How Trump Can Win the Black Vote to Win the Election

Trump: I'll bring back jobs to black communities

Hillary: I'll toss you some government cheese

Trump: I'll bring back high paying jobs to black communities

Hillary: Trump is a racist

Trump: I'll make black communities great again with jobs

Hillary: I'll make sure the drugs continue to flood into black communities from Mexico

Well you get the picture.

Trump: I'm gonna try to pull this bullshit lie on them nigga's, so far its working on my dumb ass white people

Hillary: I got the nigga vote, so fuck the cheese!!

Trump: If I could just get these nigga's to my rallies without these hillbillie fucks turning on their black ass's, I could sell them my bullshit

Hillary: Trump is a racist

Trump: Not only will I fuck the country once in office, nigga's look out!!

Hillary: I just wish I could my peep's off meth and believing in white people just because they white.......lard, help me on this one!!

Well you get the picture.[/QUOTE]
The bottom line .. republicans / white supremacists / morons no longer have the ability to elect an American president .. and if you can't elect a president, you can't affect the Supreme Court.

:0) The future looks brighter already.

Yes, much brighter given the fact the Commie judges will rule that firearms are no longer protected by the US Constitution. Bet the criminals just can't wait.
It won't be so bad...we still have 300 million guns in circulation

You may have to get background checks, may have some guns and ammo restricted

Obviously you didn’t bother to read all of your linked article:

“SurveyUSA's poll probably is mostly showing partisanship by black voters, and the specific numbers reflected in that group are outliers from past findings, perhaps due to methodology.

In less short? Trump is cherry-picking, in order to make the case that his rhetoric isn't hurting him and the party with non-white voters. Maybe, over the long run, it won't. But this one poll doesn't show that by itself.

We do not expect Trump to include that nuanced point in corrected future tweets.”
I do appreciate all the racist thoughts in this thread. Thank you. :0)

You've absolutely made my point about why African-Americans should have no part of what republicans do or think.

Oh, by the way .. on that "they use drugs" thingy.

White Americans are the biggest users of drugs in this country .. quite possibly the biggest users on the planet.

When It Comes To Illegal Drug Use, White America Does The Crime, Black America Gets The Time
When It Comes To Illegal Drug Use, White America Does The Crime, Black America Gets The Time

U.S. Leads the World in Illegal Drug Use
U.S. Leads the World in Illegal Drug Use

Very interesting piece. So what does this really mean?

Democrats in California are going to give lighter sentences and less prison time for blacks that use drugs. Then they can go back out on the street in their black communities and cause more problems.

A friend of mine works for the Clerk of Courts, so I asked him about the discrepancies of sentencing between black suspects and white.

While he had no data to support his point, he said just by what he's seen, yes, blacks do get more time for drug usage and theft than whites. But guess what? They are usually handed out by black judges.

Makes sense too. If a black judge or his extended family live in a black community, that black judge wants those black troublemakers out of the neighborhood. If a white judge is really against blacks, the most harm he can do is give black troublemakers light or suspended sentences so THEY CAN go back to their black communities and destroy them even more.
You have to promise blacks welfare, they don't want jobs
Really? That's why 87% of all disablity claims in this nation is given to hard working, welfare free of pride white fuck heads....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...BIGGEST WELFARE SCAM IN US HISTORY AND WHITE FOLKS DOMINATE IT!!

And just a little side note....welfare ends at some point, yes? SSI can take you white lazy good for nothing bastards to the you tell me, who don't want to work?
The bottom line .. republicans / white supremacists / morons no longer have the ability to elect an American president .. and if you can't elect a president, you can't affect the Supreme Court.

:0) The future looks brighter already.

Yes, much brighter given the fact the Commie judges will rule that firearms are no longer protected by the US Constitution. Bet the criminals just can't wait.
Are you truly this ignorant and stupid, or just another rightwing liar – there are no ‘commie judges,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And no judge is going to rule that guns are no longer entitled to Constitutional protections; you’re as delusional are you are wrong.
The bottom line .. republicans / white supremacists / morons no longer have the ability to elect an American president .. and if you can't elect a president, you can't affect the Supreme Court.

