How Trump Stole 2020: the Silence of Democratic Lambs


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What do timber interests, nuclear power, and off-shore drilling have in common with voter suppression in Georgia, and what does that have to do with November 3rd?

Greg Palast's new book contends Brian Kemp's 2018 win in the Peach State was a test drive for Republican voter suppression tactics next November.

JULY 20, 2020
“How Trump Stole 2020″— An Interview With Greg Palast

"So, there is a chapter in 'How Trump Stole 2020' called, 'The Silence of the Democratic Lambs.' Anyone’s guess why the Democrats don’t defend Democratic voters.

"Let’s say, which Democratic voters.

"It’s not just anyone who’s losing their vote.

"If you read the book, this is about Jim Crow.

"This is the new, sophisticated Jim Crow operation.

"The Democratic Party does not defend voters of color.

"You say, 'Yeah, but it’s their voters!'

"They don’t defend voters of color.

"There’s all kinds of reasons and one of them is simply the current Democrats wouldn’t be in charge of the party.

"They’d lose their primaries.

"You would have a very different Democratic party…"
What do timber interests, nuclear power, and off-shore drilling have in common with voter suppression in Georgia, and what does that have to do with November 3rd?

Greg Palast's new book contends Brian Kemp's 2018 win in the Peach State was a test drive for Republican voter suppression tactics next November.

JULY 20, 2020
“How Trump Stole 2020″— An Interview With Greg Palast

"So, there is a chapter in 'How Trump Stole 2020' called, 'The Silence of the Democratic Lambs.' Anyone’s guess why the Democrats don’t defend Democratic voters.

"Let’s say, which Democratic voters.

"It’s not just anyone who’s losing their vote.

"If you read the book, this is about Jim Crow.

"This is the new, sophisticated Jim Crow operation.

"The Democratic Party does not defend voters of color.

"You say, 'Yeah, but it’s their voters!'

"They don’t defend voters of color.

"There’s all kinds of reasons and one of them is simply the current Democrats wouldn’t be in charge of the party.

"They’d lose their primaries.

"You would have a very different Democratic party…"
Lambs can be forgiven. They're young and delicious. Democrats are sheep.
JULY 20, 2020
“How Trump Stole 2020″— An Interview With Greg Palast

"You don’t steal votes to steal elections, you steal votes to steal the money.

"This is vitally important.

"For example, we heard that the Koch brothers were #NeverTrumpers...."

"So, for example, while the two Koch brothers were #NeverTrumpers—David and Charles—the third Koch brother, Billy Koch, was the first billionaire to put in really big bucks for the Trump campaign..."

"Billy Koch needed the Xcel pipeline because he runs a company called Oxbow Carbon.

"They take the carbon sludge out of the Xcel pipeline, which is taking tar sands oil from Canada down to Texas.

"What do you do with the tar?

"It dries out and becomes this filth which is petroleum coke, which is like coal made from oil sludge.

"It’s so filthy you can’t burn it in America but you burn it in China and you still warm the planet."
What do timber interests, nuclear power, and off-shore drilling have in common with voter suppression in Georgia, and what does that have to do with November 3rd?
Greg Palast's new book contends Brian Kemp's 2018 win in the Peach State was a test drive for Republican voter suppression tactics next November.

Gawd I sure Hope so !!
It's about time the Right learns to play the game like the left has been doing for YEARS.

The Left floods the country will illegal voters, then gives them sanctuary, licenses to vote and then millions of anonymous mail in ballots.

Shit, the Right needs to get on the ball if it hopes to keep up with the lying cheatin left!
They really are this stupid. For them to pretend to be "lambs" is asinine though, They're more like Buffalo. They have a herd mentality for certain, but they're as destructive as hell once whipped up into a stampede. They are stupid enough to be run off cliffs if you plan it correctly.

The Left floods the country will illegal voters, then gives them sanctuary, licenses to vote and then millions of anonymous mail in ballots.
Can you supply any evidence of millions of illegal voters?
I wouldn't be surprised if Democrats encourage illegal voters to participate, but, so far, I'm not aware of any convictions for voter fraud that would back this up.
The Left floods the country will illegal voters, then gives them sanctuary, licenses to vote and then millions of anonymous mail in ballots.
Can you supply any evidence of millions of illegal voters?
I wouldn't be surprised if Democrats encourage illegal voters to participate, but, so far, I'm not aware of any convictions for voter fraud that would back this up.

