How the Left is circumventing the law


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
It's what they do...
Lawyers For Illegals Getting Taxpayer Dollars?
How the Left is circumventing the law.
March 7, 2016
Dale Wilcox


The legislative effort to block this use of taxpayer funds was written specifically for the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), the first open-borders law firm in the country. The group, which also receives funding from George Soros and the Ford Foundation, has several class-action lawsuits going each challenging the Obama Administration on the issue of detaining illegal alien-minors (including one which alleges detainees were treated inhumanely by being given cold bean burritos). The firm grew out of the National Lawyers Guild, an association of public interest law firms whose parent organization the CIA once described as a Soviet front. According to its early newsletters, NILC’s primary duty is to “protect, defend, and extend the rights of documented and undocumented immigrants in the United States.” Little’s changed since.

When NILC’s precursor, the National Immigrants’ Rights Council (NIRC), was barred from receiving LSC funds in the eighties it simply shifted its illegal alien program to a “mirror corporation.” NIRC, Inc., the new “separate” organization, was allowed to share staff and office space with its grant-receiving vessel and with the help of its large foundation-backers it went on rack up several successful challenges against illegal alien detainment, including the landmark settlement in Flores v. Reno (1995). Today, the group still receives LSC funding.

One of the Immigration Reform Law Institute’s current cases involves an attempt to strike down a citizens’ ballot initiative in Oregon that denied driving privileges to illegal aliens in that state. The illegal aliens’ counsel there, the Oregon Law Center, receives numerous grants from the federal government, including from the LSC. But without having proof that their private and public-funds are being commingled, there’s little we or anyone else can do.

The Congressional Research Service has recognized this problem. On the subject of lobbying, which LSC also prohibits, they’ve pointed out that “the restrictions on lobbying with federal funds generally follow only the funds themselves” and don’t apply to advocacy activities paid for by “one’s own, private resources.” Groups like OLC, in other words, are allowed to spend on prohibited activities, such as illegal alien representation, if they use “private funds” instead of federal funds. This abstract separation should give taxpayers pause. Whether it be funds sourced from the government or a private entity, like the Ford Foundation, that money is fungible and interchangeable between one source and another. Following a recent policy change in the UK which prohibited grant-funded lobbying, commentators there rightly pointed out that with regards to separating private and public funds “it would be difficult to draw a distinction between the two.” But even if non-profit law firms like OLC are properly segregating LSC funds from private funds, at the very least, the taxpayers’ support allows them to free up private funds to be used for lobbying, which of course has the same basic effect.

If the Johnson-Sessions bill doesn’t close up the existing loopholes in LSC-funding it will simply copy what’s already on the books: taxpayer dollars being used to facilitate open-borders.

Lawyers For Illegals Getting Taxpayer Dollars?
How many different ways can Americans say they want illegal immigration dealt with seriously?
September 7, 2017

Ann Coulter


How many different ways can Americans express that they want a whole lot less immigration and absolutely no amnesties?

We already tried amnesty once. The 1986 amnesty under Reagan was supposed to be a one-time fix. We'd forgive the estimated 1 million illegal aliens living here and, in exchange, draconian measures would be imposed on any employer ever caught hiring an illegal again -- up to a $10,000 fine per illegal and jail time for repeat offenders.

We never got the employer sanctions.

There weren't 1 million illegals -- it was 4 million.

It wasn't a one-time fix. In another real-world example of "incentives," the first amnesty led to a never-ending stream of illegals across our border, confident of getting in on the next amnesty. Today, there are at least 40 million illegals living in the U.S. (Eleven million is nonsense -- they've been claiming that since the 1980s. See Adios, America

And now, once again, politicians are lobbying for the exact same policy that was a complete failure last time. When it comes to immigration, it's always Groundhog Day!


We Made Donald %#&@ Trump PRESIDENT -- What Else Can We Do?
They can get involved and share legitimate information with friends and family members willing to hear the truth. If they keep being blown about by lofty socialist agendas instead of looking at the real issues at hand their country will no longer be a free country that has a government by the people for the people (I'm talking citizens not illegals from other countries)....

Elections need cleaned up. We don't just give over a coastal state like California over to invaders or allow Illinois a free pass to keep placing people like Luis Vicente Gutiérrez into Congress with over 200% votes of actual registered voters for that voting district. And we sure as heck do not allow these people to play on the sympathy and good will of clueless gullible people that are that are being fed to the sharks for someone else's profits margins and agendas without speaking up about it all.

Judicial watch is a good place to start to find out what is going down with elections. Judicial Watch Warns 11 States to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit - Judicial Watch

Discover the networks has a ton of information on who is connected to who and what they have been doing over the years is easy enough to search for those willing to take the time. The search feature is easy to use and the individual profiles of a group or a person will give you links and information to track down the rest of the story.

