Hoyer says border walls 'obviously' work, rejects Pelosi's suggestion that barrier is 'immorality'

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

Cracking ...... Do we see a split between Hoyer who actually seems to have a semblance of a brain and recognizes that DemonRATS becoming the American socialist/communists party just will not win the day?....The extremists of his party seem to be gathering the MSM behind them. And surely looking to squeeze any remnants of your fathers Democrat party out of existence.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., acknowledged Wednesday on Fox News' "Special Report with Bret Baier" that border walls "obviously" work in some areas, and he rejected suggestions that barriers should be removed where they already exist.

The No. 2 House Democrat additionally asserted that the question of whether to fund President Trump's proposed border wall -- a dispute at the center of the unprecedented partial federal government shutdown -- is "not an issue of morality."

Hoyer's comments were seemingly at odds with the positions of other House Democrats, who have argued that border walls like the one Trump is proposing are ineffective and immoral.

Read more at foxnews.com ...
Well at least one of the Dems has a working brain cell.

To bad Pelousy and Schmucker don't.

Cracking ...... Do we see a split between Hoyer who actually seems to have a semblance of a brain and recognizes that DemonRATS becoming the American socialist/communists party just will not win the day?....The extremists of his party seem to be gathering the MSM behind them. And surely looking to squeeze any remnants of your fathers Democrat party out of existence.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., acknowledged Wednesday on Fox News' "Special Report with Bret Baier" that border walls "obviously" work in some areas, and he rejected suggestions that barriers should be removed where they already exist.

The No. 2 House Democrat additionally asserted that the question of whether to fund President Trump's proposed border wall -- a dispute at the center of the unprecedented partial federal government shutdown -- is "not an issue of morality."

Hoyer's comments were seemingly at odds with the positions of other House Democrats, who have argued that border walls like the one Trump is proposing are ineffective and immoral.

Read more at foxnews.com ...
A rare and lucid moment for a liberal. They'll call out the dogs and drag him back onto the plantation in short order.

Cracking ...... Do we see a split between Hoyer who actually seems to have a semblance of a brain and recognizes that DemonRATS becoming the American socialist/communists party just will not win the day?....The extremists of his party seem to be gathering the MSM behind them. And surely looking to squeeze any remnants of your fathers Democrat party out of existence.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., acknowledged Wednesday on Fox News' "Special Report with Bret Baier" that border walls "obviously" work in some areas, and he rejected suggestions that barriers should be removed where they already exist.

The No. 2 House Democrat additionally asserted that the question of whether to fund President Trump's proposed border wall -- a dispute at the center of the unprecedented partial federal government shutdown -- is "not an issue of morality."

Hoyer's comments were seemingly at odds with the positions of other House Democrats, who have argued that border walls like the one Trump is proposing are ineffective and immoral.

Read more at foxnews.com ...
We all know Pelosi has voted for border walls fencing barriers and security in the past, right? So when she now says that the Wall is immoral perhaps she doesn’t mean it in the way you are trying to paint.

I know it’s fun to take sound bites like this and spin them to try and demean yoirnpolitical enemies but how about we have honest and smart conversation for once?

I think we both know that she is against Trumps wall and the rhetoric that has surrounded it, not walls in general. Do you agree with that point?
My understanding is that there are quite a few Dem freshmen Reps in the House that want to get things done so they can go back to their constituents and say I did this and that. Most of the newbies are not from deep blue states or districts and their chances of re-election won't be too good if the only thing they can tell the voters is that they obstructed the hell out of Trump. I suspect that as this shutdown continues support for the Dems is going to erode; nobody seriously believes that they care about 5 measly billion dollars, this is about power politics and everybody knows it. Which is not going to play well in Peoria in 2020.

