How the Republican party lost the black vote, and gain the support the descendants of slave owners

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Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2021
Beginning in the late 1950s and early 1960s, there was a political shift in the United States which saw the Democratic party be taken over by the liberal northern branch of the party and saw the decline of the conservative southern Branch also known as the Dixiecrats. the Dixiecrats were the party of Jim Crow they were the southern Democrats who opposed integration and many of whom belonged to far right extremist groups such as the klu Klux Klan and neo-nazis.

Led by northern Democrats such as JFK, the parties political policies began to reflect more liberal values such as integration and civil rights.

Recognizing this Republican leaders such as Barry Goldwater who was their presidential candidate in 1964, came out in opposition of civil rights. Now they didn't do this because they were card carrying white supremacists or even agreed with those politics. they did it cuz they were politicians and they thought they could win the 1964 election by stealing the southern vote away from the Democrats whose party was becoming more liberal. Their mistake was believing that their party would retain the black vote regardless of what they did. They believed that black voters would still see them as the party of Lincoln that ended slavery, and would not pay attention to them pandering to the same people who were oppressing them at that time. they were wrong and the Democrats were very easily handed the election because of the black vote linden Johnson's outspoken support of civil rights easily allowed him to beat Barry Goldwater.

A good number of southern Democrat politicians attempted to sabotage the election by refusing to support Lyndon Johnson as their candidate and even going as far as promoting votes for Barry Goldwater over their own candidate. This was done for two reasons. The first was Johnson's support of civil rights and opposition to Jim Crow, and the second was out of protest of allowing black voters and politicians to join the Democrat caucus. Several of these southern Democrats, including high-ranking leaders in the party such as Strom Thurmond, who's defected in 1965 following the civil Rights Acts passage and join the Republican party. This was the building block for the modern Republican party that blends the southern Democrats far right social policies with the GOPs original business first economic policies.

It's went so far that by today the parties have pretty much done a complete 180 on social policies with the Republicans now promoting the same policies that the southern Democrats did at that same time, anthemats now being controlled by the liberal northern Democrats almost completely promote the policies of the Republicans originally stood for socially.
Beginning in the late 1950s and early 1960s, there was a political shift in the United States which saw the Democratic party be taken over by the liberal northern branch of the party and saw the decline of the conservative southern Branch also known as the Dixiecrats. the Dixiecrats were the party of Jim Crow they were the southern Democrats who opposed integration and many of whom belonged to far right extremist groups such as the klu Klux Klan and neo-nazis.

Led by northern Democrats such as JFK, the parties political policies began to reflect more liberal values such as integration and civil rights.

Recognizing this Republican leaders such as Barry Goldwater who was their presidential candidate in 1964, came out in opposition of civil rights. Now they didn't do this because they were card carrying white supremacists or even agreed with those politics. they did it cuz they were politicians and they thought they could win the 1964 election by stealing the southern vote away from the Democrats whose party was becoming more liberal. Their mistake was believing that their party would retain the black vote regardless of what they did. They believed that black voters would still see them as the party of Lincoln that ended slavery, and would not pay attention to them pandering to the same people who were oppressing them at that time. they were wrong and the Democrats were very easily handed the election because of the black vote linden Johnson's outspoken support of civil rights easily allowed him to beat Barry Goldwater.

A good number of southern Democrat politicians attempted to sabotage the election by refusing to support Lyndon Johnson as their candidate and even going as far as promoting votes for Barry Goldwater over their own candidate. This was done for two reasons. The first was Johnson's support of civil rights and opposition to Jim Crow, and the second was out of protest of allowing black voters and politicians to join the Democrat caucus. Several of these southern Democrats, including high-ranking leaders in the party such as Strom Thurmond, who's defected in 1965 following the civil Rights Acts passage and join the Republican party. This was the building block for the modern Republican party that blends the southern Democrats far right social policies with the GOPs original business first economic policies.

It's went so far that by today the parties have pretty much done a complete 180 on social policies with the Republicans now promoting the same policies that the southern Democrats did at that same time, anthemats now being controlled by the liberal northern Democrats almost completely promote the policies of the Republicans originally stood for socially.
LBJ's contribution to the break up of the black family and perpetuating black failure should never be underestimated. He has kept black America on the plantation to this day.
Very few Democrats went to the Republicans. The "true" southern racist Dixiecrat Democrats, never left the party of racism. The only reason Lyndon Johnson supported the Civil Rights Act, was to garner black votes to ensure a win. He never stopped referring to blacks as "n******," as he had no respect for the race.
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Beginning in the late 1950s and early 1960s, there was a political shift in the United States which saw the Democratic party be taken over by the liberal northern branch of the party and saw the decline of the conservative southern Branch also known as the Dixiecrats. the Dixiecrats were the party of Jim Crow they were the southern Democrats who opposed integration and many of whom belonged to far right extremist groups such as the klu Klux Klan and neo-nazis.

Led by northern Democrats such as JFK, the parties political policies began to reflect more liberal values such as integration and civil rights.

Recognizing this Republican leaders such as Barry Goldwater who was their presidential candidate in 1964, came out in opposition of civil rights. Now they didn't do this because they were card carrying white supremacists or even agreed with those politics. they did it cuz they were politicians and they thought they could win the 1964 election by stealing the southern vote away from the Democrats whose party was becoming more liberal. Their mistake was believing that their party would retain the black vote regardless of what they did. They believed that black voters would still see them as the party of Lincoln that ended slavery, and would not pay attention to them pandering to the same people who were oppressing them at that time. they were wrong and the Democrats were very easily handed the election because of the black vote linden Johnson's outspoken support of civil rights easily allowed him to beat Barry Goldwater.