:0) The future looks brighter already.

Yes, much brighter given the fact the Commie judges will rule that firearms are no longer protected by the US Constitution. Bet the criminals just can't wait.
It won't be so bad...we still have 300 million guns in circulation

You may have to get background checks, may have some guns and ammo restricted

The Supreme Court can't make that kind of ruling. The SC can only rule whether something is constitutional or not. If they rule that citizens do not have the right to own or carry a firearm, then any state can ban guns entirely.

This is a primary concern of what's really at stake this coming presidential election. A vote for Hillary could very well mean a loss of our constitutional right to possess a firearm. And as we know, like with narcotics, the criminals will not abide by the law; that's why they are criminals in the first place. That will leave the average citizen helpless against an armed criminal.

Most mass shootings usually take place in gun-free zones. A liberal judge can make an entire state a gun-free zone. It's understood that you on the left hate Republicans, but be careful what you wish for because it just may come true.
The bottom line .. republicans / white supremacists / morons no longer have the ability to elect an American president .. and if you can't elect a president, you can't affect the Supreme Court.

:0) The future looks brighter already.

Yes, much brighter given the fact the Commie judges will rule that firearms are no longer protected by the US Constitution. Bet the criminals just can't wait.
Are you truly this ignorant and stupid, or just another rightwing liar – there are no ‘commie judges,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And no judge is going to rule that guns are no longer entitled to Constitutional protections; you’re as delusional are you are wrong.

That can't rule that, but what they can do is rule that only a well regulated militia has the right to have firearms.

Don't your read what your liberal politicians and fellow bloggers talk about when discussing the gun issue????
The bottom line .. republicans / white supremacists / morons no longer have the ability to elect an American president .. and if you can't elect a president, you can't affect the Supreme Court.

:0) The future looks brighter already.

Yes, much brighter given the fact the Commie judges will rule that firearms are no longer protected by the US Constitution. Bet the criminals just can't wait.
Are you truly this ignorant and stupid, or just another rightwing liar – there are no ‘commie judges,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And no judge is going to rule that guns are no longer entitled to Constitutional protections; you’re as delusional are you are wrong.

That can't rule that, but what they can do is rule that only a well regulated militia has the right to have firearms.

Don't your read what your liberal politicians and fellow bloggers talk about when discussing the gun issue????
Stop being such a drama queen.....the courts are not going to take away your guns
And comments like that of Blues above is what turns off blacks from the GOP.

White people have got to get this notion out of their heads, that they somehow dominate what is right for America, because thus far, they're batting a zero, like being conservative. Conservatism is nothing but a shield to comfort and pander white anxiety with bullshit and lies...this last lot of a majority they got, has given them nothing. Its a sad cometary and belief these morons cling to, believing if its white and conservative its gonna somehow make their lives better and history and facts have shown otherwise....just ask Newt and that contract on America that gave us literally the end of jobs in this country.
The bottom line .. republicans / white supremacists / morons no longer have the ability to elect an American president .. and if you can't elect a president, you can't affect the Supreme Court.

:0) The future looks brighter already.

Yes, much brighter given the fact the Commie judges will rule that firearms are no longer protected by the US Constitution. Bet the criminals just can't wait.
Are you truly this ignorant and stupid, or just another rightwing liar – there are no ‘commie judges,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And no judge is going to rule that guns are no longer entitled to Constitutional protections; you’re as delusional are you are wrong.

That can't rule that, but what they can do is rule that only a well regulated militia has the right to have firearms.

Don't your read what your liberal politicians and fellow bloggers talk about when discussing the gun issue????

Ray I would bet my last effin dollar, white fucks like you are all talk and very little action...with yo prized arsonel of weapons.....the only thing not safe in your neck of the woods are kids and rabbits.
The bottom line .. republicans / white supremacists / morons no longer have the ability to elect an American president .. and if you can't elect a president, you can't affect the Supreme Court.

:0) The future looks brighter already.

Yes, much brighter given the fact the Commie judges will rule that firearms are no longer protected by the US Constitution. Bet the criminals just can't wait.
Are you truly this ignorant and stupid, or just another rightwing liar – there are no ‘commie judges,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And no judge is going to rule that guns are no longer entitled to Constitutional protections; you’re as delusional are you are wrong.

