You have no idea how much money I've lost this year. I started getting in around the time the DOW was around 13,200 in March because the DOW was going to skyrocket. It was down around 1,000 points YTD and everyone around me said the DOW was down too much this year and to get in and get in now because stocks were dirt cheap. Then Bear Sterns collapsed. Then Lehman Bros. collapsed. Then Washington Mutual collapsed. etc. etc. etc. I started my second business this year and invested all of my income that I made into it... but to pays its bills, I borrowed, stupidly, from the first. I thought by the end of the year, I was going to double if not triple my money. I've lost... well, all of it. It's hurt my business, it's hurt me, it's hurt the people I work with... it was a really stupid decesion on my part. During the crisis, I took a lot of money out and put it into gold and then I started taking some money out of gold and put it into financials.. and it hasn't helped. My portfolio is a disaster this year.