How to save the USA


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
The US seems to be falling apart.

On the one side you have racists, on the other side you have Communists, or something like that, it seems to change with each different event what the label is of the right and the label of the left, but what remains consistent is that whenever anything happens the right attacks the left and the left attacks the right, as if they are all one unified body of people.

People who voted for Trump are made out to all be Racists right now, or fascists or whatever, and the right will do the same to the left when they feel it will win them points.

But come on. Had there been four viable parties, who would have voted for Trump or Hillary? Probably not many. But they suddenly get tarnished. You have two choices and in such a situation many people vote negatively (in Germany 10% of people change their votes from small parties with one person, one vote, to larger parties with FPTP).

How can the US be saved from this continual partisan politics nonsense where the people are at each others's throats on a monthly basis, if not more often?

It would seem that people need CHOICE when it comes to voting. With PR at least 4 parties are viable even with a 5% threshold. In other countries there are up to 9 or 10 parties in parliament, allowing people to vote for the party that REPRESENTS their views on things, instead of being forced into views that essentially (thanks to the Supreme Court) are made by people with immense amounts of money, the Koch Brothers being the biggest spenders, but people like Soros trying to keep up.

Isn't it time for a change so the US can become a place that doesn't flare up at every opportunity?
That would be lovely, I would love to see it happen, but the two parties won't let it happen. They and the various media Division Pimps on both ends have too much to lose to allow civility and reason into this current environment.

They have created, nurtured and enabled flocks who only want to "beat" the other "side". Introducing moderation would only expose them for what they are.
The media controls who gets heard, when and then 10x the spin they want on what was said.

if bern hadn't join the (D) you never would have heard more than a days worth of talk from him.

trump is so far from being an actual rep, let alone a con, I'm still a bit stunned he got the nod.

libertarians and what ever the far left calls itself, will rarely be heard in any positive way.

too much power and control to be lost.
Had the alt-left not immediately taken to the streets the moment Trump was elected, the atmosphere right now would likely be far different.
The US seems to be falling apart.

On the one side you have racists, on the other side you have Communists, or something like that, it seems to change with each different event what the label is of the right and the label of the left, but what remains consistent is that whenever anything happens the right attacks the left and the left attacks the right, as if they are all one unified body of people.

People who voted for Trump are made out to all be Racists right now, or fascists or whatever, and the right will do the same to the left when they feel it will win them points.

But come on. Had there been four viable parties, who would have voted for Trump or Hillary? Probably not many. But they suddenly get tarnished. You have two choices and in such a situation many people vote negatively (in Germany 10% of people change their votes from small parties with one person, one vote, to larger parties with FPTP).

How can the US be saved from this continual partisan politics nonsense where the people are at each others's throats on a monthly basis, if not more often?

It would seem that people need CHOICE when it comes to voting. With PR at least 4 parties are viable even with a 5% threshold. In other countries there are up to 9 or 10 parties in parliament, allowing people to vote for the party that REPRESENTS their views on things, instead of being forced into views that essentially (thanks to the Supreme Court) are made by people with immense amounts of money, the Koch Brothers being the biggest spenders, but people like Soros trying to keep up.

Isn't it time for a change so the US can become a place that doesn't flare up at every opportunity?

This was probably your best ever post. The USA right now is like the Circle of Dantes Inferno where the 2 opposing sides spend Eternity trying to roll a stone over each other.

Another solution might be to just step away from the stone
The People have long-since turned their political power over to two political parties.

Those two political parties have both been bought-and-paid-for by Corporatists and other Monied Interests.

What remains is largely a sham, and represents nothing more than opposing sides of the same sick coin.

History teaches us that those who hold political power do not usually give it up voluntarily.

Our 'peaceful transfer of power' every so often, is not what it used to be.

Nowadays, it is merely Establishment Group A handing over for a while to Establishment Group B.

And, so long as it's "Establishment" in some form or another, the real power-brokers and players are relatively content.

