Husband Plays Cruel Prank on Wife


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2014
The Worst Husband In The World Pranks Wife By Pretending To Kill Their Kid - Mandatory

Say what you will about the guy. He's got balls!
I'll admit that I got a chuckle out of it. It is, however, extremely out of line, and not something I would ever imagine doing to someone myself.

Like faking your own death just to see who shows up for the funeral, there are some "pranks" you just don't pull. lol
I'll admit that I got a chuckle out of it. It is, however, extremely out of line, and not something I would ever imagine doing to someone myself.

Like faking your own death just to see who shows up for the funeral, there are some "pranks" you just don't pull. lol

I think it was a rotten thing to do.
If I was her, I'd call my dad and every male relative that I knew and have his ass beaten, telling him we are taking his body to the pig farm after.

when he wakes up in a hospital, tell him it was a prank.

It's one thing to be the fun dad, it's another to be a 3rd child
It was a cruel prank but it was also hysterical. Some folks need lighten up a bit.
It was a cruel prank but it was also hysterical. Some folks need lighten up a bit.
Pretending you killed your child is funny? Sorry but you are another psychopath.

Not hardly. Laughing at a cruel but funny prank doesn't make me a psychopath. I won't deny that I have a black sense of humor though.
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It was a cruel prank but it was also hysterical. Some folks need lighten up a bit.
Pretending you killed your child is funny? Sorry but you are another psychopath.

Not hardly. Laughing at cruel but funny prank doesn't make me a psychopath. I won't deny that I have a black sense of humor though.
Yes dark is one way to describe it.
I think it was a rotten thing to do.

It was. Like I said, I'd never do it.

It was outrageous enough that I got a chuckle out of the idea, however.

It was a cruel prank but it was also hysterical. Some folks need lighten up a bit.

Agreed. The prank pretty clearly falls into the "seriously not cool" category, and I'd completely forgive a woman for slapping the living bejesus out of a guy for pulling something like that in the heat of the moment.

However, threatening to immediately divorce him over it, or call your male relatives to beat him senseless? That's a bit much, IMO.

I mean... It's not like this woman didn't know who she was marrying when she said the vows, or isn't benefiting from what he does for a living (i.e. make internet prank videos), after all.

Hell! Judging from the veritable "McMansion" they seem to be living in, his videos would actually appear to be doing rather well for their family.
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I think it was a rotten thing to do.

It was. Like I said, I'd never do it.

It was outrageous enough that I got a chuckle out of the idea, however.

It was a cruel prank but it was also hysterical. Some folks need lighten up a bit.

Agreed. The prank pretty clearly falls into the "seriously not cool" category, and I'd completely forgive a woman for slapping the living bejesus out of a guy for pulling something like that in the heat of the moment.

However, threatening to immediately divorce him over it, or call your male relatives to beat him senseless? That's a bit much, IMO.

I mean... It's not like this woman didn't know who she was marrying when she said the vows, or isn't benefiting from what he does for a living (i.e. make internet prank videos), after all.

Hell! Judging from the veritable "McMansion" they seem to be living in, his videos would actually appear to be doing rather well for their family.

I still don't see what you find funny. I think it's a rotten and horrible thing to do and not at all funny in any way, unless you enjoy torturing your wife. Because THAT is torture. The husband is a rotten insensitive POS. You shouldn't even JOKE about such things which really do happen sometimes. It is NOT funny.
Who CARES if he makes money off his stupid videos? That does not justify the way he treated his wife!!! "Oh, let's pretend you dead to fool mommy." How in the hell is that remotely funny? It is not. It is just cruel, and I think that I have a pretty good sense of humor.
I think it was a rotten thing to do.

It was. Like I said, I'd never do it.

It was outrageous enough that I got a chuckle out of the idea, however.

It was a cruel prank but it was also hysterical. Some folks need lighten up a bit.

Agreed. The prank pretty clearly falls into the "seriously not cool" category, and I'd completely forgive a woman for slapping the living bejesus out of a guy for pulling something like that in the heat of the moment.

However, threatening to immediately divorce him over it, or call your male relatives to beat him senseless? That's a bit much, IMO.

I mean... It's not like this woman didn't know who she was marrying when she said the vows, or isn't benefiting from what he does for a living (i.e. make internet prank videos), after all.

Hell! Judging from the veritable "McMansion" they seem to be living in, his videos would actually appear to be doing rather well for their family.

I would have beaten him senseless myself. IF he was my husband, he probably would NEVER have dared done something like that to begin with, and if he did, then he would be one sorry son of a bitch and would not dare do it in the future and would be SO sorry he ever even thought to do such a thing.

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