How Will You Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election?

How Will You Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election?

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Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
So are there any leftists here that have came to their senses and soured on obama and the socialist, leftist agenda? Will you vote for more massive, big government take overs, more of your rights lost to the NSA, HHS, Homeland Security, bills that are never read but voted into law, etc, by the democrats? Are you better off now than you were when obama and his radical leftist squad took office?

Or will you vote for a conservative republican to fix the damage that's been done to the country at the hands of the radical left?
I'll Vote for the candidate that best represents my views, and if neither do - then I won't vote at all.
It's likely the only two viable candidates will be a Republican and a Democrat. Of course, I will vote for the Republican! I am not stupid! The candidate may not be my first choice, but will be far better than anyone the dumbass Dimocrats run!
It's likely the only two viable candidates will be a Republican and a Democrat. Of course, I will vote for the Republican! I am not stupid! The candidate may not be my first choice, but will be far better than anyone the dumbass Dimocrats run!
It may not be my first choice either, but like you said, any republican would be better than a democrap.
There is so much time between now and then I dont see much point in speculating.
The GOP nominates Rand Paul, Mike Lee or maybe Scott Walker, and I might consider voting for them.

Nominate another squshy RINO used car salesman like Romney, and it'll probably be the Libertarian or Constitution Party candidate, if I don't abstain altogether.
So are there any leftists here that have came to their senses and soured on obama and the socialist, leftist agenda? Will you vote for more massive, big government take overs, more of your rights lost to the NSA, HHS, Homeland Security, bills that are never read but voted into law, etc, by the democrats? Are you better off now than you were when obama and his radical leftist squad took office?

Or will you vote for a conservative republican to fix the damage that's been done to the country at the hands of the radical left?

Telling me why I should not vote for a Democrat is NOT telling me why I should vote for a Republican.

When will you dolts ever figure that out?
Third party all the way... Well on the national scene.

I appreciate your standing on principle, but a Third Party vote is unproductive. If you lean conservative for example, a Third Party vote is a vote for the Democrat!

I have only voted Two times between the two parties the rest have always been third party.

In my local elections (which matters more to me more than Washington) I vote for who ever will help the community sometimes it can be a (D) and sometimes it can be an (R).
So are there any leftists here that have came to their senses and soured on obama and the socialist, leftist agenda? Will you vote for more massive, big government take overs, more of your rights lost to the NSA, HHS, Homeland Security, bills that are never read but voted into law, etc, by the democrats? Are you better off now than you were when obama and his radical leftist squad took office?

Or will you vote for a conservative republican to fix the damage that's been done to the country at the hands of the radical left?

Who are the candidates? It is a very foolish thing to lock in on a party before a candidate and updated party platform are even out there yet.
There is so much time between now and then I dont see much point in speculating.

It isn't really speculating if you know you're NOT voting for someone, as in most will vote party line no matter what, as I will. Democrats have really fucked the dog for the last five years under obama, and the LAST thing country needs is another stinking dem in the white house. I will NOT vote democrat, so there's no speculation required.
There is so much time between now and then I dont see much point in speculating.

It isn't really speculating if you know you're NOT voting for someone, as in most will vote party line no matter what, as I will. Democrats have really fucked the dog for the last five years under obama, and the LAST thing country needs is another stinking dem in the white house.

I don't plan on voting for Obama in 2016. :D
The last time the Republicans were in charge of both houses of Congress and the White House, the national debt doubled, prisoners were being tortured, tens of millions of American citizens were being spied on, American citizens were locked up without a writ of habaes corpus, a massive new police state Cabinet department was created, a trillion dollar health entitlement program (Medicare Part D) was created, three wars were started (Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror), and the economy was run off a cliff.

You can see why I have put the GOP's resume in the circular file. I simply do not want to hire them again.

The Democrats promised to change all that. I did not believe them (never have), so I did not vote for them. And I was right. They failed. So I don't want them hired again, either.

Looking out at the horizon, I see nothing to give me hope. At all. So it looks like another election will pass without my vote being cast, except on the local level.
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