That can't rule that, but what they can do is rule that only a well regulated militia has the right to have firearms.

Don't your read what your liberal politicians and fellow bloggers talk about when discussing the gun issue????
Stop being such a drama queen.....the courts are not going to take away your guns

Again, the courts can't take away our guns. What they can do is rule that gun ownership of average citizens are not protected by the Constitution.

If it were up to Democrat cities and states, they would ban all guns or get as close as they can to doing so. The only thing stopping them is our constitutional right to own guns. Once that's gone, all bets are off.

In my city, the Mayor wanted to hold gun manufacturers liable for all the shootings and shooting deaths in Cleveland. The goal of course is to try and sue them out of existence. But that would invite all kinds of costly court battles because of our Constitution, and they simply couldn't afford that with a likely loss.

Need an example? How about gay marriage?

That's right, prior to that ruling, states determined whether they would respect such a union. Because of the SC ruling, all states are forced to accept those marriages whether they are for or against them.

That's how it works in this country.
The bottom line .. republicans / white supremacists / morons no longer have the ability to elect an American president .. and if you can't elect a president, you can't affect the Supreme Court.

:0) The future looks brighter already.

Yes, much brighter given the fact the Commie judges will rule that firearms are no longer protected by the US Constitution. Bet the criminals just can't wait.
Are you truly this ignorant and stupid, or just another rightwing liar – there are no ‘commie judges,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And no judge is going to rule that guns are no longer entitled to Constitutional protections; you’re as delusional are you are wrong.

That can't rule that, but what they can do is rule that only a well regulated militia has the right to have firearms.

Don't your read what your liberal politicians and fellow bloggers talk about when discussing the gun issue????

Ray I would bet my last effin dollar, white fucks like you are all talk and very little action...with yo prized arsonel of weapons.....the only thing not safe in your neck of the woods are kids and rabbits.

You have no idea where I live or what our crime is over here. I happen to live in a black community, and I can tell you we have our share of murders, muggings and armed robberies.
You have to promise blacks welfare, they don't want jobs
Really? That's why 87% of all disablity claims in this nation is given to hard working, welfare free of pride white fuck heads....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...BIGGEST WELFARE SCAM IN US HISTORY AND WHITE FOLKS DOMINATE IT!!

And just a little side note....welfare ends at some point, yes? SSI can take you white lazy good for nothing bastards to the you tell me, who don't want to work?

White people TWICE as likely as ethnic minorities to say they are disabled
  • One in five of white people surveyed said they had a long-term illness
  • But just one in 10 people from ethnic minority backgrounds said the same
  • Charities believe ethnic minorities are less likely to report their disabilities
  • People from ethnic minorities are also less likely to receive benefits

Read more: White people TWICE as likely to be disabled than ethnic minorities
The bottom line .. republicans / white supremacists / morons no longer have the ability to elect an American president .. and if you can't elect a president, you can't affect the Supreme Court.

:0) The future looks brighter already.

Yes, much brighter given the fact the Commie judges will rule that firearms are no longer protected by the US Constitution. Bet the criminals just can't wait.
Are you truly this ignorant and stupid, or just another rightwing liar – there are no ‘commie judges,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And no judge is going to rule that guns are no longer entitled to Constitutional protections; you’re as delusional are you are wrong.

That can't rule that, but what they can do is rule that only a well regulated militia has the right to have firearms.

Don't your read what your liberal politicians and fellow bloggers talk about when discussing the gun issue????
Stop being such a drama queen.....the courts are not going to take away your guns

Again, the courts can't take away our guns. What they can do is rule that gun ownership of average citizens are not protected by the Constitution.

If it were up to Democrat cities and states, they would ban all guns or get as close as they can to doing so. The only thing stopping them is our constitutional right to own guns. Once that's gone, all bets are off.

In my city, the Mayor wanted to hold gun manufacturers liable for all the shootings and shooting deaths in Cleveland. The goal of course is to try and sue them out of existence. But that would invite all kinds of costly court battles because of our Constitution, and they simply couldn't afford that with a likely loss.