A good number of southern Democrat politicians attempted to sabotage the election by refusing to support Lyndon Johnson as their candidate and even going as far as promoting votes for Barry Goldwater over their own candidate. This was done for two reasons. The first was Johnson's support of civil rights and opposition to Jim Crow, and the second was out of protest of allowing black voters and politicians to join the Democrat caucus. Several of these southern Democrats, including high-ranking leaders in the party such as Strom Thurmond, who's defected in 1965 following the civil Rights Acts passage and join the Republican party. This was the building block for the modern Republican party that blends the southern Democrats far right social policies with the GOPs original business first economic policies.

It's went so far that by today the parties have pretty much done a complete 180 on social policies with the Republicans now promoting the same policies that the southern Democrats did at that same time, anthemats now being controlled by the liberal northern Democrats almost completely promote the policies of the Republicans originally stood for socially.
Your facts are completely wrong.

The Republicans lost the black vote back in the 1930’s, not the 1960’s, so your entire premise is wrong.

The Great Depression hit the blacks worse than anybody, and the Democrats promised them free handouts. So despite the Democrats openly being the Party of the resurgent KKK, blacks voted for them out of desperation. Once they got on that welfare they never left the Democratic Party.

Republicans like Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act because the Constitution already provided the protections, they just weren’t being followed by racist Democrats.
They lost the black vote because they could not deliver. Freeing the slaves was a step in a direction but nobody knew what that direction was. Yet they were second class citizens. It was lip service. The southern states had lost the war but the North wanted to remain friendly with them Black people were given rights with a wink and a nod.

It was the civil rights act that at least on paper got them the right to vote even though they should have been able to vote freely based on past amendments and being born as a citizen. The south never accepted this equality as they voted republican in the next election cycle and they did their best to stop the act from passing. Why would blacks vote republican in the late 60's. Now 60 years later there are some blacks that vote republican but most vote democrat. I would suspect that once financial and racial equity is established then it will be other issues that become important.
Is true that only a few big name politicians actually switched to the Republican party, but those politicians that did such a Strom Thurman held a lot of sway with conservative Democrat voters. There was a major shift in voter support to the Republicans in the years following the passage of civil rights.
You got to love when the literal KKK openly support Republicans, and yet the Republicans still try to claim that the Democrats are the ones who support white supremacy and hate black people.
You got to love when the literal KKK openly support Republicans, and yet the Republicans still try to claim that the Democrats are the ones who support white supremacy and hate black people.
Yes, but be nice to them...Trump has destroyed their party and their minds.

And they have guns...lots and lots of guns. So just be nice to them.
No no I'm not saying that there are no Democrats which who are white supremacists because they're definitely are. If political parties have shown anything it's that people will put aside their own personal ideals to have the right letter next to their name. Blue dogs and other far right branches of the Democrat party are proof that some conservatives are still loyal to the party.

so I am sure there are members of the KKK in other white supremacy groups and others who supported Jim Crow back in the day within the Democrats. hell I love how people get surprised when they see an old Democrat getting caught wearing black face when they were young. I'm pretty sure 9 out of 10 southern Democrats have done that in the past. It's sort of comes with a territory of being a southern Democrat
It was a complicated issue that goes beyond the “southern strategy”.

While there is no question that Nixon coveted the votes of conservative Southerners, he was hardly the first Republican to do so. The eventual migration of Southern Democrats into the GOP had more to do with deep economic, demographic, and political forces that had been in operation for decades.
To belabor the obvious, the Republican Party has always been our more conservative political party, and the South has always been our most conservative region. But Southern conservatives were alienated from the GOP because of slavery and the Civil War. However much affinity they might have for Republicans on issues such as national defense or taxes, they were never going to formally join the party of Abraham Lincoln.

And so America had a historical anomaly, in which conservative Southerners found themselves permanent members of our more liberal political party, the Democrats. It took a great deal of compromise and political skill to keep Northern liberals and Southern conservatives sufficiently allied to win the White House and control of Congress.

The first cracks in this unholy alliance appeared as early as 1938. Franklin Roosevelt, irritated by the lack of support many Southern Democrats were giving to various New Deal programs, tried to purge some of them in the Democratic primaries. This effort failed miserably and Republicans made big gains thanks to Democratic disunity. The result further alienated Southern conservatives from Roosevelt.

I clearly remember when all my older male relatives, some of whom were Klan, decided they were republicans. I know some of these southern "conservatives" are old enough to remember it too and I laugh when they try to tell me the republicans didn't welcome the Dixiecrats and their legacy with open arms. I was raised in Alabama during desegregation. I saw it with my own two eyes.
The Southern Dixiecrats were rewarded for their opposition to civil rights by their voters in the south. The shift to Republican control took a couple of decades.
Dims certainly cannot put away their inherent racism.
Note that this diehard Republican poster didn't deny being racist, but simply attempted to lump Democrat's in with him by the retort, "well Democrats are slightly less racist than us!"
Actually, Mr Wizard, the point I am making is that those who constantly harp and whine about racism are, in fact,.....the true racists. Simple enough for even you to understand right??
You got to love when the literal KKK openly support Republicans, and yet the Republicans still try to claim that the Democrats are the ones who support white supremacy and hate black people.
There has to be a medium between KKK and pandering to blacks. And there is, it's called Trumpism.
The book on pandering to blacks was written by the Dim ilk looneytunes.
Actually, Mr Wizard, the point I am making is that those who constantly harp and whine about racism are, in fact,.....the true racists. Simple enough for even you to understand right??
Nice try, but that dog don't hunt.
They couldn't put down their racism.

They're still bitterly clinging to it.

Facts: Dems have put millions of black men in prison and aborted millions of black babies. I wonder of blacks will hunt down Dems one day like Jews hunted down Nazi leaders and guards. :eusa_think:
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