Democrats Play Hardball on the Border Wall
Democrats Finally Play Hardball on the Border Wall

Any more questions, idiot ???
The Left floods the country will illegal voters, then gives them sanctuary, licenses to vote and then millions of anonymous mail in ballots.
Can you supply any evidence of millions of illegal voters?
I wouldn't be surprised if Democrats encourage illegal voters to participate, but, so far, I'm not aware of any convictions for voter fraud that would back this up.

Convictions for voter fraud are akin to convictions for jaywalking. Happens all the time but nobody cares.
They really are this stupid. For them to pretend to be "lambs" is asinine though, They're more like Buffalo. They have a herd mentality for certain, but they're as destructive as hell once whipped up into a stampede. They are stupid enough to be run off cliffs if you plan it correctly.

View attachment 373083
Democrats serve the same ten percent of voters as Republicans, but anyone thinking Trump has any intention of changing that is dumb enough to drink bleach.

JULY 20, 2020
“How Trump Stole 2020″— An Interview With Greg Palast

"I was talking to Noam Chomsky last night and his favorite chapter is 'California Reamin’ which is about the theft of this last (2020) primary. I calculated very carefully—I used to teach statistics—I went through the records and Bernie Sanders was shafted out of half a million votes.

"This is what Chomsky was focusing on, was that the Democratic Party has their hands dirty too.

"They have voter blood on their hands. It’s pretty hard for one thief to call out another thief.

"While it’s true that the Republicans stole the White House, the Democrats stole their own party from their own voters.

"So that’s what’s going on there.

"We have a see-no-evil media and a Democratic Party which will allow the theft of the White House as long as they can keep control of their own party."
What do timber interests, nuclear power, and off-shore drilling have in common with voter suppression in Georgia, and what does that have to do with November 3rd?

Greg Palast's new book contends Brian Kemp's 2018 win in the Peach State was a test drive for Republican voter suppression tactics next November.

JULY 20, 2020
“How Trump Stole 2020″— An Interview With Greg Palast

"So, there is a chapter in 'How Trump Stole 2020' called, 'The Silence of the Democratic Lambs.' Anyone’s guess why the Democrats don’t defend Democratic voters.

"Let’s say, which Democratic voters.

"It’s not just anyone who’s losing their vote.

"If you read the book, this is about Jim Crow.

"This is the new, sophisticated Jim Crow operation.

"The Democratic Party does not defend voters of color.

"You say, 'Yeah, but it’s their voters!'

"They don’t defend voters of color.

"There’s all kinds of reasons and one of them is simply the current Democrats wouldn’t be in charge of the party.

"They’d lose their primaries.

"You would have a very different Democratic party…"

We haven't even had the election yet and you're already whining! Are you screaming at the sky too?Suck it up buttercup, over four more years to go and then some. In fact I think it may be over forever for you clowns.
Palast and Rall.

Toilet paper is cheaper and serves the same purpose.
Palast provides evidence for his claims of a massive effort by Republicans to suppress votes which is more than conservatives alleging millions of illegal immigrants casting ballots have managed to accomplish:

'Textbook voter suppression': Georgia's bitter election a battle years in the making

"In the three months leading up to (2018) election day, more than 85,000 voters were purged from rolls under Kemp.

"During 2017 668,000 voters were purged, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

"• Of those 2017 numbers, investigative reporter Greg Palast told Salon, 200,000 people left the state, died or moved out their district, making them legitimate cancellations.

"However, through litigation, he got the entire purge list. 'Of the 400,000 who supposedly moved, our experts will tell a court that 340,134 never moved – wrongly purged,' Palast told the Guardian, saying people had been purged for not voting in an election or two."
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Palast and Rall.

Toilet paper is cheaper and serves the same purpose.
Palast provides evidence for his claims of a massive effort by Republicans to suppress votes which is more than conservatives alleging millions of illegal immigrants casting ballots manage to accomplish:

'Textbook voter suppression': Georgia's bitter election a battle years in the making

"In the three months leading up to (2018) election day, more than 85,000 voters were purged from rolls under Kemp.

"During 2017 668,000 voters were purged, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

"• Of those 2017 numbers, investigative reporter Greg Palast told Salon, 200,000 people left the state, died or moved out their district, making them legitimate cancellations.

"However, through litigation, he got the entire purge list. 'Of the 400,000 who supposedly moved, our experts will tell a court that 340,134 never moved – wrongly purged,' Palast told the Guardian, saying people had been purged for not voting in an election or two."
Repeating bullshit doesn't make it smell any better.

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