How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy

The last time an American navy captain got all trigger happy the dumshit shot down an airliner

There are a thousand ways to respond to this type of flyover without engaging a fight or shot. Obama & Kerry took the lame road with 'Oh wow, looky there'
I was unaware they were on the ship when it happened...

No of course not......But they were made aware of the incident, and as Obama is 'Commander in Chief' could have given the order of how to respond. He didn't And Kerry is a jackass, just like he was when Iran took us hostage........oh wait, Iran was just being hospitable when our boats were down, yeah that's it guys think it's okay for Russians to continue this behavior, mocking our president and our country, and we should just ignore it, at the most file protests. Not understanding that all of this is a symptom of our adversaries realizing that there is a wea paper tiger inept moron at the helm, and they can basically get away with doing whatever they want. We need someone to clean house.
You're concerned that Obama's being mocked?!!!
Yes, the leader of our country is being ridiculed because they know his red lines are drawn by invisible ink. I could give a shit about the half Muslim socialist America hating asshole. Look at what the Iranians did to our sailors. Would not have happened if not for Obama as president. guys think it's okay for Russians to continue this behavior, mocking our president and our country, and we should just ignore it, at the most file protests. Not understanding that all of this is a symptom of our adversaries realizing that there is a wea paper tiger inept moron at the helm, and they can basically get away with doing whatever they want. We need someone to clean house.
You're concerned that Obama's being mocked?!!!
Yes, the leader of our country is being ridiculed because they know his red lines are drawn by invisible ink. I could give a shit about the half Muslim socialist America hating asshole. Look at what the Iranian assholes did to our sailors.
So, why are you so upset if you don't care if Obama is mocked?
I see that few of you have taken note that WE positioned our warships right next to Russia in the first place. Next we will be playing war games within air to ground missile range of the scary Russians. Just WHO is thumbing their nose at WHO?

My guess is that the crappy Ruskie pilots will eventually make a serious navigational mistake with these ridiculous flybys and crash one or more of their planes. They ain't no Blue Angels...that's a fact!
I see that few of you have taken note that WE positioned our warships right next to Russia in the first place. Next we will be playing war games within air to ground missile range of the scary Russians. Just WHO is thumbing their nose at WHO?

My guess is that the crappy Ruskie pilots will eventually make a serious navigational mistake with these ridiculous flybys and crash one or more of their planes. They ain't no Blue Angels...that's a fact!

and if they do make such a navigational mistake and crash into one of our ships........what then?
I see that few of you have taken note that WE positioned our warships right next to Russia in the first place. Next we will be playing war games within air to ground missile range of the scary Russians. Just WHO is thumbing their nose at WHO?

My guess is that the crappy Ruskie pilots will eventually make a serious navigational mistake with these ridiculous flybys and crash one or more of their planes. They ain't no Blue Angels...that's a fact!

and if they do make such a navigational mistake and crash into one of our ships........what then?
Blame Obama...of course!
I see that few of you have taken note that WE positioned our warships right next to Russia in the first place. Next we will be playing war games within air to ground missile range of the scary Russians. Just WHO is thumbing their nose at WHO?

My guess is that the crappy Ruskie pilots will eventually make a serious navigational mistake with these ridiculous flybys and crash one or more of their planes. They ain't no Blue Angels...that's a fact!

and if they do make such a navigational mistake and crash into one of our ships........what then?
Blame Obama...of course!

Only if he told Putin to do it
I see that few of you have taken note that WE positioned our warships right next to Russia in the first place. Next we will be playing war games within air to ground missile range of the scary Russians. Just WHO is thumbing their nose at WHO?

My guess is that the crappy Ruskie pilots will eventually make a serious navigational mistake with these ridiculous flybys and crash one or more of their planes. They ain't no Blue Angels...that's a fact!

and if they do make such a navigational mistake and crash into one of our ships........what then?

It would be EXTREMELY unlikely that one of their planes would be flown directly into one of our ships. I could see one of them losing a wing by pushing their luck. Of course there would be some damage but almost no chance to sink a ship in the flying patterns shown so far. Also the bridge and fordecks are protected by recent design with deflecting sheets of metal. Aluminum and composite wing tips vs plate steel? What do you think would prevail?

I'm not concerned about the integrity of our warships. What Putin should be worried about is if one of his pilots crashed into one of our ships. Just HOW would he explain THAT after these recent irresponsible flybys?

