Hurricane Expert: School Silencing Me Over Global-Warming Views

Angel Heart

Conservative Hippie
Jul 6, 2007
Portland, Oregon,2933,353023,00.html

Hurricane Expert: School Silencing Me Over Global-Warming Views
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A pioneering expert on hurricane forecasting says he may soon lose funding due to his skepticism about man-made global warming, according to a report in the Houston Chronicle.

Dr. William Gray, who once said that pro-global warming scientists are "brainwashing our children," claims that Colorado State University will no longer promote his yearly North Atlantic hurricane forecasts due to his controversial views.

Gray complained in a memo to the head of Colorado State’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences that "this is obviously a flimsy excuse and seems to me to be a cover for the Department's capitulation to the desires of some (in their own interest) who want to reign [sic] in my global warming and global warming-hurricane criticisms," the Chronicle reports.

For heaven's sakes, the GreenPeace head honcho acknowledges there's no proof that it's caused by humans.

I don't know why people don't just let this go....

Meanwhile, we've had the longest and coldest winter in years here.
Was he ever even right? Year after year he puts out a prediction on hurricane frequency and year after year he revises it during the season.
I don't know, I don't typically listen to wackos. But when an environementalist wacko admits he can't prove something near and dear, it catches my eye.
Was he ever even right? Year after year he puts out a prediction on hurricane frequency and year after year he revises it during the season.

But global warming is accurate? Man thinks they understand nature and arrogantly thinks they can control it?
Are weather predictions ever accurate?

It's a pretty good illustration of how the supposed "consensus" opinion of climate change is forged - accept our point of view or kiss your funding goodbye!
Dr. Gray is also an expert on the effects of rip tide action and turbulent flow and I met him at a conference in Ft. Lauderdale. I asked him specifically about Global Warming, etc. and his explanation was basically that 1) we don't have enough evidence (too short a time frame), 2) warming, drying and cooling cycles are cyclical but still unpredictable because, see No. 1, and 3) the most powerful computer in the world used to model climate is only able to handle about 1% of the information really needed. This whole branch of science is at such an infantile stage that no one has any business trying to make any conclusions about much of anything, but they do because 1) to appease or impress the press (looking for juicy catastrophy stories to write about), or 2) get funding from insurance companies (mostly trying to assess risk), from the government (to get feel good stuff), or from various issue-driven private funds or organizations.
Once politics gets mixed in with science, in any way, it has the same effect as when the church was mixed in with science back when the earth was still flat and the center of the universe. You get crap.
People are willing to accept The Global Warming Idea because they are scared and do not want to die. They do not have God in their life.

It's a Scare tactic like Terrorism.
It is a confidence game. Uneducated people are willing to believe an authoritative source as ex cathedara, infalable.

That is one reason Churches are so popular.
Question: What's the purpose of a hurricane?

I always laugh when we have a bad hurricane year, and then the meteorologists say, "Next year's going to be even worse." And then next year roles around, and we hardly have any storms.

Answer: To cool the ocean. (I don't mean that the hurricane has a mind of its own and says, "Hmmm..the gulf is looking hot today, I think I'll cool it." But the result of a warm ocean temperature is the formation of a hurricane, which draws moisture (created by warm water temperature) to fuel it. After an active hurricane season, the water is significantly cooler. I'm sure there are some cases were there are several bad years, but I blamming hurricane frequency on human made emissions and global warming is pretty rediculous.
BrainH, I agree and have previously thought the same. Hurricanes are like lightning. There is a massive build up of energy in the tropics compared to the temperate zones. Hurricanes work to distribute energy evenly across the world.

After the 2004 and 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Seasons it fits that there should be a period of reduced activity but it worries me that 3 years on we have seen almost no major hurricane.

You must spread some Reputation around before givig it to BrianH again.
You can get a high five instead for a cunning realization on Hurricanes.

I hate fluid dynamics.
BrainH, I agree and have previously thought the same. Hurricanes are like lightning. There is a massive build up of energy in the tropics compared to the temperate zones. Hurricanes work toa distribute energy evenly across the world.

After the 2004 and 2005 Atlantic Hurricane Seasons it fits that there should be a period of reduced activity but it worries me that 3 years on we have seen almost no major hurricane.

You can get a high five instead for a cunning realization on Hurricanes.

I hate fluid dynamics.

LOL. well I appreciated the attempt. I'm glad we agree. I never really did any research on this topic, but just observed hurricane seasons and the reaction by the media and global warming activists.

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