Need an example? How about gay marriage?

That's right, prior to that ruling, states determined whether they would respect such a union. Because of the SC ruling, all states are forced to accept those marriages whether they are for or against them.

That's how it works in this country.

If anybody is pro guns for white nuts, its the american people.....cause 99% of time, you sick sons of bitches, end up shooting your own....accidentally of course..wink wink

Its the only way to get rid of dixie white trash....just leave em alone with thier guns!!
You have to promise blacks welfare, they don't want jobs
Really? That's why 87% of all disablity claims in this nation is given to hard working, welfare free of pride white fuck heads....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...BIGGEST WELFARE SCAM IN US HISTORY AND WHITE FOLKS DOMINATE IT!!

And just a little side note....welfare ends at some point, yes? SSI can take you white lazy good for nothing bastards to the you tell me, who don't want to work?

White people TWICE as likely as ethnic minorities to say they are disabled
  • One in five of white people surveyed said they had a long-term illness
  • But just one in 10 people from ethnic minority backgrounds said the same
  • Charities believe ethnic minorities are less likely to report their disabilities
  • People from ethnic minorities are also less likely to receive benefits

Read more: White people TWICE as likely to be disabled than ethnic minorities

What next? Blacks are half of the population?

You'd think that wouldn't you....since your prized mops with botox scrounging the earth lookin for em, eh?
The bottom line .. republicans / white supremacists / morons no longer have the ability to elect an American president .. and if you can't elect a president, you can't affect the Supreme Court.

:0) The future looks brighter already.

Yes, much brighter given the fact the Commie judges will rule that firearms are no longer protected by the US Constitution. Bet the criminals just can't wait.
Are you truly this ignorant and stupid, or just another rightwing liar – there are no ‘commie judges,’ the notion is moronic idiocy.

And no judge is going to rule that guns are no longer entitled to Constitutional protections; you’re as delusional are you are wrong.

That can't rule that, but what they can do is rule that only a well regulated militia has the right to have firearms.

Don't your read what your liberal politicians and fellow bloggers talk about when discussing the gun issue????

Ray I would bet my last effin dollar, white fucks like you are all talk and very little action...with yo prized arsonel of weapons.....the only thing not safe in your neck of the woods are kids and rabbits.

You have no idea where I live or what our crime is over here. I happen to live in a black community, and I can tell you we have our share of murders, muggings and armed robberies.

Is you sure you ain't George Zimmerman, eh?
You have to promise blacks welfare, they don't want jobs
Really? That's why 87% of all disablity claims in this nation is given to hard working, welfare free of pride white fuck heads....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...BIGGEST WELFARE SCAM IN US HISTORY AND WHITE FOLKS DOMINATE IT!!

And just a little side note....welfare ends at some point, yes? SSI can take you white lazy good for nothing bastards to the you tell me, who don't want to work?

White people TWICE as likely as ethnic minorities to say they are disabled
  • One in five of white people surveyed said they had a long-term illness
  • But just one in 10 people from ethnic minority backgrounds said the same
  • Charities believe ethnic minorities are less likely to report their disabilities
  • People from ethnic minorities are also less likely to receive benefits

Read more: White people TWICE as likely to be disabled than ethnic minorities

What next? Blacks are half of the population?
You have to promise blacks welfare, they don't want jobs
Really? That's why 87% of all disablity claims in this nation is given to hard working, welfare free of pride white fuck heads....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...BIGGEST WELFARE SCAM IN US HISTORY AND WHITE FOLKS DOMINATE IT!!

And just a little side note....welfare ends at some point, yes? SSI can take you white lazy good for nothing bastards to the you tell me, who don't want to work?

White people TWICE as likely as ethnic minorities to say they are disabled
  • One in five of white people surveyed said they had a long-term illness
  • But just one in 10 people from ethnic minority backgrounds said the same
  • Charities believe ethnic minorities are less likely to report their disabilities
  • People from ethnic minorities are also less likely to receive benefits

Read more: White people TWICE as likely to be disabled than ethnic minorities
Blacks are 13% and Whites are 70% of the US popualation

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