Populism vaulted a (relative) non-Establishment type into the driver's seat last Fall.

Trouble is...

1. the New Guy is a lying, unstable, dangerous demagogue - unfit to lead a 'peaceful revolution' with a following which is capable of objective and critical thought

2. the Establishment and its entrenched bureaucratic mechanisms resist 'reform', and would still resist, even if the 'point-person' was not such a danger

Things are not going to change until either (a) we get a non-Establishment type (other than the false start we see today) in power who can actually lead the way, or (b) The People decide to bulldoze the system into the ground and do something different, as The People do, every so often, when time is measured in generations.

Given that the present Populist-experiment-gone-wrong in the White House has probably put folks off of Populism for a while, and given that most folks are busy with careers and paying mortgages and raising families and living their everyday lives with no overwhelming and pressing stimulus for radical change...

I don't see any such 'overhaul' coming down the pipe anytime soon.

Meanwhile, the phony Two-Party Establishment facade - in its modern-age Corporatist owner-stakeholder incarnation - grows stronger with each passing election.

Heckuva duck-blind...

Talk about a Duck Dynasty !!!
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The two party dictatorship has made a mockery of American democracy.
Isn't it time for a change so the US can become a place that doesn't flare up at every opportunity?
Most Americans want what is best for America. We're left with this false dilemma that we have to choose which liberties we are going to give up. It is perpetuated by the authoritarians in both parties. I am starting to believe the "Uniparty" conspiracy theory.

Dems: "Hey Republicans. You try to squeeze the people on personal freedoms, and we'll run the property/economic/means-of-production interference."

Reps: "Sounds good. Be sure and really push hard for taking away their guns so we don't have to (even though we want to, really bad)."

Dems: "Deal. By the way, we're going to scare the shit out of the Jewish and minority voters by calling you guys the Nazis."

Reps: "Cool. As long as we can pretend to resist your statist legislative agenda, it fine with us."
The US seems to be falling apart.

On the one side you have racists, on the other side you have Communists, or something like that, it seems to change with each different event what the label is of the right and the label of the left, but what remains consistent is that whenever anything happens the right attacks the left and the left attacks the right, as if they are all one unified body of people.

People who voted for Trump are made out to all be Racists right now, or fascists or whatever, and the right will do the same to the left when they feel it will win them points.

But come on. Had there been four viable parties, who would have voted for Trump or Hillary? Probably not many. But they suddenly get tarnished. You have two choices and in such a situation many people vote negatively (in Germany 10% of people change their votes from small parties with one person, one vote, to larger parties with FPTP).

How can the US be saved from this continual partisan politics nonsense where the people are at each others's throats on a monthly basis, if not more often?

It would seem that people need CHOICE when it comes to voting. With PR at least 4 parties are viable even with a 5% threshold. In other countries there are up to 9 or 10 parties in parliament, allowing people to vote for the party that REPRESENTS their views on things, instead of being forced into views that essentially (thanks to the Supreme Court) are made by people with immense amounts of money, the Koch Brothers being the biggest spenders, but people like Soros trying to keep up.

Isn't it time for a change so the US can become a place that doesn't flare up at every opportunity?

Get the far left out of power all over the world and things will get much better, the Human race will finally be able to grow up..
I think one of the biggest dividers is the media. Like yesterday, they said white supremacists were planning 9 rallies this weekend. They arent supremacists. They condemned all racist words and actions on all sides. Said there would be no violence. But CNN did it anyways.
They all do that shit. A guy from CNN said it was all about money. He basically said "fuck the truth" and people still buy their bullshit. It isnt just CNN its other outlets. ALOT of them. Most people are followers...
Oh, BTW, there are just as many racists on the left. Lets not forget the last few years because of one weekend :thup:
The US seems to be falling apart.