Cracking ...... Do we see a split between Hoyer who actually seems to have a semblance of a brain and recognizes that DemonRATS becoming the American socialist/communists party just will not win the day?....The extremists of his party seem to be gathering the MSM behind them. And surely looking to squeeze any remnants of your fathers Democrat party out of existence.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., acknowledged Wednesday on Fox News' "Special Report with Bret Baier" that border walls "obviously" work in some areas, and he rejected suggestions that barriers should be removed where they already exist.

The No. 2 House Democrat additionally asserted that the question of whether to fund President Trump's proposed border wall -- a dispute at the center of the unprecedented partial federal government shutdown -- is "not an issue of morality."

Hoyer's comments were seemingly at odds with the positions of other House Democrats, who have argued that border walls like the one Trump is proposing are ineffective and immoral.

Read more at foxnews.com ...
We all know Pelosi has voted for border walls fencing barriers and security in the past, right? So when she now says that the Wall is immoral perhaps she doesn’t mean it in the way you are trying to paint.

I know it’s fun to take sound bites like this and spin them to try and demean yoirnpolitical enemies but how about we have honest and smart conversation for once?

I think we both know that she is against Trumps wall and the rhetoric that has surrounded it, not walls in general. Do you agree with that point?
What do you think she meant when she said:

On Dec. 6, she said that additional barrier construction as demanded by President Donald Trump would be “immoral still,” even if the Mexican government paid for it. On Jan. 3, then, responding to reporters’ questions about the partisan standoff over wall funding that has resulted in a shutdown of roughly 25 percent of the federal government, Pelosi said, “A wall is an immorality. It’s not who we are as a nation.”
Pelosi says border walls are 'immoral.' But that's not the conversation we need to be having right now
My understanding is that there are quite a few Dem freshmen Reps in the House that want to get things done so they can go back to their constituents and say I did this and that. Most of the newbies are not from deep blue states or districts and their chances of re-election won't be too good if the only thing they can tell the voters is that they obstructed the hell out of Trump. I suspect that as this shutdown continues support for the Dems is going to erode; nobody seriously believes that they care about 5 measly billion dollars, this is about power politics and everybody knows it. Which is not going to play well in Peoria in 2020.
What about the principle of a President shutting down the Government because he isn’t getting his way? Trump owned this one. He made it a wall or nothing game. There is no way you are going to shift all blame to Dems. The Dems do have some blame in the state of affairs but I actually respect them staying strong to Trumps strong arm tactics. That shit should not be how we govern and it should not be rewarded.

The Dems should put up a clear border security bill and market those ideas while Trump sits on his thumb
Outside of Slade, the liberals are treating this thread as if it was the plague.....why is that?

Cuz they got no legit answer? The 'immorality' quote was a stupid and indefensible thing to say. Is it possible we are seeing the beginning of a course change by the Dems to compromise on a deal, they get something and Trump gets his wall? I think it'll happen just prior to the SOTU address, which I believe to scheduled for the 29th of Jan.

Cracking ...... Do we see a split between Hoyer who actually seems to have a semblance of a brain and recognizes that DemonRATS becoming the American socialist/communists party just will not win the day?....The extremists of his party seem to be gathering the MSM behind them. And surely looking to squeeze any remnants of your fathers Democrat party out of existence.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., acknowledged Wednesday on Fox News' "Special Report with Bret Baier" that border walls "obviously" work in some areas, and he rejected suggestions that barriers should be removed where they already exist.

The No. 2 House Democrat additionally asserted that the question of whether to fund President Trump's proposed border wall -- a dispute at the center of the unprecedented partial federal government shutdown -- is "not an issue of morality."

Hoyer's comments were seemingly at odds with the positions of other House Democrats, who have argued that border walls like the one Trump is proposing are ineffective and immoral.

Read more at foxnews.com ...
We all know Pelosi has voted for border walls fencing barriers and security in the past, right? So when she now says that the Wall is immoral perhaps she doesn’t mean it in the way you are trying to paint.

I know it’s fun to take sound bites like this and spin them to try and demean yoirnpolitical enemies but how about we have honest and smart conversation for once?

