Hunter won't do what Don Jr. and Ivanka did...why?

Actually, the story hasn't changed, but you guys keep throwing out bizarre accusations.

Joe initially said he knew nothing about Hunter's business dealings and had no contact with any of his business associates. Pictures surfaced that proved otherwise so Joe changed his story. It wasn't until IRS whistleblowers came forward that the story changed to he had no financial knowledge of his son's business dealings.

This is called changing the story. Don't worry, it will change again and again as more information surfaces.

Meanwhile, Trump is defrauding banks, raping women, paying porn stats for sex, inciting insurrections, shaking down foreign governments, and you are "Meh, nothing to see here, because I don't want to admit I was wrong"

I'll give you paying off a porn start, but the others are all pure partisan junk.

The bank Trump supposedly frauded doesn't even believe they were a victim. Heck, if they felt like they were victims, maybe they should pay back all the interest they collected from Trump. Somehow I don't think they would be keen on that idea. Yes, an activist judge in NY found him guilty of a crime, but that is hardly a surprise. Democrats don't care about the law, just taking down their political opponents.(see the Colorado SC)

Inciting insurrections? There wasn't even one, much less more than one. You will figure it out one day.

Shaking down foreign governments? Yeah, he shook down a guy that said he didn't take it that way at all. Once again, it was a partisan Democrat House that is full of nothing but activists that impeached him without nearly enough evidence.
Joe initially said he knew nothing about Hunter's business dealings and had no contact with any of his business associates. Pictures surfaced that proved otherwise so Joe changed his story. It wasn't until IRS whistleblowers came forward that the story changed to he had no financial knowledge of his son's business dealings.

This is called changing the story. Don't worry, it will change again and again as more information surfaces.

Um, wow, that's so fucking minor it barely meets a standard. The VP meets thousands of people during his term. "Oh, see, here's a picture with a Hunter associate!"

Point was, you guys have dug for 5 years, and you have yet to prove.

1) That Joe gave Hunter's clients any special favors
2) Or that Joe got any money from Hunter's businesses.

I'll give you paying off a porn start, but the others are all pure partisan junk.

Okay, that was a crime. He should be done. Especially in the party of "Family Values". Paying a Porn Star for sex when your third wife is at home just given birth to your fifth child is NOT a family value.

The bank Trump supposedly frauded doesn't even believe they were a victim. Heck, if they felt like they were victims, maybe they should pay back all the interest they collected from Trump. Somehow I don't think they would be keen on that idea. Yes, an activist judge in NY found him guilty of a crime, but that is hardly a surprise. Democrats don't care about the law, just taking down their political opponents.(see the Colorado SC)

Well, no, he was found guilty of crimes because he committed them. By your fuzzy logic, Hunter paid his back taxes and turned in that gun he bought when he was high. Case closed, right? Of course not.

Inciting insurrections? There wasn't even one, much less more than one. You will figure it out one day.

Your denial is amusing, if what happened on Jan 6 wasn't so tragic. Five people died, hundreds were injured, and hundreds have had their lives ruined. All because Trump isn't man enough to admit he lost.

Shaking down foreign governments? Yeah, he shook down a guy that said he didn't take it that way at all. Once again, it was a partisan Democrat House that is full of nothing but activists that impeached him without nearly enough evidence.

Actually, what you had was a bunch of partisans in the GOP who voted to acquit him because they are too afraid of their primary voters to take a stand. Most Republicans will be THRILLED when Trump is finally carted off in an orange jump suit.

Compared that to Watergate, where Republicans, when presented with evidence of Nixon Guilt, marched to the White House and informed Nixon that he needed to resign. They put country ahead of party.
Joe initially said he knew nothing about Hunter's business dealings and had no contact with any of his business associates. Pictures surfaced that proved otherwise so Joe changed his story. It wasn't until IRS whistleblowers came forward that the story changed to he had no financial knowledge of his son's business dealings.

This is called changing the story. Don't worry, it will change again and again as more information surfaces.

I'll give you paying off a porn start, but the others are all pure partisan junk.

