Hyperdermic Needle



So, talk about a bitch of a day! Jared came in today from outside with his friends, thought it was pretty cool to show me that he found a USED hyperdermic needle. I nearly died, and saw that the needle itself was missing, I said, where did you find this, over by my neighbors house, and then said, well one thing the needle itself is gone, oh no, my Son flicked that off with his fingers. No cuts on his hand, however, I did make him scrub his hands, but wondering if something like this should go further than just a hand scrub? And just kills me that it was found to begin with.
I think I would go let the doctor check it out... Wash his hands with Betadine .. I think he is probably ok though
Hey Jim, you know Jim the cab driver that lives by me, it was next to his house, you know the flake he is, you think his? yes, I will watch for anything, I know Jared has cuts all over his hands, but not where he claims he flicked the tip off with.
Don't you recall last year with the Edison PD coming here? I called them to remove a mashety he found around the block. He claims he would throw it out, but a bunch of kids? really, you know damn well they would be keeping it thinking how cool - that went bye bye!
You think I knew that crap was over there? and you think having Daddy flop on his damn ass all friggin day and night while kids roam makes me M O Y??? But, I sometimes wonder!!!!

And I know you were somewhat kidding Evil, but after today, I am just at witts end.
I called them to remove a mashety he found around the block.

What's a mashety?

There were a couple used hypos laying next to the dumpster here, probably got some junkies 'round here.

Also I found a giant bag of cocaine. In my sock drawer! LOLOLOLOL. OK, I'll be quiet now.

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