Hunter? Really? Jared Kushner Scores $2 billion Investment from Saudi Arabia: report

What a leftist stooge. When your evildoer is confronted with his criminal actions it is viewed as a vendetta by the left who desperately want to look the other way to protect their fool in charge. If you are a fair man I would like to see a post of yours equally attacking Hunter for his misdeeds. I doubt that is going to happen.
I have no problem with our judicial process addressing your diversionary topic if credible evidence of criminality is ever uncovered. Your parroting ideological entertainment sources is not such a legal recourse.
I have no problem with our judicial process addressing your diversionary topic if credible evidence of criminality is ever uncovered. Your parroting ideological entertainment sources is not such a legal recourse.
So the way I read your response is that you will accept the obvious regarding Hunter if forced but will not demand accountability, as you do with Trump and family. Just more of the leftist way of life.
Not much difference in running a billion dollar real estate investment firm and working for an investment firm that funds start up companies, Dumbass.

What is Crackhead Biden's experience/qualifications for:

  • Sitting on the board of an oil and gas firm
  • Running an investment firm that got millions from the CCP
  • Being a painter who sold his shit painting for Rembrandt prices to anonymous buyers while his dad is President.
: crickets: from schmidlap :laughing0301:
Not much difference in running a billion dollar real estate investment firm and working for an investment firm that funds start up companies, Dumbass.

What is Crackhead Biden's experience/qualifications for:

  • Sitting on the board of an oil and gas firm
  • Running an investment firm that got millions from the CCP
  • Being a painter who sold his shit painting for Rembrandt prices to anonymous buyers while his dad is President.
The Kushner FAMILY's total ney worth in 2016 was LESS than this loan

I've said this all along.
Jared was the personal concierge for Saudi Arabi.. and helping MBS out of his Khashogi Murder Rap, etc.
Trumps first Trip was to Saudi Arabia.. even tho he's not a Muslim fan.
They're set for life now.

Jared Kushner Scores $2 billion Investment from Saudi Arabia: report​

Published: April 11, 2022 at 2:12 p.m. ET
By Steven Nelson

Kushner’s firm, Affinity Partners, made the deal shortly after President Donald Trump left office, with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed overriding a review panel’s objections​


Then–White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, Kushner’s wife and the then-president’s daughter and also a senior Trump adviser, arrive at the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology in Riyadh in May 2017.​

Former first son-in-law Jared Kushner received a $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund — with expected annual management fees of $25 million, according to a New York Times report.

Kushner’s firm, Affinity Partners, made the deal shortly after President Donald Trump left office, despite a Saudi Public Investment Fund review panel’s concerns about “inexperience” and a due-diligence review that was “unsatisfactory in all aspects,” according to minutes of a June meeting reported by the New York Times.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman leads the fund’s board, which overruled the skeptics.
A letter written by fund staff to a board member who dissented cited “aims to form a strategic relationship with the Affinity Partners Fund and its founder, Jared Kushner,” in going ahead with the deal, according to the report.

Jared Kushner scores $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia: report

Former first son-in-law Jared Kushner received a $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund — with expected annual management fees of...

Jared isn't President, he's a private citizen. Besides, its perfectly legal to make deals in Saudi Arabia.
Well thats the part thus far entirely unproven.

Republicans put out a whole report stating they found no evidence of any improper conduct of office by Biden:

With Jarred and MBS the quid-pro-quo relationship is very clear. To give 2 billion dollars with 2% service fee to a man with zero such investment experience or even organization to manage it is incoherent. MBS had to overrulle Saudi investment board that was against this deal.
the laptop proves the corruption and bribery. Why do you want the Bidens to be above the law?
The pifflewits feigning hysterics over Hunter's lapdog are suddenly smacked upside their heads by documented, gross, influence-peddling corruption, and it's hilarious to watch them in such a tizzy.

Translation = left wing liars like Schmid are very comfortable with fraud, kleptocratic theft, the selling of US foreign policy and foreign aid, just as long as Schmid's heroes on the left loot the fuck out of America in the process, and if you notice, he goes bi-polar again...
I've said this all along.
Jared was the personal concierge for Saudi Arabi.. and helping MBS out of his Khashogi Murder Rap, etc.
Trumps first Trip was to Saudi Arabia.. even tho he's not a Muslim fan.
They're set for life now.

