How to Succeed Against a Pandemic While Really Trying


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
The comparative empirical data is irrefutable.

Disregard the ideological claptrap, the superstitions, the prejudices, the political dogmas, the lies.

Respect the facts.

Massachusetts and the rest of New England — the most heavily vaccinated region in the U.S. — are giving the rest of the country a possible glimpse of the future if more Americans get their shots.
COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the region have been steadily dropping as more than 60% of residents in all six states have received at least one dose of the vaccine.
The Deep South states of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, in comparison, are the least vaccinated at around 35%, and new cases relative to the population are generally running higher there than in most of New England. Nationally, about 50% of Americans have received at least one shot.
In Massachusetts, health officials this past week determined that none of the state’s cities and towns are at high risk for the spread of COVID-19 for the first time since they started issuing weekly assessments last August.
In Rhode Island, coronavirus hospitalizations have hit their lowest levels in about eight months. New Hampshire is averaging about a death a week after peaking at about 12 a day during the virus's winter surge. And Vermont, the most heavily vaccinated state in the U.S. at more than 70%, went more than two weeks without a single reported coronavirus death.
“It’s an incredible change over such a short period of time,” said Dr. Tim Lahey, an infectious disease physician at the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington.
Public health experts say the rest of the country could take some cues from New England as President Joe Biden pushes to get at least one vaccine dose into 70% of American adults by July 4, dangling the promise of free beer and other goodies.
The comparative empirical data is irrefutable.

Disregard the ideological claptrap, the superstitions, the prejudices, the political dogmas, the lies.

Respect the facts.

Massachusetts and the rest of New England — the most heavily vaccinated region in the U.S. — are giving the rest of the country a possible glimpse of the future if more Americans get their shots.
COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the region have been steadily dropping as more than 60% of residents in all six states have received at least one dose of the vaccine.
The Deep South states of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, in comparison, are the least vaccinated at around 35%, and new cases relative to the population are generally running higher there than in most of New England. Nationally, about 50% of Americans have received at least one shot.
In Massachusetts, health officials this past week determined that none of the state’s cities and towns are at high risk for the spread of COVID-19 for the first time since they started issuing weekly assessments last August.
In Rhode Island, coronavirus hospitalizations have hit their lowest levels in about eight months. New Hampshire is averaging about a death a week after peaking at about 12 a day during the virus's winter surge. And Vermont, the most heavily vaccinated state in the U.S. at more than 70%, went more than two weeks without a single reported coronavirus death.
“It’s an incredible change over such a short period of time,” said Dr. Tim Lahey, an infectious disease physician at the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington.
Public health experts say the rest of the country could take some cues from New England as President Joe Biden pushes to get at least one vaccine dose into 70% of American adults by July 4, dangling the promise of free beer and other goodies.
The northern states seem to be more educated and developed than the southern ones.
Maskachusetts is another state whee a criminally incompetent Governor ordered FauciFlu patients into nursing homes, needlessly killing hundreds (thousands?).

If that's "success" I don't want to see what failure looks like.
It seems you want to be seen to be clever and garner attention; thus, I maybe the first to give you your much needed attention, and offer this, you're not clever but highly insipid.
Maskachusetts is another state whee a criminally incompetent Governor ordered FauciFlu patients into nursing homes, needlessly killing hundreds (thousands?).

If that's "success" I don't want to see what failure looks like.
It seems you want to be seen to be clever and garner attention; thus, I maybe the first to give you your much needed attention, and offer this, you're not clever but highly insipid.
Maskachusetts is another state whee a criminally incompetent Governor ordered FauciFlu patients into nursing homes, needlessly killing hundreds (thousands?).

If that's "success" I don't want to see what failure looks like.
It seems you want to be seen to be clever and garner attention; thus, I maybe the first to give you your much needed attention, and offer this, you're not clever but highly insipid.
View attachment 497604
No, it's not clever. Now take your thumb out of your mouth and try again to not fail.
Maskachusetts is another state whee a criminally incompetent Governor ordered FauciFlu patients into nursing homes, needlessly killing hundreds (thousands?).

If that's "success" I don't want to see what failure looks like.
It seems you want to be seen to be clever and garner attention; thus, I maybe the first to give you your much needed attention, and offer this, you're not clever but highly insipid.
View attachment 497604
No, it's not clever. Now take your thumb out of your mouth and try again to not fail.
Go eat a bag of dicks, psycho.
Covid and the Elections are over
"The Deep South states of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, in comparison, are the least vaccinated at around 35%, and new cases relative to the population are generally running higher there than in most of New England."
Oddball said:
Maskachusetts is another state whee a criminally incompetent Governor ordered FauciFlu patients into nursing homes, needlessly killing hundreds (thousands?).
The ideological dogma you have been trained to parrot is a quite disparate matter from the empirical reality.
Covid and the Elections are over
"The Deep South states of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, in comparison, are the least vaccinated at around 35%, and new cases relative to the population are generally running higher there than in most of New England."
Ya, the black population does a poor job at protecting themselves, just like with Aids
The northern states seem to be more educated and developed than the southern ones.
There could be tragic consequences.