Project Vote (PV) - Discover the Networks Motor voter is one of the means used in California to get illegals into our election processes.
So who do you want to be President in 2020? I only ask because Trump won't be it. In fact, pushing forward with the unpopular position you advocate is a sure fire way to lose the Congressional Elections in 2018.

That's probably why the Democrats are not making more of a stink about it, because they want the Republicans to charge ahead screaming deport them all now.

Poll after Poll indicates that a majority, a good sized majority, want the Dreamers to be given some sort of legal status. Trump has been notified of this, and that's why he's backing off of the deport them all now position. He's punted the football to Congress in the hopes that they'll run with it and take the pressure off. The problem is that Republicans in Congress like Trump only slightly more than the Democrats do. In other words, the Republicans would rather go through a Root Canal than do what Trump wants.

Trump ran on a lot of issues. Like Bernie he wanted to spend a Trillion dollars on improving bridges and roads. Some folks probably voted for Trump as that being the primary reason. For me, it was the Trade deals. I honestly believe, and I think that history clearly shows, that trade between essentially equal economies is good for everyone. It increases competition and improves the quality of the products. Trade between unequal economies, well that is just sending our manufacturing offshore. That isn't so good.

If you think that everyone who voted for Trump thought that illegal immigration was the most important issue, you should probably reconsider the idea. 52% of the voters said that the economy was the biggest single issue.

This is the problem when a candidate picks an issue you believe in, among the many other issues discussed, and wins. You want to believe that everyone agreed with you. They don't. They really don't. I'm serious when I say that you have to watch the public, and the polling, and the focus groups. Because how you proceed on the issue is going to be carefully crafted. Sold in other words, to the public. The reason? It isn't as simple as you pretend.

We as a species have been taught that an unjust law is no law. That was Saint Augustine, and many other thinkers and writers over the centuries. Just because it is a law, doesn't mean it's right, or that you are wrong for breaking the law. Even the Bible agrees. God protected Daniel and his friends when they ran afoul of the trumped up nonsense laws. Jesus was confronted by the Rabbi's about the Sabbath, and replied that working on the Sabbath was not the unforgivable sin they pretended.

You are no more a Law and Order type than anyone else. You cheered when Sheriff Joe was Pardoned, you even wrote that he was just enforcing the law. That he broke the law, that didn't matter to you. He violated the law you didn't like, and supposedly enforced the laws you did like. What happened to your respect for the law? I guess all laws are not created equally eh?

Sheriff Joe was voted out of office. Personally I think that is because the people in the county were sick and tired of his self aggrandizement and self promotional nonsense. Lord knows that the new Sheriff issued a statement in support of Sheriff Joe being found guilty. But just because the new Sheriff was elected is no reason to think that the people are not in agreement with you. They elected Trump, and that must mean that every Trump voter is in agreement with you, no matter what they answered when asked.

As I said, my biggest issue was trade. But I'm not running around screaming that we have to get out of NAFTA now, because that's what Trump said. I don't claim that everyone agrees with me. But I'm not quite the arrogant ass you are.
So who do you want to be President in 2020? I only ask because Trump won't be it. In fact, pushing forward with the unpopular position you advocate is a sure fire way to lose the Congressional Elections in 2018.

That's probably why the Democrats are not making more of a stink about it, because they want the Republicans to charge ahead screaming deport them all now.

Poll after Poll indicates that a majority, a good sized majority, want the Dreamers to be given some sort of legal status. Trump has been notified of this, and that's why he's backing off of the deport them all now position. He's punted the football to Congress in the hopes that they'll run with it and take the pressure off. The problem is that Republicans in Congress like Trump only slightly more than the Democrats do. In other words, the Republicans would rather go through a Root Canal than do what Trump wants.

Trump ran on a lot of issues. Like Bernie he wanted to spend a Trillion dollars on improving bridges and roads. Some folks probably voted for Trump as that being the primary reason. For me, it was the Trade deals. I honestly believe, and I think that history clearly shows, that trade between essentially equal economies is good for everyone. It increases competition and improves the quality of the products. Trade between unequal economies, well that is just sending our manufacturing offshore. That isn't so good.

If you think that everyone who voted for Trump thought that illegal immigration was the most important issue, you should probably reconsider the idea. 52% of the voters said that the economy was the biggest single issue.

This is the problem when a candidate picks an issue you believe in, among the many other issues discussed, and wins. You want to believe that everyone agreed with you. They don't. They really don't. I'm serious when I say that you have to watch the public, and the polling, and the focus groups. Because how you proceed on the issue is going to be carefully crafted. Sold in other words, to the public. The reason? It isn't as simple as you pretend.

We as a species have been taught that an unjust law is no law. That was Saint Augustine, and many other thinkers and writers over the centuries. Just because it is a law, doesn't mean it's right, or that you are wrong for breaking the law. Even the Bible agrees. God protected Daniel and his friends when they ran afoul of the trumped up nonsense laws. Jesus was confronted by the Rabbi's about the Sabbath, and replied that working on the Sabbath was not the unforgivable sin they pretended.