Jared Kushner Scores $2 billion Investment from Saudi Arabia: report​

Published: April 11, 2022 at 2:12 p.m. ET
By Steven Nelson

Kushner’s firm, Affinity Partners, made the deal shortly after President Donald Trump left office, with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed overriding a review panel’s objections​


Then–White House senior adviser Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, Kushner’s wife and the then-president’s daughter and also a senior Trump adviser, arrive at the Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology in Riyadh in May 2017.​

Former first son-in-law Jared Kushner received a $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund — with expected annual management fees of $25 million, according to a New York Times report.

Kushner’s firm, Affinity Partners, made the deal shortly after President Donald Trump left office, despite a Saudi Public Investment Fund review panel’s concerns about “inexperience” and a due-diligence review that was “unsatisfactory in all aspects,” according to minutes of a June meeting reported by the New York Times.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman leads the fund’s board, which overruled the skeptics.
A letter written by fund staff to a board member who dissented cited “aims to form a strategic relationship with the Affinity Partners Fund and its founder, Jared Kushner,” in going ahead with the deal, according to the report.

Jared Kushner scores $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia: report

Former first son-in-law Jared Kushner received a $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund — with expected annual management fees of...

Hunter was making $1 million a year. Republicans wanted to know why. Well now we want to know why Jared was given $2 billion dollars from the Saudi's. I know!

The Trump administration granted two authorizations to U.S. companies to share sensitive nuclear power information with Saudi Arabia shortly after the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
the laptop proves the corruption and bribery. Why do you want the Bidens to be above the law?
Trump gave the Saudi's nuclear technology and afterward the Saudi's give his son in law $2 billion dollars?

Sounds like when Bill and Hillary get a lot of money for speaking engagements. Are people really paying them to hear them speak or is that just a payoff for what he did for them when he was in office? Well same for this deal. What did Jared give the Saudi's to justify $2 billion dollars? And you cried over $1 million a year to Hunter? That's peanuts.
Hunter was making $1 million a year. Republicans wanted to know why. Well now we want to know why Jared was given $2 billion dollars from the Saudi's. I know!

The Trump administration granted two authorizations to U.S. companies to share sensitive nuclear power information with Saudi Arabia shortly after the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Wasn’t given to Jared, Liar.
He was a senior advisor to Trump for four years.

Hunter is and always was a private citizen.

You seem to have it backwards
I haven't even read this yet

I'm curious to see the comparison they did between Jared and Hunter.
Wasn’t given to Jared, Liar.
Oh if this was Hunter imagine what the headlines would be. Something like

"After leaving the White House, Jared Kushner cashes in on being 'foreign policy adviser' to his father-in-law with a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince,"

After the brutal killing in 2018 of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Kushner had a series of one-on-one meetings with the crown prince, who at the time was already rumored to be responsible for the reporter's murder.

Concerns have been raised about the close relationship between Kushner and the crown prince since the times of Trump administration, and some fear the consequences of this new investment, especially as Trump is still considered a candidate for the 2024 presidential campaign.

Don't forget Trump gave the Saudi's nuclear technology. Or sold them nuclear technology.
Wasn't given to Hunter. He worked for it. Now I can see making $1 million dollars a year. My brother is a VP of a Fortune 500 and makes that. What did Jared do for $2 billion?
Jared didn’t get $2 billion, Dumbass. The investment firm he works at is investing that money for the Saudis.

What are Crackhead Biden’s qualification for:

  • Sitting on the board of an oil and gas firm
  • Running an investment firm
  • Selling paintings for Rembrandt prices
Try to answer without deflecting to Kushner.
Oh if this was Hunter imagine what the headlines would be. Something like

"After leaving the White House, Jared Kushner cashes in on being 'foreign policy adviser' to his father-in-law with a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince,"

After the brutal killing in 2018 of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Kushner had a series of one-on-one meetings with the crown prince, who at the time was already rumored to be responsible for the reporter's murder.

Concerns have been raised about the close relationship between Kushner and the crown prince since the times of Trump administration, and some fear the consequences of this new investment, especially as Trump is still considered a candidate for the 2024 presidential campaign.

Don't forget Trump gave the Saudi's nuclear technology. Or sold them nuclear technology.
Trump allowed two US companies to share technology for nuclear power with the Saudis, Fuckwit.

quit posting like he sent them nuclear missiles.

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