On the one side you have racists, on the other side you have Communists, or something like that, it seems to change with each different event what the label is of the right and the label of the left, but what remains consistent is that whenever anything happens the right attacks the left and the left attacks the right, as if they are all one unified body of people.

People who voted for Trump are made out to all be Racists right now, or fascists or whatever, and the right will do the same to the left when they feel it will win them points.

But come on. Had there been four viable parties, who would have voted for Trump or Hillary? Probably not many. But they suddenly get tarnished. You have two choices and in such a situation many people vote negatively (in Germany 10% of people change their votes from small parties with one person, one vote, to larger parties with FPTP).

How can the US be saved from this continual partisan politics nonsense where the people are at each others's throats on a monthly basis, if not more often?

It would seem that people need CHOICE when it comes to voting. With PR at least 4 parties are viable even with a 5% threshold. In other countries there are up to 9 or 10 parties in parliament, allowing people to vote for the party that REPRESENTS their views on things, instead of being forced into views that essentially (thanks to the Supreme Court) are made by people with immense amounts of money, the Koch Brothers being the biggest spenders, but people like Soros trying to keep up.

Isn't it time for a change so the US can become a place that doesn't flare up at every opportunity?

This was probably your best ever post. The USA right now is like the Circle of Dantes Inferno where the 2 opposing sides spend Eternity trying to roll a stone over each other.

Another solution might be to just step away from the stone

Well, you step away and the controllers get more control.
Had the alt-left not immediately taken to the streets the moment Trump was elected, the atmosphere right now would likely be far different.

And had the right not done [insert whatever] when [insert whenever] then the left wouldn't have done [insert whatever] when [insert whenever] and the right wouldn't have done [insert whatever].......... and on and on and on.

You're the sort who seems to love this game, and you love firing off childish insults at the other side, Trump says "alt-left" you say "alt-left", Trump says "fake news" you also say "bahhhhhh"
The US seems to be falling apart.

On the one side you have racists, on the other side you have Communists, or something like that, it seems to change with each different event what the label is of the right and the label of the left, but what remains consistent is that whenever anything happens the right attacks the left and the left attacks the right, as if they are all one unified body of people.

People who voted for Trump are made out to all be Racists right now, or fascists or whatever, and the right will do the same to the left when they feel it will win them points.

But come on. Had there been four viable parties, who would have voted for Trump or Hillary? Probably not many. But they suddenly get tarnished. You have two choices and in such a situation many people vote negatively (in Germany 10% of people change their votes from small parties with one person, one vote, to larger parties with FPTP).

How can the US be saved from this continual partisan politics nonsense where the people are at each others's throats on a monthly basis, if not more often?

It would seem that people need CHOICE when it comes to voting. With PR at least 4 parties are viable even with a 5% threshold. In other countries there are up to 9 or 10 parties in parliament, allowing people to vote for the party that REPRESENTS their views on things, instead of being forced into views that essentially (thanks to the Supreme Court) are made by people with immense amounts of money, the Koch Brothers being the biggest spenders, but people like Soros trying to keep up.

Isn't it time for a change so the US can become a place that doesn't flare up at every opportunity?

"If, but, when"... Well wouldn't we all like to live in a world that isn't this one sometimes?

Facing the reality, at this rate it's only a matter of time before the next civil war takes place.
The US seems to be falling apart.

On the one side you have racists, on the other side you have Communists, or something like that, it seems to change with each different event what the label is of the right and the label of the left, but what remains consistent is that whenever anything happens the right attacks the left and the left attacks the right, as if they are all one unified body of people.

People who voted for Trump are made out to all be Racists right now, or fascists or whatever, and the right will do the same to the left when they feel it will win them points.

But come on. Had there been four viable parties, who would have voted for Trump or Hillary? Probably not many. But they suddenly get tarnished. You have two choices and in such a situation many people vote negatively (in Germany 10% of people change their votes from small parties with one person, one vote, to larger parties with FPTP).

