Hydrogen... The new storage method for energy from renewables...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
I was sent this article by a friend that I discuss the failures of the enviro wackos with. It seems that reliability is the key problem with renewables. SO, a cheap storage method is what is needed.

Read the article and let me know what your take on this is... This would negate the need for power grid lines to these units and allow combustion units to maintain our grid stability. This means they would have to be near water and accessible to pick up the gases created. You could make small grid units to power these Hydrogen plants at a central location.

This is an interesting concept...


I thought they were more concerned about global warming than pollution. Separating water into hydrogen and oxygen then shipping the hydrogen to burn is still creating heat.

Then there's the fact that large quantities of stored hydrogen are not exactly safe.


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View attachment 574586

I thought they were more concerned about global warming than pollution. Separating water into hydrogen and oxygen then shipping it the hydrogen to burn is still creating heat.

Then there's the fact that large quantities of stored hydrogen are not exactly safe.



There's no they.
We're all stuck on the same planet for awhile.
From the article.....
The irony kicks in at the part where TCP is made from polymer resin. Until alternatives arise, polymer resin is a byproduct of gas and oil refining, and refining is one of the leading uses for hydrogen in the global economy today (fossil gas is also the leading source of hydrogen today, by the way).
I was sent this article by a friend that I discuss the failures of the enviro wackos with. It seems that reliability is the key problem with renewables. SO, a cheap storage method is what is needed.

Read the article and let me know what your take on this is... This would negate the need for power grid lines to these units and allow combustion units to maintain our grid stability. This means they would have to be near water and accessible to pick up the gases created. You could make small grid units to power these Hydrogen plants at a central location.

This is an interesting concept...

The problem with the Enviro Wackos is that they are trying to force the country too quickly into something where we truly don't have the technology yet to have alternate energy become something that is reliable and sustainable and affordable. Someday in good time alternate energy could grow without the transition destroying the economy but these people cant even see why that is of any importance. They have no idea how easily electrical grids can be shut down leaving people helpless. Theres a reason we have a strategic oil reserve and not a strategic "electrical reserve"
Hydrogen is an explosive gas.

With a smile do I recall a radio station where I once worked. The owner had made his initial fortune in the 1940s with a coal business. He kept that business alive well into the 70s. In keeping with federal rules there was documented payment whenever the station ran advertisements for the coal business.

The standing order for the traffic department was to not schedule any coal company ads until there was a gas explosion that destroyed a home or, better, killed someone. Then it ran three times per hour for a week.

Amazing how many new coal customers it brought in!

Oh, the coal business? It's still going and prospering. The grand-children of the founder modernized it by shifting to charcoal for back-yard cooking and especially to exotic firewood for liberals with more money than brains.

They got out of the radio business when the "greater fool theory" was still working.

The theme of the ads?

Go Modern!
Go Gas!
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The problem with the Enviro Wackos is that they are trying to force the country too quickly into something where we truly don't have the technology yet to have alternate energy become something that is reliable and sustainable and affordable. Someday in good time alternate energy could grow without the transition destroying the economy but these people cant even see why that is of any importance. They have no idea how easily electrical grids can be shut down leaving people helpless. Theres a reason we have a strategic oil reserve and not a strategic "electrical reserve"
You are so wrong. Solar and wind are now the least expensive source of generation. Even when you factor in grid scale storage.


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I thought they were more concerned about global warming than pollution. Separating water into hydrogen and oxygen then shipping the hydrogen to burn is still creating heat.

Then there's the fact that large quantities of stored hydrogen are not exactly safe.



Really not much more dangerous than natural gas. And the Hidenburg disaster was caused by hypergo paint.
The problem with the Enviro Wackos is that they are trying to force the country too quickly into something where we truly don't have the technology yet to have alternate energy become something that is reliable and sustainable and affordable. Someday in good time alternate energy could grow without the transition destroying the economy but these people cant even see why that is of any importance. They have no idea how easily electrical grids can be shut down leaving people helpless. Theres a reason we have a strategic oil reserve and not a strategic "electrical reserve"
Which is exactly why we need to go to a distributed grid. Which makes wind, solar, and hydro far more dependable than the present mix of generation. By the way, the Texas disaster was caused by the failure to winterize gas, coal, nuclear, and wind generation. Plus the fact that Texans are pure idiots for isolating their grid from the rest of the US. El Paso was not on the Texas grid, and had no power failure.
That's exactly what China is already doing. They built new coal-fired plants to sustain their growth --WITH PLANS to phase them out by 2050.

We have no plans beyond the next debt ceiling vote.
If we choose to, we can build a completely renewable grid by 2030. This is the nation in which a little town right across the river from me had a small shipyard prior to WW2. Then they decided to build escort carriers for the US Navy. They built 50 of them, as well as some Liberty ships and other classes of ships. This is the nation that decided they needed a long range fighter, designed and built a prototype in 157 days. It was called the P-51. But today we have a bunch of retards singing a constant, 'we can't do that'. The boys need to get out the way, and let the men get to work.
View attachment 574586

I thought they were more concerned about global warming than pollution. Separating water into hydrogen and oxygen then shipping the hydrogen to burn is still creating heat.

Then there's the fact that large quantities of stored hydrogen are not exactly safe.



The safety factor... A very big concern. Giving people a gas that has 9 times the kinetic energy stored than propane is not going to end well. Doing it only in a tightly controlled environment is the only way it can be done safely.
Breaking the bond between hydrogen and oxygen requires more energy than the hydrogen produces. But if the cost of the electricity were low enough, it may be worth it to decrease the load on the electrical grid by using hydrogen in fuel cells to power transportation vehicles. This makes a lot of sense on many levels.

There are pros and cons for centralized electrolyzers versus decentralized electrolyzers but I tend to believe centralized electrolyzers is the way to go.

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