Someone else understands that the push for electrification is a move to limit energy access, not to increase energy.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Good article that points out the truth......the left/democrats, do not want cheap, reliable, plentiful energy, which is why they are pushing for solar, wind and for over loading our current system...........more energy means more people and more freedom, two things the left/democrats do not want....

You have to understand this truth if you want to understand why we don't have enough energy anymore.........they planned this......

The problem with Mr. Olowsky’s and Mr. Toyoda’s analysis is that they assume that for policymakers the decline in reliable power and hence the threat to mobility are seen as a pressing problem. So, too, with Secretary Trevelyan. Yet by their actions these policy makers have shown that they are at best indifferent to the problem, and even perhaps welcome it.

I simply don’t believe that the people in power care much about whether the electricity is there to keep our economy going. If they did, they wouldn’t rush headlong into the full electrification of the economy without ensuring that there is electricity to power it. If you are pushing electric cars while closing 4/5ths of your nuclear power plants, ensuring reliability is not a major concern of yours.

The forced electrification of cars, in particular, reveals their intentions: if you can’t charge your vehicle, you are utterly reliant on the government-run transit systems. These systems are collapsing due to reduced use by consumers, so the easiest way to get people to use them is ban fossil fuel cars and then restrict charging of electric vehicles, as California has already done at times. And if your mobility relies on regulated transit, the government owns your mobility.

An all-electric economy is an easily controlled economy. The infrastructure is there to control your thermostats, your car charging, your cooking times (if you go electric, as they demand). We have wired our houses to be “smart,” and those smarts don’t reside in your home, but in the cloud.

You are at their mercy.

Does this sound crazy? It should, because it is diabolical. But is it plausible? Of course it is. We already know that power companies can turn your thermostats up and down at will (right now people generally opt-in, but the tech is right there when the power supply runs out). We already know the Left has been at war with air conditioning. That they want “15-minute cities” without private cars.

Interesting .

But I think the competing hypothesis should also be considered .

That they suffer from wider / deeper mental health issues and literally have less general comprehension skill coupled

with a higher level of ADHD .
Good article that points out the truth......the left/democrats, do not want cheap, reliable, plentiful energy, which is why they are pushing for solar, wind and for over loading our current system...........more energy means more people and more freedom, two things the left/democrats do not want....

You have to understand this truth if you want to understand why we don't have enough energy anymore.........they planned this......

The problem with Mr. Olowsky’s and Mr. Toyoda’s analysis is that they assume that for policymakers the decline in reliable power and hence the threat to mobility are seen as a pressing problem. So, too, with Secretary Trevelyan. Yet by their actions these policy makers have shown that they are at best indifferent to the problem, and even perhaps welcome it.

I simply don’t believe that the people in power care much about whether the electricity is there to keep our economy going. If they did, they wouldn’t rush headlong into the full electrification of the economy without ensuring that there is electricity to power it. If you are pushing electric cars while closing 4/5ths of your nuclear power plants, ensuring reliability is not a major concern of yours.

The forced electrification of cars, in particular, reveals their intentions: if you can’t charge your vehicle, you are utterly reliant on the government-run transit systems. These systems are collapsing due to reduced use by consumers, so the easiest way to get people to use them is ban fossil fuel cars and then restrict charging of electric vehicles, as California has already done at times. And if your mobility relies on regulated transit, the government owns your mobility.

An all-electric economy is an easily controlled economy. The infrastructure is there to control your thermostats, your car charging, your cooking times (if you go electric, as they demand). We have wired our houses to be “smart,” and those smarts don’t reside in your home, but in the cloud.

You are at their mercy.

Does this sound crazy? It should, because it is diabolical. But is it plausible? Of course it is. We already know that power companies can turn your thermostats up and down at will (right now people generally opt-in, but the tech is right there when the power supply runs out). We already know the Left has been at war with air conditioning. That they want “15-minute cities” without private cars.

Sounds more like these guy hold stocks in private electric power utility providers, to me, and might just push agenda for personal profit.
Sounds more like these guy hold stocks in private electric power utility providers, to me, and might just push agenda for personal profit.

They will make money off of it for sure......but the goal is limiting access to energy. We have more than enough energy to heat and cool every home in this country...but they are intentionally limiting that ability. This is a plan, they don't want people to have cheap, plentiful, reliable energy.......they are insane.
They will make money off of it for sure......but the goal is limiting access to energy. We have more than enough energy to heat and cool every home in this country...but they are intentionally limiting that ability. This is a plan, they don't want people to have cheap, plentiful, reliable energy.......they are insane.
I doubt your line of reasoning. It is to make a buck for somebody and always is.
I doubt your line of reasoning. It is to make a buck for somebody and always is.

For a few, yeah...but for the rest making those decisions, they know that solar and wind will not provide enough energy for people...not even close. They know that pushing EVs is not possible with our current energy output and that forcing it, now, will over load the grid...they know this, and they do not care.

There are just as many people who could make money off of gas, coal, oil, nuclear...yet those functional sources are being stopped......

This isn't just greed, this is an agenda from the left...they tell you just have to listen to them talk about what they think about people, and what they actually want to do....
For a few, yeah...but for the rest making those decisions, they know that solar and wind will not provide enough energy for people...not even close. They know that pushing EVs is not possible with our current energy output and that forcing it, now, will over load the grid...they know this, and they do not care.

There are just as many people who could make money off of gas, coal, oil, nuclear...yet those functional sources are being stopped......