The bank Trump supposedly frauded doesn't even believe they were a victim. Heck, if they felt like they were victims, maybe they should pay back all the interest they collected from Trump. Somehow I don't think they would be keen on that idea. Yes, an activist judge in NY found him guilty of a crime, but that is hardly a surprise. Democrats don't care about the law, just taking down their political opponents.(see the Colorado SC)

Inciting insurrections? There wasn't even one, much less more than one. You will figure it out one day.

Shaking down foreign governments? Yeah, he shook down a guy that said he didn't take it that way at all. Once again, it was a partisan Democrat House that is full of nothing but activists that impeached him without nearly enough evidence.
Joe initially said he knew nothing about Hunter's business dealings and had no contact with any of his business associates. Pictures surfaced that proved otherwise so Joe changed his story. It wasn't until IRS whistleblowers came forward that the story changed to he had no financial knowledge of his son's business dealings.

This is called changing the story. Don't worry, it will change again and again as more information surfaces.

I'll give you paying off a porn start, but the others are all pure partisan junk.

The bank Trump supposedly frauded doesn't even believe they were a victim. Heck, if they felt like they were victims, maybe they should pay back all the interest they collected from Trump. Somehow I don't think they would be keen on that idea. Yes, an activist judge in NY found him guilty of a crime, but that is hardly a surprise. Democrats don't care about the law, just taking down their political opponents.(see the Colorado SC)

Inciting insurrections? There wasn't even one, much less more than one. You will figure it out one day.

Shaking down foreign governments? Yeah, he shook down a guy that said he didn't take it that way at all. Once again, it was a partisan Democrat House that is full of nothing but activists that impeached him without nearly enough evidence.
Can someone exlplain how in a country that has more guns per capita than other country in the world, an "insurrection" with "no guns" occurs?
Okay, that was a crime.

Talk about nitpicking. He paid off someone to keep quiet. They charged his lawyer, who initialed the payment with campaign finance crimes. I certainly don't condone some of his behavior, never have, but he isn't treasonous, like some others.

Point was, you guys have dug for 5 years, and you have yet to prove.

Let the impeachment inquiry play out. More and more information will come out. The information they have thus far, despite the stonewalling, is very, very suspect to say the least.

Well, no, he was found guilty of crimes because he committed them. By your fuzzy logic, Hunter paid his back taxes and turned in that gun he bought when he was high. Case closed, right? Of course not.

That isn't the same thing at all. The banks offered Trump the loans after doing their own due diligence. They determined the loan was a good risk and would be profitable for them. They were correct. The fact that Trump's opinion of the value of his property differed rom their opinion is irrelevant and his opinion is just that. Trump's "over" evaluation is no more or less wrong that than the judge citing the tax value of Mar-a-Largo as a basis for in his decision in the case. Both numbers were outliers.

Your denial is amusing, if what happened on Jan 6 wasn't so tragic. Five people died, hundreds were injured, and hundreds have had their lives ruined. All because Trump isn't man enough to admit he lost.

Tragic for sure, but not an insurrection. Funny though, not nearly as tragic as the numerous left-wing riots that took place all across the country that the left ignores and/or justifies as social justice.

If Trump does win in 2024, look for lefties around the country to make Jan. 6 look like a church social.

Most Republicans will be THRILLED when Trump is finally carted off in an orange jump suit.

I guess you have missed the polling. He is dominating the Republican field. Bush Republicans don't like him, but they are RINOS anyway.

Compared that to Watergate, where Republicans, when presented with evidence of Nixon Guilt, marched to the White House and informed Nixon that he needed to resign. They put country ahead of party.

There was actual evidence in that case. There was not nearly enough evidence in either of Trump's cases to justify impeachment. Both were led by partisan Democratic hacks.

These same hacks wouldn't impeach Joe no matter what the House finds in the impeachment inquiry. Absolutely no amount of evidence would suffice.
Sure. They stormed the Capitol with the intent of overturning the election. That was an insurrection, period.