I think we both know that she is against Trumps wall and the rhetoric that has surrounded it, not walls in general. Do you agree with that point?
What do you think she meant when she said:

On Dec. 6, she said that additional barrier construction as demanded by President Donald Trump would be “immoral still,” even if the Mexican government paid for it. On Jan. 3, then, responding to reporters’ questions about the partisan standoff over wall funding that has resulted in a shutdown of roughly 25 percent of the federal government, Pelosi said, “A wall is an immorality. It’s not who we are as a nation.”
Pelosi says border walls are 'immoral.' But that's not the conversation we need to be having right now
I think she is referring to Trumps wall, which is more than concrete and steel. It is a two year campaign to push out the poor and only open America to the rich and connected. That is not the message or the people that Dems typically stand up for. Trumps Wall is a more complex campaign than a simple wall and it goes against the values of many on the Left. As I said, Pelosi has funded walls in the past, her objections now have nothing to do with walls, it has to do with Trunps wall. Get what I’m saying?
My understanding is that there are quite a few Dem freshmen Reps in the House that want to get things done so they can go back to their constituents and say I did this and that. Most of the newbies are not from deep blue states or districts and their chances of re-election won't be too good if the only thing they can tell the voters is that they obstructed the hell out of Trump. I suspect that as this shutdown continues support for the Dems is going to erode; nobody seriously believes that they care about 5 measly billion dollars, this is about power politics and everybody knows it. Which is not going to play well in Peoria in 2020.
What about the principle of a President shutting down the Government because he isn’t getting his way? Trump owned this one. He made it a wall or nothing game. There is no way you are going to shift all blame to Dems. The Dems do have some blame in the state of affairs but I actually respect them staying strong to Trumps strong arm tactics. That shit should not be how we govern and it should not be rewarded.

The Dems should put up a clear border security bill and market those ideas while Trump sits on his thumb

What about the Democrats shutting down the Government because they aren’t getting their way? C'mon dude, it's a 2-way street, 5 Billion is nothing to these Dem guys and looks to me like strong arm hardball tactics on both sides equally. I think most lib/dems know damn well this is purely about denying Trump rather than any good reason. It's a tough sell for your side when we see that the Dems themselves voted in large numbers for a barrier back in 2006, and we see that a wall IS effective in places like Tucson, San Diego, and El Paso. Walls are being built everywhere else in the world, AND THEY WORK. Do you know of anywhere where a wall isn't effective?

I think as time passes, more and more people are going to shift some blame to the Dems for not working out a deal. And rightfully so.
My understanding is that there are quite a few Dem freshmen Reps in the House that want to get things done so they can go back to their constituents and say I did this and that. Most of the newbies are not from deep blue states or districts and their chances of re-election won't be too good if the only thing they can tell the voters is that they obstructed the hell out of Trump. I suspect that as this shutdown continues support for the Dems is going to erode; nobody seriously believes that they care about 5 measly billion dollars, this is about power politics and everybody knows it. Which is not going to play well in Peoria in 2020.
What about the principle of a President shutting down the Government because he isn’t getting his way? Trump owned this one. He made it a wall or nothing game. There is no way you are going to shift all blame to Dems. The Dems do have some blame in the state of affairs but I actually respect them staying strong to Trumps strong arm tactics. That shit should not be how we govern and it should not be rewarded.

The Dems should put up a clear border security bill and market those ideas while Trump sits on his thumb
Then you'll respect Trump remaining strong in the face of their blithering idiocy.

Do you think Trump is being childish? Fine, call him childish and then fund the government with a bill that has the 5 billion for additional border barrier construction and get those people back to work, provided you care enough about them to do the mature thing and settle your disagreement with Trump AFTER the government is opened again.

At this point, it makes no sense to try and argue that there is a principle involved because you'll then have to acknowledge that both sides are standing on principles and the government can remain partially closed indefinitely. That would actually benefit 100's of millions of Americans.

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