This isn't just greed, this is an agenda from the left...they tell you just have to listen to them talk about what they think about people, and what they actually want to do....
You should move. I am in area provided for by TVA, using gas, oil, coal, nuclear, hydro, solar, and wind, of course it is not for profit. It returns money to the Federal coffers yearly while providing power and expanding.
Good article that points out the truth......the left/democrats, do not want cheap, reliable, plentiful energy, which is why they are pushing for solar, wind and for over loading our current system...........more energy means more people and more freedom, two things the left/democrats do not want....

You have to understand this truth if you want to understand why we don't have enough energy anymore.........they planned this......

The problem with Mr. Olowsky’s and Mr. Toyoda’s analysis is that they assume that for policymakers the decline in reliable power and hence the threat to mobility are seen as a pressing problem. So, too, with Secretary Trevelyan. Yet by their actions these policy makers have shown that they are at best indifferent to the problem, and even perhaps welcome it.

I simply don’t believe that the people in power care much about whether the electricity is there to keep our economy going. If they did, they wouldn’t rush headlong into the full electrification of the economy without ensuring that there is electricity to power it. If you are pushing electric cars while closing 4/5ths of your nuclear power plants, ensuring reliability is not a major concern of yours.

The forced electrification of cars, in particular, reveals their intentions: if you can’t charge your vehicle, you are utterly reliant on the government-run transit systems. These systems are collapsing due to reduced use by consumers, so the easiest way to get people to use them is ban fossil fuel cars and then restrict charging of electric vehicles, as California has already done at times. And if your mobility relies on regulated transit, the government owns your mobility.

An all-electric economy is an easily controlled economy. The infrastructure is there to control your thermostats, your car charging, your cooking times (if you go electric, as they demand). We have wired our houses to be “smart,” and those smarts don’t reside in your home, but in the cloud.

You are at their mercy.

Does this sound crazy? It should, because it is diabolical. But is it plausible? Of course it is. We already know that power companies can turn your thermostats up and down at will (right now people generally opt-in, but the tech is right there when the power supply runs out). We already know the Left has been at war with air conditioning. That they want “15-minute cities” without private cars.

What better way to control the populace than to have total control over their energy with the flip of a switch. When they remove every alternative source, that is what we are left with.
For a few, yeah...but for the rest making those decisions, they know that solar and wind will not provide enough energy for people...not even close. They know that pushing EVs is not possible with our current energy output and that forcing it, now, will over load the grid...they know this, and they do not care.

There are just as many people who could make money off of gas, coal, oil, nuclear...yet those functional sources are being stopped......

This isn't just greed, this is an agenda from the left...they tell you just have to listen to them talk about what they think about people, and what they actually want to do....
This has nothing to do with greed of the left. It has everything to do with being able to flip a light switch, which empowers the American people, at a time when we must all address AGW and Climate change.
You should move. I am in area provided for by TVA, using gas, oil, coal, nuclear, hydro, solar, and wind, of course it is not for profit. It returns money to the Federal coffers yearly while providing power and expanding.

Yeah? The left will leave nothing alone….

Some of the bluest states in the nation have committed themselves to war with the most efficient appliances in your home: natural gas-powered heaters, furnaces, and stoves. In September, California announced a new rule passed unanimously by the thoroughly undemocratic California Air Resources Board (CARB). It will outlaw the sale of natural-gas heaters at the beginning of the next decade. New York’s newly reelected Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul proposed a similar initiative this month, which would ensure that the Empire State constructs only “climate-friendly electric homes” by 2027. The first step on the long march involves a ban on the use of oil or gas for residential water heaters, furnaces, and stoves. Now, the federal government is getting in on the act...All this psychological manipulation is necessary to overcome the foremost obstacle before the busybodies who have gone to war with so many modern conveniences: They work better than their alternatives...

. That leads us to perhaps the most important distinction between electric and gas overlooked by America’s busybodies: gas is cheaper. In most U.S. states, natural-gas appliances cost between 10 and 30 percent less to operate on a regular basis than electric

Has anyone said yet:

It's a necessary step to avoid AGW and climate change!
Ask a climate expert for details.
Hey duck, Canada gets 60% of their energy from hydro-electric. Do you realize how that impacts the environment. The salmon numbers are falling worldwide because of these massive hydroelectric dams. I think that Canadians should do their part and remove some of those dams that are causing the damage. Maybe you should enlighten Turdeau.
Yeah? The left will leave nothing alone….

Some of the bluest states in the nation have committed themselves to war with the most efficient appliances in your home: natural gas-powered heaters, furnaces, and stoves. In September, California announced a new rule passed unanimously by the thoroughly undemocratic California Air Resources Board (CARB). It will outlaw the sale of natural-gas heaters at the beginning of the next decade. New York’s newly reelected Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul proposed a similar initiative this month, which would ensure that the Empire State constructs only “climate-friendly electric homes” by 2027. The first step on the long march involves a ban on the use of oil or gas for residential water heaters, furnaces, and stoves. Now, the federal government is getting in on the act...All this psychological manipulation is necessary to overcome the foremost obstacle before the busybodies who have gone to war with so many modern conveniences: They work better than their alternatives...

. That leads us to perhaps the most important distinction between electric and gas overlooked by America’s busybodies: gas is cheaper. In most U.S. states, natural-gas appliances cost between 10 and 30 percent less to operate on a regular basis than electric

Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't the bluest states also states where most electric power is supplied by private corporation with limited regulation of these private for profit monopolies?
Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't the bluest states also states where most electric power is supplied by private corporation with limited regulation of these private for profit monopolies?
Good point!
But to be fair, Texas is the example that stands out as dysfunction being caused by poor management of the resource, due to private corporations lacking concern.

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