Their intent was to delay the vote to have a recount and even that was spur of the moment kind of thing, not some intricate plan, which is exactly what would have been required to pull of such a thing.

Stop playing around with election laws to benefit your candidates and actually secure future elections instead of making them less secure and people wouldn't be so upset. I am not justifying their actions, but I understand their anger. Hyperbole by the MSM regarding Jan. 6 is out of control and they rely on dim-witted, ignorant people to fall for it.
Can someone exlplain how in a country that has more guns per capita than other country in the world, an "insurrection" with "no guns" occurs?

Yes and not only that, I would be willing to bet that the overwhelming majority of those that stormed the Capitol are gun owners and even CWP holders. They likely take their concealed weapons with them to the grocery store but chose to leave them at home during their "insurrection" attempt. Lets see, headed out to buy some milk, I need my gun, trying to overthrow the most powerful country in the world, na, no reason I should need it.

Democrats are on another level of stupid and gullible.
Talk about nitpicking. He paid off someone to keep quiet. They charged his lawyer, who initialed the payment with campaign finance crimes. I certainly don't condone some of his behavior, never have, but he isn't treasonous, like some others.

Oh, fucking please. You guys impeached Clinton because he LIED about a blow job. This is 100 times worse than what Clinton did, and you are fine with it.

Let the impeachment inquiry play out. More and more information will come out. The information they have thus far, despite the stonewalling, is very, very suspect to say the least.

Gee, yeah, let's continue an impeachment inquiry based on taking emails out of context and repeated debunked claims. It's not like we have anything important to do like pass budgets or deal with Israel, Ukraine, the Southern Border. Nope, let's keep investigating Hunter's businesses, that never produced more than a few million a year in revenues.

That isn't the same thing at all. The banks offered Trump the loans after doing their own due diligence. They determined the loan was a good risk and would be profitable for them. They were correct. The fact that Trump's opinion of the value of his property differed rom their opinion is irrelevant and his opinion is just that. Trump's "over" evaluation is no more or less wrong that than the judge citing the tax value of Mar-a-Largo as a basis for in his decision in the case. Both numbers were outliers.

Except their due diligence was contingent on lies, Trump told. And given those loans are backed by the taxpayers, who would have had to make good onthem if Trump defaulted (the guy has had HOW many bankruptcies in his career?) the fraud is kind of a big deal.

Tragic for sure, but not an insurrection. Funny though, not nearly as tragic as the numerous left-wing riots that took place all across the country that the left ignores and/or justifies as social justice.

If Trump does win in 2024, look for lefties around the country to make Jan. 6 look like a church social.

The tragic thing about the BLM Riots is black folks asked nicely for 25 years for police to clean up their act, and it wasn't done until there were riots. But the goal there was not to overthrow the government.

I guess you have missed the polling. He is dominating the Republican field. Bush Republicans don't like him, but they are RINOS anyway.
The polling is bullshit. Trump will probably win the nomination because frankly, no one is gutsy enough to take him on. They are just all swooping around, hoping to be called when the courts catch up with Trump.
There was actual evidence in that case. There was not nearly enough evidence in either of Trump's cases to justify impeachment. Both were led by partisan Democratic hacks.

Actually, both impeachments got Republican support. Historically, no impeachment ever got votes from the Presidents party before Trump. In Nixon's case, they compelled him to resign before they had to vote.

What does it say that Trump has less integrity than Nixon.

These same hacks wouldn't impeach Joe no matter what the House finds in the impeachment inquiry. Absolutely no amount of evidence would suffice.

Well, you don't actually have any. You take a few lines from Emails out of context and then scream you have evidence.

Here's what you need.

1- Show me a policy that Joe Biden undertook, all on his own with no direction from Obama, that benefited Hunter's Clients. (This eliminated your false Shokin claims, because that was at Obama's direction).

2- Show me where money went directly from Hunter to Joe after a payment from a client.

That's evidence, buddy.... you don't have that.
Their intent was to delay the vote to have a recount and even that was spur of the moment kind of thing, not some intricate plan, which is exactly what would have been required to pull of such a thing.