What then? Mass embarrassment on the part of the Russians I suppose.
I see that few of you have taken note that WE positioned our warships right next to Russia in the first place. Next we will be playing war games within air to ground missile range of the scary Russians. Just WHO is thumbing their nose at WHO?

My guess is that the crappy Ruskie pilots will eventually make a serious navigational mistake with these ridiculous flybys and crash one or more of their planes. They ain't no Blue Angels...that's a fact!

and if they do make such a navigational mistake and crash into one of our ships........what then?
Blame Obama...of course!

Obviously! Most of these idjits love Putin more than America anyway. Cuz he's SOOOooo...STRONG.. AND SEXAY!!! he rides horses almost butt naked. It's enough to give a christian fascist a semi! :lol:
I see that few of you have taken note that WE positioned our warships right next to Russia in the first place. Next we will be playing war games within air to ground missile range of the scary Russians. Just WHO is thumbing their nose at WHO?

My guess is that the crappy Ruskie pilots will eventually make a serious navigational mistake with these ridiculous flybys and crash one or more of their planes. They ain't no Blue Angels...that's a fact!

and if they do make such a navigational mistake and crash into one of our ships........what then?
Blame Obama...of course!

Only if he told Putin to do it

You mean like "I double dog dare ya"? :lol: Sounds like a christian fascist's wet dream. guys think it's okay for Russians to continue this behavior, mocking our president and our country, and we should just ignore it, at the most file protests. Not understanding that all of this is a symptom of our adversaries realizing that there is a wea paper tiger inept moron at the helm, and they can basically get away with doing whatever they want. We need someone to clean house.
You're concerned that Obama's being mocked?!!!
Yes, the leader of our country is being ridiculed because they know his red lines are drawn by invisible ink. I could give a shit about the half Muslim socialist America hating asshole. Look at what the Iranian assholes did to our sailors.
So, why are you so upset if you don't care if Obama is mocked?
Asked an answered. You do understand that that the presidency considered as one of America's symbols, just like the two world trade centers, the pentagon, and the White House were on 9-11.
I love the fact that the same rightwingers who claim to be all about supporting our men & women in the military, are so quick to want to send them to their deaths to protect the fragile egos of idiots sitting in their armchairs.

Nothing happened in the flyby. Why is it such an issue?
"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice
I love the fact that the same rightwingers who claim to be all about supporting our men & women in the military, are so quick to want to send them to their deaths to protect the fragile egos of idiots sitting in their armchairs.

Nothing happened in the flyby. Why is it such an issue?
It isn’t an issue – that’s the point.

But many on the reprehensible right will try to contrive it into an ‘issue’ to use as a political weapon against the president; it’s as ridiculous as it is wrong.
This incident occurred in the Gulf of Finland. Here is a map:


Why is a US Naval destroyer sailing so dangerously close to the major Russian city of St. Petersburg?

Why are US taxpayers paying to protect wealthy European nations?

Because they're NATO nations, and we signed the treaty.

What's "dangerous" about it, exactly?
The headlines all said "Russian aircraft fly 'dangerously' close to us naval ship". So it was a play on those words.

NATO is obsolete. Why is the US paying the lions share of the cost of defending wealthy European nations? Treaties can be renegotiated.
This incident occurred in the Gulf of Finland. Here is a map:


Why is a US Naval destroyer sailing so dangerously close to the major Russian city of St. Petersburg?

Why are US taxpayers paying to protect wealthy European nations?

Because we can. If the Ruskies want us to leave they are free to sink our warships. I say "In your face Putin!" Make us leave!

That is just silly.

The Cold War has been over for 35 years now.

It is well past the Time to make the European nations pay for their own defense. We need to put America First.

Now if they want to pay us? regardless, we need to renegotiate.
"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice

I almost never agree with you, but this time I do. I stand on the opposite political spectrum than you, I am a conservative.

Show the finger and move on.....if that makes you feel better.

But to shoot down the jet???? and start a thermonuclear war ???

No way Jose.

No way!


"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice

I almost never agree with you, but this time I do. I stand on the opposite political spectrum than you, I am a conservative.

Show the finger and move on.....if that makes you feel better.

But to shoot down the jet???? and start a thermonuclear war ???

No way Jose.

No way!


Totally agree, but the response has to be such that the Russians don't escalate now to even more dangerous and hostile actions. What next, they'll do a flyby over Washington DC? There has to be line of some kind, which unfortunately with the guy we have in office, there isn't.

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