Hunter committed a known felony, and no one cares

  1. Hunter Biden didn't lie on his background check
  2. That you are not covering up for it
  3. That there is equal application of the law regardless of party
1. I never said that, show the quote (you’re lying).
2. I’m not covering anything up, don’t have the power to do so even if I wanted to.
3. I never said that either. Show the quote (you’re lying)

34 pages of reptation, 660+ Messages, and now you claim "why I never.."
If I have said those things then show it. Cause I’m saying I have not said the things you’re dishonestly claiming I’ve said. You call me a liar while lying about the things I say. So back up just one of them. Let’s see what you got.
If I have said those things then show it. Cause I’m saying I have not said the things you’re dishonestly claiming I’ve said. You call me a liar while lying about the things I say. So back up just one of them. Let’s see what you got.
There are dozens, but #306 will work.

Simple, Reich has it's privilege.
There are dozens, but #306 will work.

Simple, Reich has it's privilege.
Awesome, thank you for providing a specific example. Lets look at it...

What if he was sure when he answered. Despite his past he believe that he was not addicted to and he was not taking controlled substances while filling out that form so marking NO was his truth. How in the world are you going to prove that a felony lie?? What’s your case?

Its not even possible for me to have a lie in that quote. I made no definitive statements. I asked a question. Described a possible scenario, then asked how felony lying could be proved in court.

What in my quote do you consider a lie?
Awesome, thank you for providing a specific example. Lets look at it...

Its not even possible for me to have a lie in that quote. I made no definitive statements. I asked a question. Described a possible scenario, then asked how felony lying could be proved in court.

What in my quote do you consider a lie?
Your lie is in claiming that you aren't covering for Hunter - which you clearly are doing in that quote.
Your lie is in claiming that you aren't covering for Hunter - which you clearly are doing in that quote.
If I was part of a legal team trying to prosecute Hunter, I would be asking all the same questions that I'm asking in this thread. I'd have to. If you are going to criminally prosecute somebody you need to have answers for all of these questions and scenarios. It isn't covering for him. It is analyzing the validity of the case. In this situation, I don't hear anybody making a convincing argument for how this could lead to a conviction... You aren't proving what you claim, so you have nothing.

34 pages of reptation, 660+ Messages, and now you claim "why I never.."
no one who hasn't been brainwashed gives a damn about hunter Biden. He is educated for what he was doing and has been investigated in every possible way and there is no evidence then any of the bidens did anything wrong. None, just ******** from your favorite liars, brainwashed functional moron. Hunter had a couple of bad years when his brother died from being near burn pits by the way....
no one who hasn't been brainwashed gives a damn about hunter Biden. He is educated for what he was doing and has been investigated in every possible way and there is no evidence then any of the bidens did anything wrong. None, just ******** from your favorite liars, brainwashed functional moron.

Gun laws are not meant for Reich member...

Heil Soros.
That if he had been subject to the UCMJ, he'd have suffered more serious consequences.

The Navy had already given him a waiver due to his past drug use and his age. They probably shouldn't have.
Why do you think the Navy ignored is crackheadedness?

Could it be his last name?

Same reason they coddled the Crackhead when he couldn't stop smoking crack while in the military?
Hunter had a couple of bad years like five years ago when his brother died from burn pits syndrome. Nobody gives a damn except hater dupes like you who haven't noticed that your party has been screwing you forever *******....
How did a lawyer get exposed to burn pits?

Fucking fascist franco.

Joe Jr. "Beau" was a LAWYER in JAG you lying retard, He never got within 1,000 miles of combat.
We are talking about the burn pits he was on and how he got brain cancer and died and why hunter Biden had a couple of bad years, you ignorant stupid brainwashed functional anti-American asshole....

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