How Staged Was This?

The obvious fact that a 9 year old is not ready for sex seems to escape some people, doesn't it?
They WANT children to be sexual, though
I sure wasn't thinking about who I wanted to fuck at 9, and I know you sure didn't at that age, either.
The problem here is that those who are indoctrinating them with this extremist shit WANT them to be thinking about who they want to fuck will allow to fuck them at that age.

Fixed it for you.

Kids that age don't want to fuck anyone. It's about getting them to allow grown ups to fuck them.
For a group that likes to attempt to silence opposition by declaring, 'The science is settled', they continually demonstrate a propensity for NOT knowing the actual science involved, for a disregard for the actual science involved, and the desire to spread disinfomation [sic].

Keep in mind that it is these same scum that claim that “science” supports the claim that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

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