Except that there was coordination between the Proud Boys and other groups and the white house for months before the storming of the Capitol. The Proud Boys are going to jail... Trump needs to join them.

Stop playing around with election laws to benefit your candidates and actually secure future elections instead of making them less secure and people wouldn't be so upset. I am not justifying their actions, but I understand their anger. Hyperbole by the MSM regarding Jan. 6 is out of control and they rely on dim-witted, ignorant people to fall for it.

Um, okay, let's do that.

1) No more voter suppression laws or voter role purges.
2) Allow felons to vote in Florida like the voters voted for.

The elections are perfectly secure, Trump's own people told him that and he fired them.

The problem isn't our ability to beat Trump, we've beaten him at the ballot box every time he's come up. The problem is that because we don't have straight up Democracy, he always finds tricks to not go the fuck away after the voters reject him.
Except their due diligence was contingent on lies,

That would not be due diligence. You are confused...again.

The tragic thing about the BLM Riots is black folks asked nicely for 25 years for police to clean up their act, and it wasn't done until there were riots. But the goal there was not to overthrow the government.

Ah, the justification for anarchy. Yeah, stealing some TVs is going to help the situation. Wacko.

The polling is bullshit. Trump will probably win the nomination because frankly, no one is gutsy enough to take him on. They are just all swooping around, hoping to be called when the courts catch up with Trump.

How would you know? You live in a blue bubble surrounded by like-minded lemmings. I live in a red state and can tell you that there is absolutely no way that anybody with more than 1/2 a brain in my state(moonbat Democrats aside) would vote for Biden over Trump.

What does it say that Trump has less integrity than Nixon.

So says YOU.

Well, you don't actually have any. You take a few lines from Emails out of context and then scream you have evidence.

What, taking things out of context? PLEASE, the entire narrative against Trump was built on taking things out of context by the MSM. You bought all of it. Your still believe the "fine people on both sides" was in reference to white nationalists because you refuse to read, or believe, what he said just a few sentences before that statement. They prey on indoctrinated folks like yourself to build this false narrative.

1- Show me a policy that Joe Biden undertook, all on his own with no direction from Obama, that benefited Hunter's Clients. (This eliminated your false Shokin claims, because that was at Obama's direction).

You don't think Biden could influence Obama? I mean, that is kind of the idea with influence peddling. Hire the VP's son to gain access to the VP, who can in turn influence need be parties.

That's evidence, buddy.... you don't have that.

Don't worry, it will continue to surface. You won't believe any of it regardless, so it doesn't really matter.
Except that there was coordination between the Proud Boys and other groups and the white house for months before the storming of the Capitol. The Proud Boys are going to jail... Trump needs to join them.

Um, okay, let's do that.

1) No more voter suppression laws or voter role purges.
2) Allow felons to vote in Florida like the voters voted for.

The elections are perfectly secure, Trump's own people told him that and he fired them.

The problem isn't our ability to beat Trump, we've beaten him at the ballot box every time he's come up. The problem is that because we don't have straight up Democracy, he always finds tricks to not go the fuck away after the voters reject him.

Voter id and vote in person with only a few exceptions. Simple.

Mass mail-in balloting is not nearly as secure by any reasonable measure.

You don't want it because you like the results you get from ballot harvesting, ballot stuffing, etc.
That would not be due diligence. You are confused...again.

Trump went out with the intent to defraud. "You should have known not to trust me" is not a defense against fraud.

How would you know? You live in a blue bubble surrounded by like-minded lemmings. I live in a red state and can tell you that there is absolutely no way that anybody with more than 1/2 a brain in my state(moonbat Democrats aside) would vote for Biden over Trump.
So you are saying generations of inbreeding have made you all stupid? You live in the poorest part of the country, and you keep voting for the people who screwed you. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

So says YOU.
Nixon, at the end of the day, put the country ahead of the party and stepped aside.
Your still believe the "fine people on both sides" was in reference to white nationalists because you refuse to read, or believe, what he said just a few sentences before that statement. They prey on indoctrinated folks like yourself to build this false narrative.