How can the US be saved from this continual partisan politics nonsense where the people are at each others's throats on a monthly basis, if not more often?

It would seem that people need CHOICE when it comes to voting. With PR at least 4 parties are viable even with a 5% threshold. In other countries there are up to 9 or 10 parties in parliament, allowing people to vote for the party that REPRESENTS their views on things, instead of being forced into views that essentially (thanks to the Supreme Court) are made by people with immense amounts of money, the Koch Brothers being the biggest spenders, but people like Soros trying to keep up.

Isn't it time for a change so the US can become a place that doesn't flare up at every opportunity?

The problem is you have at the crux of the issue two irreconcilable viewpoints at work. One wants less government involvement in our lives, and when it is needed that it be at a local level if possible. The other wants more government involvement, and for that government to wield its power in the broadest manner possible.

The current party divide contains some of that fight, but really both parties as currently constructed believe too much in the power of the State, and not enough in the power of the people. That we have allowed them to continue as such is a condemnation of us, rather than them.
The US has always had tons of conflict within its borders. Always. People are acting like this is something new.

However ... as much as I hate to say it, this all boils down to a fear on the part of white people, particularly working class white people, PARTICULARLY working class white men, that their time is almost done, and once it is, all the non-whites are gonna gang up on them and make them pay for the sins of their fathers. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if whites were treated badly as a minority. Just look at what happens to white kids in black schools (though Latino is the growing population that will push whites out of the majority). Or what happened to white farmers in South Africa. There is a HUGE grudge against white people throughout the world.

Then look at European and Asian civilizations compared to African and Middle Eastern ones. You have some poor and oppressive majority white and Asian nations, like Russia and N.Korea, but for the most part they're way more advanced, civilized, and prosperous. It's not hard to see how someone could look at that and conclude that more white and Asian people = better country and more black and brown people = worse country.

Then add to that a growing wealth disparity between young men and women, where women are making WAY more $$ than their counterparts while still expecting to marry someone of equal or greater social status, and while STILL we're acting like women are oppressed,

And the threat of automation to working folks' jobs,

And the rise of censorship under the threat of violence,

And the heroin epidemic in white communities, and the never-ending gang violence in black communities,

And so much more ...

No wonder why America seems screwed up right now. We're in a very uncomfortable state of transformation into something unknown. Let's just hope they're growing pains, and it will get sorted out somehow.
The US seems to be falling apart.

On the one side you have racists, on the other side you have Communists, or something like that, it seems to change with each different event what the label is of the right and the label of the left, but what remains consistent is that whenever anything happens the right attacks the left and the left attacks the right, as if they are all one unified body of people.

People who voted for Trump are made out to all be Racists right now, or fascists or whatever, and the right will do the same to the left when they feel it will win them points.

But come on. Had there been four viable parties, who would have voted for Trump or Hillary? Probably not many. But they suddenly get tarnished. You have two choices and in such a situation many people vote negatively (in Germany 10% of people change their votes from small parties with one person, one vote, to larger parties with FPTP).

How can the US be saved from this continual partisan politics nonsense where the people are at each others's throats on a monthly basis, if not more often?

It would seem that people need CHOICE when it comes to voting. With PR at least 4 parties are viable even with a 5% threshold. In other countries there are up to 9 or 10 parties in parliament, allowing people to vote for the party that REPRESENTS their views on things, instead of being forced into views that essentially (thanks to the Supreme Court) are made by people with immense amounts of money, the Koch Brothers being the biggest spenders, but people like Soros trying to keep up.

Isn't it time for a change so the US can become a place that doesn't flare up at every opportunity?

This was probably your best ever post. The USA right now is like the Circle of Dantes Inferno where the 2 opposing sides spend Eternity trying to roll a stone over each other.

Another solution might be to just step away from the stone

Well, you step away and the controllers get more control.

No one is FORCING us to roll the boulder. It's stops when we stop feeding it our energy

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