbing me, and pickpocketing me day and night for everything I own, on top of several attempts they have already made on my life.
I now live in North Carolina still have my generator and I'm prepared for the winters here too.
I should have everything I need. I bought it and paid for it. No problem using it. Technically it's mine, I should own it, but the answer is no. Alaska State Troopers are still roughing me up, shaking me down, billy-clubbing me, and pickpocketing me day and night for everything I own, on top of several attempts they have already made on my life.

Then if I were you I'd move to another safer climate. Time for a change... Then again I know that Alaskan State Troopers are tough and are straight as arrows. Normally they lean on drug dealers and Skels making their lives miserable getting them to move on. What did you do to deserve the treatment you claim?
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Then if I were you I'd move to another safer climate. Time for a change... Then again I know that Alaskan State Troopers are tough and are straight as arrows. What did you do to deserve the treatment you claim?
I was adjudicated as a mental defective in a court of law in another state. That apparently gives them the right to beat me and punish me however they see fit and to confiscate and seize anything I am permitted to "own" in their jurisdiction.

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