Saw a man walk right out of Harbor Freight with a pressure washer...

Unfortunately no, it was a theft. Three employees went out to get the license plate.

They told the cashier he didn't have a plate and to call it in.

At this HF, they bring everything up front to the register after you pay, or out the side door if it's a large item.
That's the way they do it, so they don't have to open another box to replace the one on the shelf. No reason why a thief couldn't just pick up something already on the shelf if no one is looking.
The Migrant Crimewave will have lotsa non migrants taking advantage of it ( The way Los Angeles Folks took advantage of the 92 Los Angeles Riots to get in on the Action )
When to Springfield today...closest Harbor Freight...and while I was checking out in the middle of the afternoon, a man walked right out the door with a pressure washer without paying. No license plate.

Cashier says it happens every day. Criminals know they have a policy of not calling the police, only HF loss prevention.

Sad state of affairs.

Should just taken your stuff off the counter and told them to put it on that guy's account and walked out yourself.
A robust economy, health care, excellent schools, a safe and temperate climate, an active arts and entertainment community, and opportunities for local outdoor recreation are driving the community’s rapid growth.
When to Springfield today...closest Harbor Freight...and while I was checking out in the middle of the afternoon, a man walked right out the door with a pressure washer without paying. No license plate.

Cashier says it happens every day. Criminals know they have a policy of not calling the police, only HF loss prevention.

Sad state of affairs.
Mizzuruh must have one of those Soros-funded DAs.

I don't need a pressure washer, I have 2. They're electric.
One of the best gifts I've ever gotten. It's light, not much recoil, does the job.
I can't go back to the gas now. Yeah, they're a little faster, but IDGAF, they beat ya up and are loud, and then there was that time I borrowed one and it didn't start..after me borrowing it..$1k item. Yeah well, all it needed was a spark plug, but that was not a good feeling. If you're pressure washing, a few minutes ain't worth the noise and unnecessary effort. I find it therapeutic.
I like to pressure wash. Actually the guy I used to borrow the pressure washer from uses my electric one now.
It's like the difference between shooting a 12 gauge and a .22.
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Maybe he pre-paid for the thing. You can't pick up large items in Harbor Freight and walk out the door. You pick up a chit and show it to the cashier and they get the item out of stock.

Im glad then that Missourian decided not to take out his knee caps, or go center Mass on him! could have been real embarrasing!
Every time the local news shows a smash and grab mob of looters cleaning out a store. It's always black people.
Haven't seen a pack of white people engaging in that behavior.
No it isn't. There have been whites doing it.
Its not an excuse. Just the way it is. Where i Live in Richmond CA, from what I have personally seen with my own eyes its black people 3 out of 4. But ive seen a white guy roll out of a safeway in Marin county with a whole basket of groceries, its true.
You don't get to commit more crime because there are more of you. That's just a sorry excuse.
Its not an excuse. Just the way it is. Where i Live in Richmond CA, from what I have personally seen with my own eyes its black people 3 out of 4. But ive seen a white guy roll out of a safeway in Marin county with a whole basket of groceries, its true.
It's an excuse. Because if the populations were the same a lot of things blacks don't have, we would have. So whites like yoursef use the fact that you have more people to exaggerate crime done by non whites. You don't get to commit more crimes because you have more people. You talk about somebody black taking a pressure washer while whites are stealing billions while cheatiing on taxes, fraud, embezzlement and other types of white collar crimes.
Its not an excuse. Just the way it is. Where i Live in Richmond CA, from what I have personally seen with my own eyes its black people 3 out of 4. But ive seen a white guy roll out of a safeway in Marin county with a whole basket of groceries, its true.
Anybody that steals like that loses twice as much as they gained from stealing. It's the way of the world.
I don’t get why polite posters continue to engage with a sinner like IM2 he is blatantly lying about people calling them a racist with no evidence. He blatantly lies in response to crimes statistics where in truth blacks are overrepresented when it comes to committing certain crimes. Im2 does not accept this truth.

I’ve stated young white men are overrepresented when it comes to mass school shooting. Of course Im2 says nothing about that being ”racism”. Im2 is the angry annoying uncle at the family party. Frankly, I hope the guy changes for the better in the future.

Thankfully the country is going in the right direction rejecting far left racism and insanity like men playing on women’s sports teams.
It's an excuse. Because if the populations were the same a lot of things blacks don't have, we would have. So whites like yoursef use the fact that you have more people to exaggerate crime done by non whites. You don't get to commit more crimes because you have more people. You talk about somebody black taking a pressure washer while whites are stealing billions while cheatiing on taxes, fraud, embezzlement and other types of white collar crimes.

get a grip. I never said some one stole a pressure washer. That was the OP... you lump me with him because maybe we are both white? The OP never even said it was a black guy or mentioned race.

"I DONT GET". Listen up mister. Theres 5 times as many whites in the US so it stands to reason they are going to comit more crimes. It cant be any other way. Secondly, Im exaggerating nothing. You live in Kansas , not california, so you dont know what the fuck your talking about. The safeway in El Cerrito on the border of Richmond has a minimum of three armed security guards working the front of the store, and theres a turnsytle you have to scan your receipt at before it opens up for you to leave.
All that security isnt in place becaus eof White people... Im real sorry, to burst your bubble but its justtheh way it is . Its not an exaggeration, so maybe just stop being in denial. I can admit white people comit more crimes. Can you admit anything about black communities other than They raise unicorns and harvest rainbows? I get it you want to stick it to white racists, but live in fucking Reality. You obviously dont know a damn thing about Richmond or oakland. Its embarasingly so, even though your black. Or your just lying to yourself and everyone else.
Its not an excuse. Just the way it is. Where i Live in Richmond CA, from what I have personally seen with my own eyes its black people 3 out of 4. But ive seen a white guy roll out of a safeway in Marin county with a whole basket of groceries, its true.

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