Huntsman supports science

For crying out loud, he never had much of a chance to begin with it. My gawd he was polling at something like 1%.. NO one has hardly heard of the guy and from what I hear I'm not impressed..
here's a suggestion, why don't you all go ask him to change parties and run against Obama. Now that I would love to see:lol:
Huntsman was done before any debate...he always was an "also ran".
It depends on which scientist you want to listen to with global warming. It's all political at this point....just follow the money.
opinions arent science. Even if they are made by scientists.

Opinions made by those who actually do the research, know the material in and out, and live and breath the field they are commenting on...probably know it more

An opinion is not a scientific fact.

An opinion is also not religous dogma, like when conservatives try to blame every natural disater an act of god!

opinions arent science. Even if they are made by scientists.

Opinions made by those who actually do the research, know the material in and out, and live and breath the field they are commenting on...probably know it more

I know enough to realize when the temperature goes down it's not going up. I know enough to realize that if the planet is warming it won't cause an ice age. I know enough to realize that the temperature of the earth has gone up and down throughout all of earth's long history. I know enough to realize that when so called global warming scientists have to make up data that the data doesn't support what the politicians are trying to push on us.

You have no clue how much I know or don't know of the research I've actually studied. You just presume that since I call junk science for what it is, that I don't know anything about it.

Tell me something, why is it that the so called "solution" to global warming just happens to be the same policies the socialists couldnt convince the American people to enact for economic reasons? They can't convince people on the merits of the argument so they have to scare people into enacting their policies with a "crisis" that is always far off in the future.

Isn't it interesting that no matter whether the tempature goes up or goes down it's global warming? Global warming is going to warm the planet. No it's going to cause the next ice age. It causes hurricanes and earthquakes, except when it's not politically expedient for the left. Isn't that such an amazing coincidence?

You realize that according to those global warming "scientists" New York and many other Coastal cities were supposed to be underwater last year? Funny how that didnt happen and now it's completely ignored.

See, the problem with this so called "science" is that no matter how contrary the data is, it all seems to "prove" that it's happening for the left. And somehow questioning the inconsistancy of the facts is taboo. Since when is it anti-science to question the data? THAT IS SCIENCE! Science is all about questioning the data. Rejecting false theories. Yet, no matter how much we learn about the so called scientists making up data, no matter how many times the predictions are wrong, no matter how much data completely contradicts the theories, we are told we are crazy for questioning, that the debate is settled, and we need to give more control of our lives to an ever expanding government.

Well guess what. People are going to keep questioning. We aren't going to blindly follow you. When your data is inconsistant, when you have to out and out lie to support your position, we are going to question you even if you falsely claim it's all science.

Science doesn't stop questioning. And those who claim we shouldn't question or that anyone who does is crazy aren't being honest. If you have the truth on your side you aren't afraid of other opinions because the truth shines brighter and clearer than the lies. It's only the people who are afraid of the truth that need to shut down debate and pretend that it's over when it's never actually occured.
Only 6% of scientists are welcome in the Republican party. And they have to pretend they aren't scientists.
opinions arent science. Even if they are made by scientists.

Opinions made by those who actually do the research, know the material in and out, and live and breath the field they are commenting on...probably know it more

I know enough to realize when the temperature goes down it's not going up. I know enough to realize that if the planet is warming it won't cause an ice age. I know enough to realize that the temperature of the earth has gone up and down throughout all of earth's long history. I know enough to realize that when so called global warming scientists have to make up data that the data doesn't support what the politicians are trying to push on us.

You have no clue how much I know or don't know of the research I've actually studied. You just presume that since I call junk science for what it is, that I don't know anything about it.

Tell me something, why is it that the so called "solution" to global warming just happens to be the same policies the socialists couldnt convince the American people to enact for economic reasons? They can't convince people on the merits of the argument so they have to scare people into enacting their policies with a "crisis" that is always far off in the future.

Isn't it interesting that no matter whether the tempature goes up or goes down it's global warming? Global warming is going to warm the planet. No it's going to cause the next ice age. It causes hurricanes and earthquakes, except when it's not politically expedient for the left. Isn't that such an amazing coincidence?

You realize that according to those global warming "scientists" New York and many other Coastal cities were supposed to be underwater last year? Funny how that didnt happen and now it's completely ignored.

See, the problem with this so called "science" is that no matter how contrary the data is, it all seems to "prove" that it's happening for the left. And somehow questioning the inconsistancy of the facts is taboo. Since when is it anti-science to question the data? THAT IS SCIENCE! Science is all about questioning the data. Rejecting false theories. Yet, no matter how much we learn about the so called scientists making up data, no matter how many times the predictions are wrong, no matter how much data completely contradicts the theories, we are told we are crazy for questioning, that the debate is settled, and we need to give more control of our lives to an ever expanding government.

Well guess what. People are going to keep questioning. We aren't going to blindly follow you. When your data is inconsistant, when you have to out and out lie to support your position, we are going to question you even if you falsely claim it's all science.

Science doesn't stop questioning. And those who claim we shouldn't question or that anyone who does is crazy aren't being honest. If you have the truth on your side you aren't afraid of other opinions because the truth shines brighter and clearer than the lies. It's only the people who are afraid of the truth that need to shut down debate and pretend that it's over when it's never actually occured.

Wow! Well stated. :clap2:

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