I'm there were fine people at the "United The Right" rally? I didn't see any. I saw a bunch of racists and Nazis, and trump praising them as "Fine people" says a lot about him. So does his channeling Hitler with his "Blood poison" comments.

You don't think Biden could influence Obama? I mean, that is kind of the idea with influence peddling. Hire the VP's son to gain access to the VP, who can in turn influence need be parties.

Um, no, honestly, I don't think so in this case, because there was universal concensus, even among republicans, that Shokin was a corrupt actor and had to go. I wish Biden were as influential as you seem to think he is.

Don't worry, it will continue to surface. You won't believe any of it regardless, so it doesn't really matter.
Guy, rehashing the same garbage over and over again isn't surfacing... it just means we have to waste our time debunking it again.
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Voter id and vote in person with only a few exceptions. Simple.
Yup, that will keep them darkies from voting.

Hey, I recently had to update my wife's ID after we got married. Now, because the DMV is such a mess in this state post-covid, we had to wait several weeks to get an appointment and we had to drive out to Aurora to find a facility that we could get an appointment at. (Appointments are never avaiable at the facility in our city.)

Please don't tell me that it's "easy" for poor people who have no fixed address to get a current ID.

Mass mail-in balloting is not nearly as secure by any reasonable measure.
Yet, 8 states allow elections to be conducted completely by mail.

You don't want it because you like the results you get from ballot harvesting, ballot stuffing, etc.

We conduct Census and Tax by mail. We don't make people report in to get these things done.

I see a major advantage in voting by mail. I can sit down with the ballot and do on-line research about the down-ballot races I might now be following. I wish I had paid more attention to the Secretary of State race, this guy has managed to turn what's already a metaphor for government inefficiency into something worse.

You don't want it because you like the results you get from ballot harvesting, ballot stuffing, etc.

Yes, I like it when people vote. The problem is, your side doesn't like it when people vote because they vote to make their lives better, damn them.

Not sure why it is you hate Democracy so much. Could it because all your ideas suck?
There was no excuse to use foreign aid to try to get a foreign leader to smear an opponent.

Nowhere near as bad as Trump. I've never seen any President have so many appointments who came back and ripped into him after leaving office.
Use foreign aid as a weapon like Biden said he did on national TV ??
Use foreign aid as a weapon like Biden said he did on national TV ??

Was it a weapon or tough love.

One more time, it wasn't Biden insisting on firing Shokin because he didn't like him. It was the US, IMF, and EU all insisting that Shokin had to go because his office was rife with corruption. Biden was delivering a message everyone- including GOP Senators - wanted delivered. You want money, you need to clean up your act.
Trump went out with the intent to defraud. "You should have known not to trust me" is not a defense against fraud.

I sold a piece of property a few years ago for 3.5 times the amount it appraised for 6 months before. It sold for 6 times the tax appraisal value. It was not in the historic register and could not be deemed irreplaceable. Trump's personal assessment of Mar-a-Largo was his own opinion of the value of the property. It was no more off base than the tax appraisal that the judge cited in his ruling. Regardless, the bank did their own due diligence and knew that Trump's assets exceeded his loan value.

So you are saying generations of inbreeding have made you all stupid? You live in the poorest part of the country, and you keep voting for the people who screwed you. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

The "stupid" ones live in blue counties/areas of my state, as they do in most every state. Blue counties in red states are by far the poorest and admittedly pull the states down.

Yup, that will keep them darkies from voting.

Why? They aren't able to get IDs? This is a lame excuse.

Yet, 8 states allow elections to be conducted completely by mail.

Yeah, and all but 1 are Democrat. Go figure.

Yes, I like it when people vote. The problem is, your side doesn't like it when people vote because they vote to make their lives better, damn them.

When people start voting themselves a paycheck, regardless of the consequences for the country, we are lost. You and many Democrats are too stupid to understand that concept, but hey, it is what it is.
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