You are no more a Law and Order type than anyone else. You cheered when Sheriff Joe was Pardoned, you even wrote that he was just enforcing the law. That he broke the law, that didn't matter to you. He violated the law you didn't like, and supposedly enforced the laws you did like. What happened to your respect for the law? I guess all laws are not created equally eh?

Sheriff Joe was voted out of office. Personally I think that is because the people in the county were sick and tired of his self aggrandizement and self promotional nonsense. Lord knows that the new Sheriff issued a statement in support of Sheriff Joe being found guilty. But just because the new Sheriff was elected is no reason to think that the people are not in agreement with you. They elected Trump, and that must mean that every Trump voter is in agreement with you, no matter what they answered when asked.

As I said, my biggest issue was trade. But I'm not running around screaming that we have to get out of NAFTA now, because that's what Trump said. I don't claim that everyone agrees with me. But I'm not quite the arrogant ass you are.
A lot of wordy blathering rhetoric but no substance and no facts....Mexican citizens are not U.S.A. citizens. If their life is not up to snuff with what they want in mehico or anywhere else they better take that up with their own leadership and the cartels in their own countries as those do not belong here for any reason.
So who do you want to be President in 2020? I only ask because Trump won't be it. In fact, pushing forward with the unpopular position you advocate is a sure fire way to lose the Congressional Elections in 2018.

That's probably why the Democrats are not making more of a stink about it, because they want the Republicans to charge ahead screaming deport them all now.

Poll after Poll indicates that a majority, a good sized majority, want the Dreamers to be given some sort of legal status. Trump has been notified of this, and that's why he's backing off of the deport them all now position. He's punted the football to Congress in the hopes that they'll run with it and take the pressure off. The problem is that Republicans in Congress like Trump only slightly more than the Democrats do. In other words, the Republicans would rather go through a Root Canal than do what Trump wants.

Trump ran on a lot of issues. Like Bernie he wanted to spend a Trillion dollars on improving bridges and roads. Some folks probably voted for Trump as that being the primary reason. For me, it was the Trade deals. I honestly believe, and I think that history clearly shows, that trade between essentially equal economies is good for everyone. It increases competition and improves the quality of the products. Trade between unequal economies, well that is just sending our manufacturing offshore. That isn't so good.

If you think that everyone who voted for Trump thought that illegal immigration was the most important issue, you should probably reconsider the idea. 52% of the voters said that the economy was the biggest single issue.

This is the problem when a candidate picks an issue you believe in, among the many other issues discussed, and wins. You want to believe that everyone agreed with you. They don't. They really don't. I'm serious when I say that you have to watch the public, and the polling, and the focus groups. Because how you proceed on the issue is going to be carefully crafted. Sold in other words, to the public. The reason? It isn't as simple as you pretend.

We as a species have been taught that an unjust law is no law. That was Saint Augustine, and many other thinkers and writers over the centuries. Just because it is a law, doesn't mean it's right, or that you are wrong for breaking the law. Even the Bible agrees. God protected Daniel and his friends when they ran afoul of the trumped up nonsense laws. Jesus was confronted by the Rabbi's about the Sabbath, and replied that working on the Sabbath was not the unforgivable sin they pretended.

You are no more a Law and Order type than anyone else. You cheered when Sheriff Joe was Pardoned, you even wrote that he was just enforcing the law. That he broke the law, that didn't matter to you. He violated the law you didn't like, and supposedly enforced the laws you did like. What happened to your respect for the law? I guess all laws are not created equally eh?

Sheriff Joe was voted out of office. Personally I think that is because the people in the county were sick and tired of his self aggrandizement and self promotional nonsense. Lord knows that the new Sheriff issued a statement in support of Sheriff Joe being found guilty. But just because the new Sheriff was elected is no reason to think that the people are not in agreement with you. They elected Trump, and that must mean that every Trump voter is in agreement with you, no matter what they answered when asked.

As I said, my biggest issue was trade. But I'm not running around screaming that we have to get out of NAFTA now, because that's what Trump said. I don't claim that everyone agrees with me. But I'm not quite the arrogant ass you are.
A lot of wordy blathering rhetoric but no substance and no facts....Mexican citizens are not U.S.A. citizens. If their life is not up to snuff with what they want in mehico or anywhere else they better take that up with their own leadership and the cartels in their own countries as those do not belong here for any reason.

Sadly for you only 15% of the people polled think the "Dreamers" should be deported.

Poll: Majority opposes deporting Dreamers

66% think there should be a path to citizenship.

CNN/ORC poll: Americans break with Trump on immigration policy - CNNPolitics

Run with it if you want. I voted Democrat before Trump as did a lot of people. We could easily see the Democrats in charge of Congress again. That would reinforce the false idea that the majority is progressive. But why should you corner the market on wrong ideals?
CNN is FOS. They claimed sHilliary was winning too and we know how that worked out.

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