South May See Summer Covid Surge as Vaccination Rates Lag

Experts are concerned that states across the South, where vaccination rates are lagging, could face a surge in coronavirus cases over the summer.
A dozen states — many of them in the Northeast, including Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut — have already reached a benchmark of at least 70 percent of adults with at least one vaccine dose, a goal President Biden has set for the nation to make by July 4. But in the South, that marker is nowhere in sight for several states.
In 15 states — including Arkansas, the Carolinas, Georgia and Louisiana — about half of adults or fewer have received a dose... In two states, Alabama and Mississippi, it would take about a year to get one dose to 70 percent of the population at the current pace of distribution...
[A]s restrictions ease across the country, the sense of urgency to get vaccinated declines and many Americans in warmer climates avoid the heat by heading indoors, where the virus spreads more efficiently.
To avoid a summer surge, states across the South need to catch up to those in the Northeast which have already gotten at least one dose to 70 percent of their populations, according to Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine expert at Baylor College of Medicine.
“We’re just we’re not even close to that in the Southern states,” Dr. Hotez said. He said he foresees a new wave in the South because “we’re so underachieving in terms of vaccination.”
Mississippi, for example, has the country’s lowest vaccination rate, with 34 percent of the population having received at least one shot.
The northern states seem to be more educated and developed than the southern ones.
There could be tragic consequences.

South May See Summer Covid Surge as Vaccination Rates Lag

Experts are concerned that states across the South, where vaccination rates are lagging, could face a surge in coronavirus cases over the summer.
A dozen states — many of them in the Northeast, including Maine, Massachusetts and Connecticut — have already reached a benchmark of at least 70 percent of adults with at least one vaccine dose, a goal President Biden has set for the nation to make by July 4. But in the South, that marker is nowhere in sight for several states.
In 15 states — including Arkansas, the Carolinas, Georgia and Louisiana — about half of adults or fewer have received a dose... In two states, Alabama and Mississippi, it would take about a year to get one dose to 70 percent of the population at the current pace of distribution...
[A]s restrictions ease across the country, the sense of urgency to get vaccinated declines and many Americans in warmer climates avoid the heat by heading indoors, where the virus spreads more efficiently.
To avoid a summer surge, states across the South need to catch up to those in the Northeast which have already gotten at least one dose to 70 percent of their populations, according to Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine expert at Baylor College of Medicine.
“We’re just we’re not even close to that in the Southern states,” Dr. Hotez said. He said he foresees a new wave in the South because “we’re so underachieving in terms of vaccination.”
Mississippi, for example, has the country’s lowest vaccination rate, with 34 percent of the population having received at least one shot.
I understand that Florida has stopped publishing its covid stats. Why would that be the case ?
I understand that Florida has stopped publishing its covid stats. Why would that be the case ?
Were public health the principle concern, it would certainly seem reasonable to track the pandemic's spread, especially with variants proliferating.
June 7, 2021
New coronavirus cases leaped in Florida in the week ending Sunday, rising 14.9% as 12,049 cases were reported. The previous week had 10,483 new cases of the virus that causes COVID-19.
Florida ranked third among the states where coronavirus was spreading the fastest on a per-person basis, a USA TODAY Network analysis of Johns Hopkins University data shows. In the latest week, coronavirus cases in the United States decreased 28.3% from the week before, with 100,804 cases reported.
With 6.45% of the country's population, Florida had 11.95% of the country's cases in the last week.
The comparative empirical data is irrefutable.

Disregard the ideological claptrap, the superstitions, the prejudices, the political dogmas, the lies.

Respect the facts.

Massachusetts and the rest of New England — the most heavily vaccinated region in the U.S. — are giving the rest of the country a possible glimpse of the future if more Americans get their shots.
COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the region have been steadily dropping as more than 60% of residents in all six states have received at least one dose of the vaccine.
The Deep South states of Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, in comparison, are the least vaccinated at around 35%, and new cases relative to the population are generally running higher there than in most of New England. Nationally, about 50% of Americans have received at least one shot.
In Massachusetts, health officials this past week determined that none of the state’s cities and towns are at high risk for the spread of COVID-19 for the first time since they started issuing weekly assessments last August.
In Rhode Island, coronavirus hospitalizations have hit their lowest levels in about eight months. New Hampshire is averaging about a death a week after peaking at about 12 a day during the virus's winter surge. And Vermont, the most heavily vaccinated state in the U.S. at more than 70%, went more than two weeks without a single reported coronavirus death.
“It’s an incredible change over such a short period of time,” said Dr. Tim Lahey, an infectious disease physician at the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington.
Public health experts say the rest of the country could take some cues from New England as President Joe Biden pushes to get at least one vaccine dose into 70% of American adults by July 4, dangling the promise of free beer and other goodies.

Wow, it's sure looking like the unvaccinated made a great bet here. Did you see the latest study I posted in Current Events?


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