How's that "Drill Baby, Drill" Workin' Out For Ya', Governor Perry?

I was working for Aubrey McClendon at the time. (Note the "Kerr" in his middle name.) Look him up and see if he got to where he is today by being stupid. Do I have what he said in 1985 somewhere that I can post here? Nope, sorry.

Just as I thought, you can't support your claim.

Sorry, Brit, but there was no internet back then much less a message board for idiots like you who are too fucking lazy to Google anything anyway.

If I could google it, then it would be on the internet, which means you could also google it and post a link to it here. Why do turds like you think it's always the job of your critics to look up the information the supports your case?

You've done nothing here but offer lame arguments. Nothing to refute what I have posted. Lazy.

It doesn't need refuting because it doesn't have a smidgeon of evidence to support it.

I realize you think logic is "lame."

You don't offer that, either.
Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?
I see you do very little research into commodities.
Do you think the federal government would allow overseas companies to undercut US based "green" companies as they are allowing to happen to the domestic oil producers?

Maybe you should do a little research. You would be somewhat surprised to see how your idol, Obama, and his crew allowing hard working Americans to be undercut by foreign companies.

But you wont research it.

You prefer to hate American companies.


You haven't researched or posted anything at all, just cyber-screeching like a little girl.
I didn't think I needed to post "proof" of what is already well known.

Its like someone saying to me...."prove that the sky is blue"...

Try watching the news asshole.
Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?

Actually the Saudi's are scared shitless about the fracking going on so they are driving the cost of oil down to try and put the frackers out of business. Big business at work. Enjoy the cheap gas while you can. I sure am.
Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?

Actually the Saudi's are scared shitless about the fracking going on so they are driving the cost of oil down to try and put the frackers out of business. Big business at work. Enjoy the cheap gas while you can. I sure am.
that is exactly what is happening.....they are undercutting domestic drillers and refiners....and Obama is letting them do it.

Think he would allow it with solar panels?
The economy of Texas is diversified and not based solely on oil it will do just fine and I will take the Texas model over the Detroit one any day of the week.

The layoffs in oil and gas will be comparable to those of the auto industry. So Houston could be the next Detroit. It sure was when I was there in 1986.
This is not 1986 unlike Detroit Texas has learned not to keep repeating the same economic mistakes.

Obviously not, according to the Wall Street Journal. Why did these oil companies have to borrow money? Are they going to ask the Fed to bail them out because they saw that it worked for Wall Street? FUCK THEM.

A picture of graph with no link or article for context does not prove a repeat of something from almost 30 years ago.
Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?

Actually the Saudi's are scared shitless about the fracking going on so they are driving the cost of oil down to try and put the frackers out of business. Big business at work. Enjoy the cheap gas while you can. I sure am.

That's a valid point. And they have the means to wait it out. The Saudis are buds with Bush and Family. Obama is not. Hmmmm......
I remember trying to calculate the House of Saud's annual revenue many years ago from another article in the WSJ. My calculator literally went to "Error".

Whereas many U.S. oil companies in the midsize range do not have the ability to weather the storm, especially since they have borrowed so heavily.
And so the drillers and rig owners will pack up and leave and Williston will once again turn into a sleepy high plains town.
Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?

Actually the Saudi's are scared shitless about the fracking going on so they are driving the cost of oil down to try and put the frackers out of business. Big business at work. Enjoy the cheap gas while you can. I sure am.
that is exactly what is happening.....they are undercutting domestic drillers and refiners....and Obama is letting them do it.

Think he would allow it with solar panels?

Bahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......So Obama is supposed to tell OPEC what to do? Man, you give him a lot of credit. Change your screen name from JarHead to AirHead.

Here's how the Bush family handled it.


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Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?

Actually the Saudi's are scared shitless about the fracking going on so they are driving the cost of oil down to try and put the frackers out of business. Big business at work. Enjoy the cheap gas while you can. I sure am.
that is exactly what is happening.....they are undercutting domestic drillers and refiners....and Obama is letting them do it.

Think he would allow it with solar panels?

Bahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......So Obama is supposed to tell OPEC what to do? Man, you give him a lot of credit. Change your screen name from JarHead to AirHead.

Here's how the Bush family handled it.

you truly do not understand how international commerce works.
Not worth my time discussing this with a child.
The economy of Texas is diversified and not based solely on oil it will do just fine and I will take the Texas model over the Detroit one any day of the week.

The layoffs in oil and gas will be comparable to those of the auto industry. So Houston could be the next Detroit. It sure was when I was there in 1986.
This is not 1986 unlike Detroit Texas has learned not to keep repeating the same economic mistakes.

Obviously not, according to the Wall Street Journal. Why did these oil companies have to borrow money? Are they going to ask the Fed to bail them out because they saw that it worked for Wall Street? FUCK THEM.

A picture of graph with no link or article for context does not prove a repeat of something from almost 30 years ago.

It's from the same WSJ article in my first post, but the site is subscription only now, so can't link to it.
Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?

Actually the Saudi's are scared shitless about the fracking going on so they are driving the cost of oil down to try and put the frackers out of business. Big business at work. Enjoy the cheap gas while you can. I sure am.
that is exactly what is happening.....they are undercutting domestic drillers and refiners....and Obama is letting them do it.

Think he would allow it with solar panels?

Bahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......So Obama is supposed to tell OPEC what to do? Man, you give him a lot of credit. Change your screen name from JarHead to AirHead.

Here's how the Bush family handled it.

you truly do not understand how international commerce works.
Not worth my time discussing this with a child.

Sorry Obama didn't turn out to be the dictator or the Bush whore you wanted in your wet dreams, loser.
Well another thread in which not a single one of you lazy righties will post something substantive to refute what I have published.
It's easy to sit around and throw rocks but offer no content or substance, just bitch and go with what you want to believe.
And the Republicans who just took their new seats in Congress know that about you.
The economy of Texas is diversified and not based solely on oil it will do just fine and I will take the Texas model over the Detroit one any day of the week.

The layoffs in oil and gas will be comparable to those of the auto industry. So Houston could be the next Detroit. It sure was when I was there in 1986.
This is not 1986 unlike Detroit Texas has learned not to keep repeating the same economic mistakes.

Obviously not, according to the Wall Street Journal. Why did these oil companies have to borrow money? Are they going to ask the Fed to bail them out because they saw that it worked for Wall Street? FUCK THEM.

A picture of graph with no link or article for context does not prove a repeat of something from almost 30 years ago.

It's from the same WSJ article in my first post, but the site is subscription only now, so can't link to it.
Fair enough but since I can't get to the article I will reserve judgement time will answer all questions on this subject.
I would love to see the price of oil keep going down until it was $1 per barrel just to see the fallout. Big oil has made plenty of cash... no bailing them out from my line of sight.
Texas accounted for 25% of "Obama's job growth"

So now that the oil and gas people have fucked themselves and going broke, don't blame Obama when Texas accounts for a 25% increase in unemployment, OK?
So you are happy when others suffer,typical of people like yourself.

how long do you think oil will stay low,and how do you think it got to where it is now?

I was living in Houston when the price fell to $14 a barrel in 1986. You can see that on the chart below.
Everybody said not to worry, it will come back in a few months. Ha! Houston went so hard down the toilet you couldn't rent a UHaul trailer out of town to save your life. They were rented out and one way by the fall of 1986. There were 3000 home foreclosures per month by 1988. Whole shopping centers and malls closed.
Didn't climb back until 2002.


Yea, Detroit was in the shit hole in 1986, too. Guess who stayed constant? Texas can hit rough roads and bounce back.

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